For Your Consideration

I want to point out that the government had intended to assassinate Donald Trump. Whether you believe God intervened should not be confused with the Biden administration’s action against the legal President.

There had been some (but not enough) discussion on the consequences of his assassination. I believe it would have started massive civil unrest allowing the administration to implement martial law. Whether they would have canceled the November elections is also a separate issue because the people now understand the concept of “two more weeks”.

As I have stated for months, the evil that dominates our country is backed into a corner. Their options are to assassinate Trump, start a civil or world war, or initiate financial collapse. They missed the assassination of the President and I do not believe that they will try it again. I do not believe a financial collapse will meet their needs to maintain tyranny.

So let’s concentrate on the war option. Based on the people’s recognition of how desperate the administration is, I do not believe a civil war will meet their needs. A world war is the only option left and they will go scorched earth which means a nuclear war.

I do not like scenarios but you have to realize the consequences of a nuclear war. We could meet the Deagel prediction of over 250 million dead Americans by 2025 if they “succeed”. Everyone needs to prepare for this contingency because evil in this country has no boundaries. Keep your children close, draw closer to the Lord and pray for His Divine Providence to meet our future.

David DeGerolamo

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3 months ago

You’re probably right.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
3 months ago

I am beginning to join your opinion.
Too many foul-ups to be just foul-ups.
It was all intentional.
Check out this video I just found…

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
3 months ago

Now if this young gal in the video is telling the truth--then it points to a much wider conspiracy at play now--an ongoing conspiracy which is still in motion. The comment her ‘senator’ talking about much more chaos is telling me that more stages are being planned to subvert Trump. She says people guess correctly about the identity of the Senator in previous comments. I would like to know who guessed correctly. If so--this gal should be seeking to go underground for a few months ASAP.

3 months ago

The dirty bomb option as well as the nuclear war are options. They will try all of them. There is no doubt that administrative state wants Trump dead as he is the leader of the movement.

Steve Miller
Steve Miller
3 months ago

My thoughts?? The ENTIRE event including the miss was a psyop. They, being what deep state? Puppet Masters? Israel? Bank of London? WANT Trump to replace Biden. And of course they don’t care how many have to die (in this case said firefighter) to make that happen. The GOAL is for a LOT of people (myself NOT included) to think “Trump is their friend” rather than their enemy, as he most certainly is. Thousands of reason for this but I shall just mention two of them “take the guns FIRST THEN due process” and “safe and effective”.

Al Bino
Al Bino
3 months ago
Reply to  Steve Miller
And that last sentiment, of you text, is the very reason my support isn’t concrete.

3 months ago

Sadly, I think that’s where we’re heading. But here’s where I get confused: maps of likely targets for nuclear strikes usually show military installations and large cities. Since most large cities are Dem strongholds, it seems that strategy would eliminate their voter base, which doesn’t make sense, unless they hate regular Dem voters as much as they hate us.

kal kal
kal kal
3 months ago
Reply to  sbrgirl

major cities are the population centers mapped out by the WEF plan, with 98% of the country being human prohibited land and why waste the ordnance on cities other than Washington and New York. Also, your worries are ICBM fields in four states, ULF comm sites to talk with our subs and major manufacturing centers for the military. The other worry is interrupted nuke powerplants should they melt down, much of the eastern half of the country will be uninhabitable.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 months ago
Reply to  kal kal

Think Texas or Florida…
Wind blows from West to East. They don’t want a radioactive debris cloud blowing through their town.

Latigo Morgan
Latigo Morgan
3 months ago

Then there’s the opening night of the RNC convention. It made no sense, and was downright blasphemous with a Sikh woman leading a chant to a demon/false god and calling it the one true god.

It made no sense unless you were putting Nikki (Nimrata) Haley up as the candidate.

3 months ago
Reply to  Latigo Morgan

Nikki was supposed to step in. Trump was supposed to have been killed. Nothing in politics happens by accident.

Al Bino
Al Bino
3 months ago

Spot on, that’s one of the few details that makes this ‘freak out’ believable.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 months ago

Winner winner chicken dinner!!!!!
The mistakes they’ve made are showing the hand they planned to play!

kal kal
kal kal
3 months ago

America and likely the world dodged what could have been a trigger for as you say civil unrest if not CW2, a global financial melt-down, as the NY market tows the rest of the world’s markets. The demonrat/evil forces are becoming more desperate, and with tac nukes on the Belarusian border, 30 thousand troops in Poland on that same border, and now the F-16’s have arrived and will be flown by NATO country “volunteers” all is in the cauldron and brewing. They need war to maintain power and at a lesser level the USD homogeny for the time being.

Steady Steve
Steady Steve
3 months ago

I think there are people in the command chain that would not follow the order to use nukes as they know Joetato is not competent to give such an order. I believe it will be economic collapse in December (for the psychological effect)after Trump wins the election. The unrest will give them an excuse to declare martial law to keep their puppet in the Whitehouse.

Diva of Dance
Diva of Dance
3 months ago

Color me ignorant. Those photos of the crosshairs on the right side of Trump’s head (in profile) just before he turned his head does not mean Crook was the lone shooter and the guy aiming from that location. Fact is those photos are a supposition of one area that could have been the bullseye that ended up being missed. Maybe the crosshairs were originally aimed at Trump’s upper body and just as the trigger was pulled (there was no bracing or tri-pod for stabilization) the barrel of the long gun moved ever so slightly up and to the left. A fluke. I truly believe God saved Trump’s life. All I’m saying is don’t disregard additional assassins in play.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 months ago

Whether you believe God intervened should not be confused with the Biden administration’s action against the legal President.
God Yahuah Alahim overseas and controls all.
Is Trump the “legal” president? If he is as the q board says is he not also responsible for the past few years of nothing but lies and rumors?
In what section of the Bible does Yahusha or the Holy Father tell us it is good to lie for any reason?
God allowed the shooter to take the shot. He allowed Trump to survive. Does not mean Trump is our hero, does not mean trump is on the side of good nor God. Does not guarantee america will be preserved.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 months ago

Is Trump the “legal” president? The Q followers think and believe so. Does this also mean Trump has been overseeing and part of this 42 month lie in which we have all been enthralled? Where in the Bible does it say to that lies justify the means? Lies , manipulations, the show etc. Does this also mean they , Trump and “the military are responsible for the last 3.5 years?

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 months ago

What I think people are referring to is the stolen election. If you believe Biden cheated, than Trump actually won the election (most popular votes and most electoral votes), and is the actual President chosen by the voters.
I take unbrage with the term ‘legal’ myself in this case, as the electoral college representatives cast their ballots, and thats the legal process… but I’d digress…

3 months ago

The Russian Foreign Minister, Lavrov, was in the UN the other day. He reminded American politicians who are provoking WW3, that the war won’t be confined to Europe. He told them that the war would come to the US mainland. Listen to what the Russians say. You won’t get that on the boob tube.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 months ago
Reply to  Nobody

Yes, they have been very clear about the consequences…

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
3 months ago

It should be mentioned that martial law has never been fully implemented in the U.S. Huge doubt exists as to the loyalty in place to carry it out effectively. Also note: we learned much from the Vietcong never to be forgotten. Tread lightly leftys.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 months ago
Reply to  Arch Stanton

County Sherrifs really screw up their plans at the federal level….

Hammers Thor
3 months ago

Here’s my prediction for the upcoming October Surprise. The left all of a sudden discovers “proof” that President Trump actually won the 2020 election and admits they were wrong, and that Biden was illegitimate… wonder why he is suddenly no longer able to serve? Now the 22nd amendment comes into effect, essentially preventing President Trump from being elected for a third term. The Supreme Court upholds the challenge 5-4, and we have Kamala win the election, after she selects Obama as her veep, then steps aside on Jan 20 and Obama completes his destruction of the country.

And we do nothing.