For My Christian Friends …

While I may no longer be a Christian, I still love my Christian brothers and sisters and want those who continue to worship the Jews and Israel to wake up. Vox Day ‘gets it’. No, not all Jews are evil, but the ones who rule over us in the West are. If one recognizes that fact, he or she is called an anti-Semite. If one loves his or her European race and doesn’t want to see it disappear, he or she is called a racist. If one recognizes just who is pushing the destruction of our people and the West, we’re right back to being called an anti-Semite. Pardon me, but sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

Whether conservatives and Churchians like it or not, whether they want to do so or not, they are going to have to make a choice between Jesus Christ and the Jews.

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8 months ago

Throughout history the Jews have been a persecuted people.

My knowledge of those persecutions and the circumstances surrounding them is insufficient for me to determine if there were any common factors that may have been involved in causing the persecutions.

Perhaps the astute readers of this blog may know of studies or historical investigations that answer this question.

But the persistent singular fact is that the persecutions have been and still are happening.

Perhaps it is time for the Jews themselves to inquire and openly delve into the facts to find an answer to this vexation…

Inquiring minds want to know.

8 months ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

Enquiring minds might like to read Dr. E Michael Jones -- “The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its Impact on World History”Well worth the $50 on Amazon as it answers this recurring question down the ages of repeated expulsions from over 109 countries since Christ. The easy answer is “Rejection of Logos” For the psychological peculiarities of the Ashkenazi Jew Prof. Kevin Mcdonald is renowned for his studies. My view is that unthinking adherence to “tribal Zionism” is a big issue for the rest of the world. A combination of 1. The Talmudic Worldview 2. Control of the Money System ( AKA Usury) ensures an inimical headset for the rest of the world outside of World Jewry.

ell jay
ell jay
8 months ago
Reply to  HuggyBear

The way I see it, there are 2 types of Jewish people out there. There’s the groups that follows the perverted Talmud (like Trumps son-in-law) and then the Jews that follow the Torah. I have no quarrel with those who follow the Torah, but I do have problems with the Talmudic Jews. This group want to kill Christians for following Jesus because they believe following Christ is idol worship.
There’s more to this story so do some searching to know what each stand for.

tom finley
tom finley
8 months ago

I do not worship the Jew, I pray for them to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as I do for everyone else. Organized religion is not for me, I do not need a mediator between me and the Lord Jesus Christ. I will also pray for you Roth, seems you have made your decision, I will have no problem picking up my sword when the time comes and it looks like it is coming pretty darn soon.

CTR Wolfman
CTR Wolfman
8 months ago
Reply to  tom finley

I would rather be part of an “organized” church rather than a disorganized church. That term “organized religion” was created by a certain church to keep parishioners from leaving them and joining others.

Lori G
Lori G
8 months ago

Jesus Christ IS a Jew. All people, Jew or gentile, have to make a decision between Him and the enemy. There are non-Jews who rule over us who are evil as well. The world is binary, but it is either Jesus or the enemy, NOT Jesus or the Jews.

8 months ago
Reply to  Lori G

I obviously agree that Jesus is a Jewish. He was killed by Jews.

a follower
a follower
8 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

He was killed by the jews. Why do people say this? He died for all of our sins yet for some reason we wish to assighn blame. Some blame the Roman’s others blame the jews? Just as many blame eve and others blame Adam. Both had their part, just as we all do.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
8 months ago
Reply to  a follower

1 Thessalonians 2:15
“Some of the Jews killed the prophets, some even killed the Lord Jesus…”

a follower
a follower
8 months ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Alas, Some not all. Who were the others?

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
8 months ago
Reply to  a follower

Acts 2:36
Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made that same Jesus, whom ye crucified both Lord and Christ.”
C’mon, a follower, it’s in the book of Acts too. A homicide detective will tell you that someone can pull the trigger but someone else is the mastermind.
The Romans carried out the execution but the envy ridden religious leaders plotted his death. They didn’t want to lose their public status. Sound familiar?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
8 months ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

You do not understand what the house of Israel is, all that it contains. The House of Israel is more than just one Tribes genealogy!

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
8 months ago

Who was the Master mind? Was it not Yahuahs plan all along that His Son be the sacrifice?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
8 months ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

A homicide detective will tell you that someone can pull the trigger but someone else is the mastermind.”
Are they both guilty?

8 months ago
Reply to  Lori G

My understanding is that he *was* a jew, but did not come to obey the (jewish) law, but to *fulfill* the law… hence the “changes”, like being able to eat pigs, etc.

8 months ago

An interesting conversation…Ritter And Napolitano Explain Who Owns America. Aren’t we tired of sacrificing our children, future generations, trillions…all we have for the minority Zionist? My intent is to point out the controllers and members of the Club!

Russia is owned as well. Again its a .011% of the population that has all the wealth and control.

a follower
a follower
8 months ago
Reply to  OPM

Ever looked in to the club of Rome?

8 months ago
Reply to  a follower

…and the CFR, PNAC and others.

8 months ago
Reply to  OPM

When you peel back the veneer all these are front organizations for the same Elitist-Zionist!

a follower
a follower
8 months ago
Reply to  OPM

If you cut off the head what remains is also evil. Banish all evil, expose all evil, what tribe they are from is irrelevant.

CTR Wolfman
CTR Wolfman
8 months ago

Samuel Morse was trying warn Americans as well. Yes, it’s THAT Samuel Morse.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
8 months ago

Whether conservatives and Churchians like it or not, whether they want to do so or not, they are going to have to make a choice between Jesus Christ and the Jews.” 
Jesus Christ or the Jews? That is our choice? All who can not see through this are risking being played!
i refer all to Titus 3:9