Here I offer Fred’s Fourth Military Law: Military stupidity comes in three levels: Normally stupid; really, really stupid; and invading Russia. It isn’t good for you. Charles XII tried it, as did Napoleon and Hitler. With identical results.
If this post seems uncharacteristically calm, it is not that. It is simply the fact that I know these things must happen. The very worst of conditions that Americans can suffer must be suffered. All comfort must be destroyed for the people themselves to understand the import of all we have suffered since the illegitimate Obama Administration, a person who was not eligible to be president. Neither is Kamala, but it doesn’t matter the American people demand to be put into the worst possible condition in order to reclaim their power. The years of tyranny suffered by the founders, the deprivations endured, the insults and punishments grew and grew until literally unbearable before they took the most rudimentary actions toward revolution. And so, it still is. I await the company of my countrymen and women when they have finally had enough. I already have. Trust me, it will get louder and it will get worse. More
If this post seems uncharacteristically calm, it is not that. It is simply the fact that I know these things must happen. The very worst of conditions that Americans can suffer must be suffered. All comfort must be destroyed for the people themselves to understand the import of all we have suffered since the illegitimate Obama Administration, a person who was not eligible to be president. Neither is Kamala, but it doesn’t matter the American people demand to be put into the worst possible condition in order to reclaim their power. The years of tyranny suffered by the founders, the deprivations endured, the insults and punishments grew and grew until literally unbearable before they took the most rudimentary actions toward revolution. And so, it still is. I await the company of my countrymen and women when they have finally had enough. I already have. Trust me, it will get louder and it will get worse.
All too true.