Food for Thought on the Fourth of July

Lexington, April 25, 1775

I, John Parker, of lawful age, and commander of the Militia in Lexington, do testify and declare, that on the nineteenth instant, in the morning, about one of the clock, being informed that there were a number of Regular Officers riding up and down the road, stopping and insulting people as they passed the road, and was also informed that a number of Regular Troops were on their march from Boston, in order to take the Province Stores at Concord, ordered our Militia to meet on the common in said Lexington, to consult what to do, and concluded not to be discovered, nor meddle or make with said Regular Troops (if they should approach) unless they should insult us; and upon their sudden approach, I immediately ordered our Militia to disperse and not to fire. Immediately said Troops made their appearance, and rushed furiously, fired upon and killed eight of our party, without receiving any provocation therefor from us.

John Parker

At what point does the classification of our enemies turn from “foreign” to “domestic” before we address the threat to Liberty? At what point does a civil war become a Revolution? At what point does a Revolution become a Restoration of Liberty?

Simple questions to ask but not to answer. The government knows that a civil war in the United States is fast approaching. While many Tea Party Conservatives will disagree and put their “hope” in a failed Republican party, the facts cannot be argued:

1. Both parties passed the NDAA. As stated earlier, “First they (the government) came for the patriots”. To put this into perspective, our founding fathers would be arrested if they were alive today when the government moves against the people.

2. The government is buying millions of rounds of hollow point ammunition. One order for DHS was for 450 million 40 caliber rounds: That’s almost two bullets for every man, woman and child in America — all in the hands of a government agency that says you should spy on your fellow citizens because they might be terrorists.

3. The government is stockpiling food supplies:

One of the nation’s largest suppliers of dehydrated food has cut loose 99% of their dealers and distributors. And it’s not because of the poor economy. It’s because this particular industry leader can no longer supply their regular distribution channels. Why not? Because they’re using every bit of manufacturing capacity they have to fulfill massive new government contracts. Look, the government has always been a customer of the industry to some extent. But according to our sources, this latest development doesn’t represent simply a change of vendor on the government’s part. It’s a whole new magnitude of business.

4. Remember this military training exercise for future detention camps of Americans:

foodnow1(Photo taken by U.S. Airforce Tech. Sgt. Brian E. Christiansen, North Carolina National Guard at Vigilant Guard training exercise Ft. Richardson, Alaska – April 2010)


Transfer of House Emergency Planning, Preparedness, and Operations
Functions to Sergeant at Arms
Pub. L. 112–74, div. G, title I, § 105, Dec. 23, 2011, 125 Stat. 1123, provided that: “Effective February 1, 2010—
“(1) section 905 of the Emergency Supplemental Act, 2002 (2 U.S.C. 130i) is repealed; and
“(2) the functions and responsibilities of the Office of Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Operations under section
905 of such Act are transferred and assigned to the Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives.”

What is the budget for keeping the politicians and their families safe in times of civil unrest now?

6. Is this a whistle blower or just fear mongering?

Despite the fact our economy is on life support, DHS will be budgeting another trillion dollars in surveillance measures and equipment for police state tactics for two reasons.The first is to protect the politicians and the elite who are concerned about their physical safety, and rightfully so. This is why you hear no meaningful objections from either party, because both sides are benefiting, at different levels, from the controlled economic meltdown.


I do not think the men and women who fought for our freedom gave much thought about domestic vs. foreign enemies. They only knew that the system of government under the British crown had enslaved them. Our Constitution gave us the blueprint for limited Federal government. Domestic enemies have usurped authority for political control. These vain and aspiring men and women that hold our highest offices are represented by both political parties.

What would Captain Parker have done today? Speculation about his actions or the actions of other Revolutionary Patriots will not provide solutions if we are not willing to stand up for our own Liberty. I do know one truth that no one with honor can question: they would not be waiting for a political party to restore their freedom.

David DeGerolamo

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