Fear and Loathing in the United States: Obstruction of Justice

Chaos creates order when the competition within that chaos leads to one entity establishing a monopoly of violence over everything else.  Law enforcement officers ensure that federal, state, and local governments in America maintain a monopoly of violence in their respective jurisdictions.  Without that monopoly, our laws are unenforceable and our entire system of justice loses legitimacy. 

The calls to defund and abolish the police in America are thoroughly understandable by anyone who drives a vehicle on public roads or waterways, anyone who enjoys hunting or fishing, anyone who prefers their own understanding of medication to the assertions of big pharma, or anyone generally on the lower end of the socioeconomic spectrum.  We are overburdened by arbitrarily and paternalistically justified legislative schemes to hide what is, in practice, selectively enforced taxation masquerading as public safety.  Driving 15 mph over the king’s posted limit?  That’ll be about $300.  Catch a few brook trout at a time or place that you weren’t supposed to?  Open your wallet and lose your permission to use that rod and reel for a time.  Get caught with drugs sans a permission slip?  Fines, Taxes, Jail, and years-long supervised probation that erases your 4th Amendment rights.  Are you driving an older, dirtier vehicle or otherwise appearing to be uneducated and of lesser financial means?  The police are always more willing to give you a hard time because they assume that you do not possess the resources or knowledge to effectively defend yourself.  Statutory law at the state and federal level is full of language creating victimless crimes, and the existence of so many victimless crimes have led to hatred of the police, widespread use of judicial resources for the administration of “money court,” and a large and growing perception that the entire system is parasitic, illegitimate, and irredeemable.

I don’t disagree.  The system is largely parasitic, and America is over-policed.  The idea of a victimless crime should be anathema to a freedom loving people.  Abolishing police is not the solution here – abolishing victimless crimes is.  The over-policing of this country is a product of the legislatures, not of police themselves.  If you change the laws that police enforce, you change the entire culture of policing.  It really is that simple.

Every interaction a citizen has with a police officer has the potential to end violently.  Regardless of whether there is submission or resistance on the part of the person being arrested, police officers are using force and violence when they detain or arrest by the mere act of coercively restraining a person.  This is precisely why you should never support a law that you are not willing to kill to enforce.  When police decide to place a person under arrest and that person resists, the police elevate their use of force to gain submission and compliance and lethal force becomes more likely depending on the nature of the resistance. 

The root catalyst for all interactions between law enforcement officers and citizens is the law itself.  American legislatures should not be tasking law enforcement officers with using force on citizens of this country in order to initiate the prosecution of citizens for the commission of victimless crimes.  If the people behind Black Lives Matter and Antifa wanted to end police brutality in America, they would be talking about the law and aiming their rage at members of Congress and their respective states’ legislative bodies.  They would be demanding a constitutional amendment prohibiting federal and state governments from enacting statutes that create criminal penalties for crimes that do not have a specifically demonstrable victim.  Instead, the rage is aimed directly at police – for now.

There is no genocide of black men being carried out by law enforcement officers in America.  There is, and has been, generally disparate treatment of blacks vs. whites along the use of force continuum outside of lethal, however.  A dive into some of the relevant statistics (https://quillette.com/2020/06/11/racist-police-violence-reconsidered/) makes that clear while simultaneously lending further support to the explanation that socioeconomic status is the primary driver behind disparate postures from law enforcement when interacting with the public.

Abolishing police accomplishes the real goal: ending the monopoly of violence that each state in our union wields over its own territory.  Once the states lose that monopoly, the states cease to be.  Every day that passes with an “autonomous zone” in the middle of an American city without action by elected officials emboldens more Antifa and BLM hell bent on cultural revolution to do the same in other cities.  As more and more of the folks fantasizing about their own abandoned police precinct and protest HQ in America’s urban centers realize that the democrat mayors of their cities will allow autonomous zones to manifest and grow without impediment, we will see them popping up with increasing frequency.  As this continues, the demands from the cultural revolutionaries will evolve.

The woke Taliban has big money, big training, and big ideas.  The mob may appear to be organic and chaotic, but in reality it is a tool being handled with improving precision.  The following link is an excellent window into the minds of the people organizing the mob: https://crimethinc.com/2020/06/10/the-siege-of-the-third-precinct-in-minneapolis-an-account-and-analysis

The approach used will vary and evolve through trial and error of targeted agitation.  The McCloskey confrontation was all about a photo op and a golden opportunity for a Soros backed District Attorney to flex on and intimidate citizens defending themselves by persecuting them as an example to the rest of us, and it won’t be the last.

Why would anyone want to be a law enforcement officer in this environment?  Recently in Atlanta, Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard filed murder charges against Garrett Rolfe, the officer who shot Rayshard Brooks after a fight during which Brooks took the officer’s taser and fired it at him while attempting to escape.  I do not know a single man or woman who has formal training in the use of force continuum for law enforcement who would not have felt justified in pulling the trigger in Rolfe’s situation.  Making the whole situation even more absurd is that DA Paul Howard stated during a press conference a few weeks prior that a taser is a deadly weapon under Georgia law when explaining assault charges that he brought against several officers who deployed their tasers during a “peaceful protest.”

We have seen many similar miscarriages of justice in recent months and I expect that we will see many more in the months ahead.  The environment that the media, democrat politicians, and Soros-elected District Attorneys have created maintains no incentives for citizens to become, or remain, 911.  The Blue Flu that has hit Atlanta in the aftermath of Rolfe’s persecution is only a preview of what’s to come across America.

The next step in this process is the abolishment of the courts as constituted.  Dick the Butcher said “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers” in Shakespeare’s Henry VI, when strategizing the coming revolution.  Many readers have theorized that this was Shakespeare referring to the way that lawyers at their best are standing up to the mob, or that it was a reference to lawyers at their worst as parasites on society, but I believe something else was being conveyed.  Systems of justice are a means of maintaining civility and some semblance of fairness while avoiding violent feuds.  Just like voting, our courts are a stand-in for actual violence.  Without a system to administer redress of grievances among the population, we revert to eye for an eye style do-it-yourself justice.  Lawyers are the foundation of any system of justice, because consciousness of the law and the principles and concepts that underpin it reside primarily in their minds.  Kill the cops, kill the lawyers, and you have killed the law itself because you have stopped the law’s application.  We have to fill the vacuum with something when the existing order falls apart.  Of course, the people who caused the destruction will be in our ears, right on time, selling solutions and blueprints for us to fix it.  Inevitably, the tyranny they expect us to beg for in the near future will be worse than the chaos that they are using to scare us into accepting it.

With all that said, though, our criminal and civil justice system are not the last line of defense for the American Republic.  Neither are cops.  The foundation of American freedom isn’t in a patrol car.  It isn’t in a courtroom.  It’s not on Wall St.  It’s not on a flag pole and it’s not in the bank vault.  It’s not your pen or your keyboard.  It’s not any newspaper.  It’s not your rifle and it’s not in your gun safe.  The backbone of American freedom is our Register of Deeds system.  Private property rights begin and end with real estate.  Your land is the beginning of your self-reliance.  Our system of recordation for land ownership is the envy of many intellectuals the world over who live in places ravaged by centralized authority and a lack of individual rights.  For a deeper dive into why, “The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else” by Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto is a great read.  The Republic can survive abolishing the police (it might even be the perfect antibiotic for this infection) and we can probably survive the abolishing of lawyers.  What American freedom cannot do, however, is survive the destruction of records contained in our respective counties’ Register of Deeds databases.  This would throw land ownership into utter chaos and pit even more neighbors against each other, with no ability for anyone looking to buy or sell land to gauge the certainty of good title in potential sellers, and would inevitably create an excuse for the government to redistribute real estate in pursuit of equality.  There are indications, from talking points and assertions by organizers, that the woke Taliban will soon lean more heavily into an “eat the rich” philosophy to mobilize the occupy crowd.  Eating the rich will rapidly become eating the less rich when there are no more rich on the menu.  The ultimate redistribution of wealth is the redistribution of land.  When you start hearing more about this from the left you can bet that they mean it.  If we allow it to happen, we will never recover our status as citizens.  We will be subjects.

The longer that we allow what is happening to continue, the more we will have to endure violence and suffering in order to fix it.  At some point, if we all continue to sit on our hands, we will cross a line that we cannot come back from.  The big question on all of our minds needs to be answered.  We need a consensus among those of us that are not willing to watch America be systematically destroyed from within.  When do we become unreasonable?  When do we go on offense?  When do we stop waiting for someone else to fix it?  When do we show the domestic enemies of the constitution that we mean it more than they do?  When do we show them that we are willing to go farther than they are?  When do we acknowledge that moral flexibility is necessary and embrace the suffering and glory that lies along the only path that leads us to freedom?  To see the future and find the answer, we have to know how omnipresent this monster is.

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4 years ago

Thanks for the insightful contribution. You have taught me how much I don’t know about justice.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

“When do we show them that we are willing to go farther than they are?”
Which direction? Farther in patience, as they continue to destroy and reveal themselves or farther in Joining into the burning it down in war and in destruction?
And yes, i know an Individuals circumstances and Area of operation, determine the appropriate reaction. Understood!
What did we learn from all of the wars? Have they ever been finished? Were there any true winners? Seems like many are still fighting all of these wars.
No love, no understanding,no mercy,no forgiveness,no forgetting (God forgets when He forgives),No looking forward, always back, this is the way of the world. Look and seek the set-apart.
Why again is it important to know and learn from history? So we do not make the same mistakes?
How is that going?

Wes Rhinier
4 years ago
Reply to  a follower

Pacifism is “the belief that war and violence are unjustifiable and that all disputes should be settled by peaceful means.”

Honourable sentiment.

Pacifists while they may have good intentions, are wrong.

George Orwell said, “Pacifism is objectively pro-fascist. This is elementary common sense. If you hamper the war effort of one side, you automatically help out that of the other. Nor is there any real way of remaining outside such a war as the present one. In practice, ‘he that is not with me is against me’.”
Everyone wants peace. Everyone likes peace. So you may think it’s honourable to continue to preach your pacifist ways. It’s not. The road to peace is not one paved by passivity. Communist and tyrants don’t typically step down because they are ignored. In fact being ignored often fuels them, allowing them to commit atrocities unfettered.

The great men who founded our once great country desired peace. They did not want to fight. But “Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” We all know what followed.

The Deep State Coup continues to carry on. Has anyone been arrested? We all have seen the evidence. We all have seen the crimes committed. Yet these criminals continue to walk free. I’ve written several times about how I believe the Rule of Law is and has been Dead. None of us have wanted to face the world we thought was coming in the future; now that future is here. There is no Rule of Law in this once great country. People will not accept the simple fact that there is no Republic without the Rule of Law. With the utter destruction of The Rule of Law, there is a very real risk that the spiral of events that has been growing, first slowly and now exponentially, could erupt into literal war within our own nation.

Violence gave America its independence. Violence kept Hitler from killing the rest of Europe’s Jews. Pacifism isn’t just wrong, it’s immoral. Individuals have a moral right to choose not to defend themselves when attacked. They have no right to demand that others commit suicide by proxy.

Tyranny will soon force good men to fulfill a dangerous oath. They don’t realize that by rejecting the Rule of Law, they have set us free. We are independent. We owe them nothing: not respect, not loyalty, not obedience. We Owe Them Nothing!!!

a follower
a follower
4 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

And yes, i know an Individuals circumstances and Area of operation, determine the appropriate reaction. Understood!
Your ass sumption and constant insinuation of pacifism is wrong. It has been all along.
i believe you and i are capable of working together if we want.
Also consider, Not worried about what i owe men, or ‘what men perceive that i owe them.’
The Bible does tell us about lawlessness, & what to expect & how to endure and persevere.

4 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Wes, well said and right on point,

4 years ago

How does the destruction of the deeds impact property taxes?