Always good truth, I believe they will soon begin to confiscate our weapons, they are desperate to start killing us outright. Keep your powder dry and stay alert, TINVOWOOT.
10 months ago
Red flag laws will probably get him first. Totalitarianism.
10 months ago
Civil was is when 2, or more factions, vie for control of the same federal government. The American civil war (war of northern aggression) is miss named. The south was not fighting for control of the government in Washington DC. The South created its own system of government and broke away from the north. That’s a revolution.
Title10 in play for NG, thus, it is the governor’s call, if you send NG troops to police the “scene” for an eclipse. As to non-certification, the dems have already stated that.
kal kal
10 months ago
hard to discern the enemy if everyone is wearing the same uniform. So now your immediate community, who’s what. Avoid complete anarchy, know your enemy.
Always good truth, I believe they will soon begin to confiscate our weapons, they are desperate to start killing us outright. Keep your powder dry and stay alert, TINVOWOOT.
Red flag laws will probably get him first. Totalitarianism.
Civil was is when 2, or more factions, vie for control of the same federal government. The American civil war (war of northern aggression) is miss named. The south was not fighting for control of the government in Washington DC. The South created its own system of government and broke away from the north. That’s a revolution.
spoken like a true son of the south.
Title10 in play for NG, thus, it is the governor’s call, if you send NG troops to police the “scene” for an eclipse. As to non-certification, the dems have already stated that.
hard to discern the enemy if everyone is wearing the same uniform. So now your immediate community, who’s what. Avoid complete anarchy, know your enemy.