Forecast 2023 — Get Out of the Way if You Can’t Lend a Hand

Most major religions feature some version of the idea of death-and-rebirth, and it’s a fact that we see ourselves embedded in cycles, especially seasons. Things turn and return, are born, develop, degenerate, pass away. This was the brilliant application of Strauss and Howe’s Fourth Turning theory to the study of history, and by those terms we are have entered a deep secular winter of the human project. One can appreciate how the onset of winter spooked our prehistoric ancestors. They developed their prayerful ceremonies for bringing back the sun, and warmth, and new growth, dancing around the fire in the skins of animals, often making blood sacrifices to the mysterious forces in charge of… everything. The modern way of reenacting all that seems to be industrial-strength warfare. Many of us are praying right now that we don’t have to go through that.

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a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Been stuck here a few days. Galatians 4
But then, indeed, not knowing Yahuah, you served those which by characteristics are not mighty ones.
But now after you have known Yahuah, or rather are known by Yahuah, how do you return to the weak and poor elementary things, to which you wish to be enslaved again?
You observe Yomim (days) and months and seasons and years.
I fear you, lest by any means I have labored for you in vain.
Pagan holidays (all tribes across this world) in my opinion.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Lot of reading there. Also, it was noted today that Russia and China have been buying gold faster than anytime since 1967. They are going to announce a new currency soon. It will be backed buy gold and/or other commodities. And on that date, you can throw away all your fiat bucks. They won’t have any value. Our standard of living will go bye bye over night. And that won’t be the worst thing to happen.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

And to make matters worse, Insurance companies are reporting 7500 disabled or dead, each day, from the vax. That number comes from employed, working age people in the US. The healthiest demographic in the country. It can be verified, because the insurance companies are having to pay out on the claims. As if we didn’t have enough to worry about. This is probably why companies can’t find workers.

2 years ago

“More likely, I think, we’ll forego the nuclear fire and simply go through a collapse of the socioeconomic organization that our governance rests on, and the Deep State illness with it. It’ll come with plenty of hardship, but it will purge the poisons that have disordered us, and when we get through it, we’ll make new arrangements for daily life. For some years, I’ve been calling this process a long emergency, and now we seem to be right in the thick of it. I believe in the natural process called emergence. Systems transform themselves organically from one state to another when acted upon by the circumstances of time and place. The outcome is usually a surprise, and not all surprises are bad. So, adios 2022 and hello little baby 2023. Lead us where you will and let’s go forward into it bravely.”

This sounds like “whatever will be will be”. Although a lot of points were identified as pertains to political and economic ills, there really is no plan offered other than the same trajectory. This perhaps lends to why people tune out to these long utterances that are ultimately anticlimactic. Perhaps an in-depth study of how institutions get taken over and the condition/s of the individuals that allow it to happen is what’s needed, in part a basic assessment for an action-oriented counterpart.

Also of note: “the socioeconomic organization that our governance rests on”. Really, as though that’s going to be allowed to continue unchallenged? Why is this still accepted as the price of doing business? This could also fall under “the circumstances of time” (or the inaction which propels a thing forward) referenced.

2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

White people ruined their own country and had outside things to facilitate that (now many of them want those same diminished whites to fight to preserve the financial and material wealth of the few again, while doling out platitudes and trinkets). Counting on whites for a cultural and socio-economic framework with regards to sustaining nation-building, at least from an American purview is a non-starter. It will take essentially all races, ethnicities, and those speaking various languages (probably from within and outside of the U.S. territories) in any rebuilding on this soil.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

These words are wasted.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

Perhaps most whites no longer look to whites as a people group, but to other races for societal organization, inclusive of economics. Jewish people, Asians, and Hispanics have shown the propensity for binding together those within their spheres of influence, thereby maintaining the historical transmission of culture, maintaining a strong economic presence individually and collectively, and thereby affecting their ability to influence and shape policies. When people think of Jews and people of other ethnicities for instance, they understand them to be more of a ‘city with walls’ so to speak. They have abundant legal, financial, social, communal, intellectual, governmental, and other forms of support. It’s not really so for whites, in terms of the larger population, rather in the way that people in general know and understand that the mainline churches won’t challenge or affect the status quo, as it lacks the effectiveness.

2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

“So why do white folks not do the same today? We used to. What changed? What group/tribe may be guilty of denigrating white people? Possibilities?”

It has to do with class warfare in part. The upper income brackets are beholden to globalist whims and interests, financially speaking. Which means that their money isn’t really put to to use here except for largely, things that are antithetical; i.e. funding of the Covid-19 agenda, the dumbing down not only of the educational curriculum, but the atmospheres being not conducive to learning overall, but towards rote memorization, and submission to authority; a dubious contrast with so many non-intact families. This has been in conjunction with the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s. Although there needed to be a sexual revolution many years before but of a different context. From readings, marriages were on the rocks due to stoic men who didn’t understand emotion, and women behaved with a functional reciprocity. It could be asserted that much of the problems today stem from a historical and perpetuated lack of gender identification and respect for the duties within their respective roles. Further, the churches were among the hugest contributors to the current state of non-descriptness (they wanted mass compliance, i.e. Worldwide Church of God, and other religions trying to be the culture deciders), which is also the state of a current church service more often than not. Also, the failure of those who allowed the economic fabric to wither, such as with the toleration of people working full-time or even less than that when it should have warranted enough to live on. How could one have figured that would work in a so-called constitutional republic? People have fizzled out and no longer respect work in large part. You mentioned apathy, but that really needs to be expounded upon.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

Where do you consider the non-white persons will be post a total collapse and after an invasion? Do you expect ethnic homogeneity throughout? What about the assistance that those remaining will receive from outside of the mainland U.S.?

Wes Rhinier
2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

How do we unite? I’ve been working on that question for what seems like forever.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

you don’t and you cannot, the Scripture states, what does light have to do with darkness, and what does good have to do with evil.
you keep your distance from the evil ones and try to live a quiet life, if at all possible. this is what the scripture commands us all to do.