For Your Consideration

I met with some people over the weekend and I wanted to pass two points along:

  1. No matter which party wins in the midterm elections, nothing will change the fate of this country.
  2. No matter which party wins, the other side will not accept the results of the election or selection.

I believe we will have some information about the election results on Wednesday but the final results will take time. I am more concerned about the “news” that has been suppressed that will be “released” after the elections. I suspect news on energy (gas, oil, diesel and electricity), inflation, unemployment, war and political malfaisance will come out in a flood.

I personally am watching the Oz/Fetterman and Warnock/Walker races. How did we get to this state of affairs where these are the best candidates that Pennsylvania and Georgia can put forth? I do not vote for the lesser of two evils but in these cases, it is the lesser of the worst lackeys.

If you want to know where we are headed, just look at the price of your turkey for Thanksgiving: up 23% from last year as a bellwether.

David DeGerolamo

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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

Speaking of Georgia. A few years ago we lived in Tennessee. We decided to cut across northern Georgia to visit my son in Brunswick. We took back roads and where amazed the amount of traffic cameras along the route. I mean even in smaller towns. Cameras where everywhere. I wondered what was going on there. Fast forward 6 years later, I am not surprised by idiot tools put into positions. It is all about control and you not thinking you are controlled.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

I’m in Fairfield Glade. Where in TN did you live?

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Smithville. We where not that far apart them.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

I forgot to add, if you run into a David Courtad, tell him I said hey.

Lee Vail
Lee Vail
2 years ago

This election will be the one that finally kills our Republic. One of two scenarios; the Democrats will cheat so bad the Republicans and conservatives will explode with violence (and that is fully justified), or the Republicans will win in a wipe-out triggering the left into violence (not justified but maybe we can eliminate totally the Democrats and their minions). Either way Biden will declare martial law and our Republic will effectively cease to exist and mass chaos will ensue.

yes. it is time.
yes. it is time.
2 years ago
Reply to  Lee Vail

Bring it.

2 years ago

Just a thought; Instead of spending all that money for a single day’s feast, share your table with loved ones and give Thanks to our Father for a well-made PB&J sandwich and further stock up your and your loved one’s pantries.

2 years ago

Sorry, but Aldi’s has Butterball’s on sale for $1.09 a pound. I’ll have the PB&J on Friday, and I’ll be thanking the Lord both days.

Roth Harbard
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Been watching Southern Prepper’s ‘Boots on the Ground’ videos. It would appear that the supply chain is all SNAFU. Reasonable prices in one place and astronomical in another. Products available here, but not there. We see the same thing here locally. One store has the goods, another doesn’t. Butterball at Wally World in Ava, MO was $1.18. That said, the price of turkey for a one day feast isn’t the issue. Energy and war are the issues. They’re intentionally shutting down the first and ramping up the second.
David’s point is well made. Inflation, regardless of the irregularity location to location, is a problem that we all recognize. And BTW, all the other foodstuffs my wife bought for the meal (I was with her) were up significantly in price from last year.

2 years ago

As a GA Deplorable, I disagree; Herschel Walker is much better than a “Perdue-Loeffler” Repub.if that is any “Standard”. We have PROBLEMS in GA where most sElected Repubs are Crooks and All sElected democRats are Bolsheviks. The State Repubs tossed us Patriots an “election bone” of Constitutional Carry. I’ll take it and vote for Kemp over Fat Stacey’s Comrades. Herschel can begin to realign the overwhelming Black democRat voting out of Atlanta and some South GA counties. We have a chance if we can take the positives avaliable and avoid a circular Repub firing squad. Though some Repubs will need to be held to account for their crimes, like Raffensberger.

2 years ago
Reply to  GenEarly

I’m a fellow Georgian. I’ll vote for Walker for some of the reasons you mentioned but, I will not knowingly vote for that POS Kemp or Raffensberger. I’m through with the lessor of 2 evils. If necessary, I’ll leave those slots blank.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Asking God for help and then confronting mental illness is no easy thing for anyone. We all have our crosses to bear, some heavier than others. We all have streaks or moments of irrational behavior as well if we honestly confront our trangressions. Herschel baring his wounds of mental torment and survival to soldiers who may have similar wounds seems admirable to me.

2 years ago

Voat moar harder!
Make Babylon great again!

2 years ago
Reply to  TomS

P.S. Extreme sarcasm in the face of common groupthink/herd mentality is all I got left here in the days of judgment and anticipating the Lord’s return. Hope you’ll pardon me…this is no groupthink site, hence it’s a comfortable lair.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago
Reply to  TomS

With you, Go Uniparty!! Victory party in Gomorrah tomorrow night!

2 years ago

Ohhh, I have no doubt the Repubelickins will support there Voting Loss(‘S)
It’s what They Did and What They Do.

Lets hear it fur the GlobalHomoUniparty and there Golden-Parachutes.


Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
2 years ago

Maybe something good will result in this election, otherwise, lock and load.

2 years ago

Even as turkeys will be up 23%, they are a great hedge against inflation for those with the ability to store long term. 1. make the turkey and enjoy it. 2. pack up leftovers in freezer bags in suitable increments for sandwiches or recipes (for us that’s about 1.25-1.5 lbs). 3. take onion, celery, carrots salt and pepper and ALL the turkey bones into slow cooker with enough water to immerse. 4. Cook on low for 2-3-4 days until ALL the meat is off the bones 5. strain what’s left and freeze for broth 6. make soup out of what you skim off or feed it to the dogs. We can get as many at 8 meals out of 10-12 lb turkey. No better gravy than what’s made with turkey broth. No better way to stretch your “protein budget” than with a whole, bone in turkey. No better source of collage (super important for older folks) than cooking down a carcass for a few days.

2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner


2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

Another thing for this time of year-either save/dry your squash/pumpkin seeds for planting or bake and eat them. In lots of areas its hard to beat the nutrition per yield (micronutrients x pounds harvested) of squashes. Its also tough to beat the nutritional value of squash/pumpkin seeds. On that note esp. in regard to rising costs, unsalted and shelled sunflower seeds are one of the best bang for the buck items in the grocery store, cost per nutrition wise. Peanuts are right up there too. Raw pumpkin seeds-pepitos- are another high nutrition and high protein item, but I usually roast them.

2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

Do they lose nutritional value through roasting?

2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

To my knowledge they will lose water soluble vitamins and some protein. Loss of oil soluble nutrients like A and D not so much.

2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

The *unsalted, shelled sunflower seeds are also a shelf-stable milk; just add water and blend (can strain through a nut milk bag). The hemp seeds make a good creamer, add a little to blender with water to cover, blend. There’s really no need to buy milk.

2 years ago

Just purchased 2 huge turkeys at Meyers for 55 cents a pound