From the Mayo Clinic

Hydroxychloroquine (Oral Route)

Hydroxychloroquine is used to treat malaria. It is also used to prevent malaria infection in areas or regions where it is known that other medicines (eg, chloroquine) may not work. Hydroxychloroquine may also be used to treat coronavirus (COVID-19) in certain hospitalized patients. (emphasis added)



The information concerning the treatment of COVID-19 with hydroxychloroquine was published in Virology magazine in 2005. This fact had to be suppressed in order to issue the Emergency Use Authorization for the mRNA therapy. We incorrectly assume that most people know these facts. The government, bid Pharma and the media still support masks, vaccine mandates for attending universities and portray the doctors and scientists who covered up the pandemic as heroes.

How many millions of people died as effective medical treatments were withheld in order for pharmaceutical companies to make money? How many millions died from the mRNA therapy?

Do you think they will stop?

David DeGerolamo

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1 year ago

They will never stop with their death agenda. But i think for whatever reason 30% of are immune to their propaganda and brainwashing. I am being generous in that 30%.

1 year ago

Atrium medical network (Asheville to Charlotte, NC) has sent out 6,000 “Sorrow Cards” to families of patients who have died from the C19 injection in Western North Carolina.
How many more have to die before our NC Legislature stops this bio-weapon at the state borders and prosecutes the shippers? (See Karen Kingston, Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watts, Dr. Ana Mihalcae on for legal strategies and Dr. Ana will provide details on exactly how contagious these hydrogel-laced injections are…)
A lot of folks still don’t know about The Hydrogel Conspiracy. Be sure to watch “Died Suddenly” on (came out 11/22), and witness what is growing in everyone’s veins and arteries… IF they do not detox the hydrogel every day. The C19 injections are self-spreading. Sit with that thought…
Embrace hermit life if you can. Shop when fewer people are around -- especially first thing in the morning before the air in the stores is contaminated as much… Stay away from public events. Change jobs to “work from home.” And detox with food grade diatomaceous earth, vitamin C (snake venom and hydrogels), Siberian Pine Nut Oil (, Baking Soda to increase alkalinity, EDTA chelation in whatever way you can afford it, iodine to protect your thyroid from the wi-fi, Nattinokinase & Humic Acid to dissolve the hydrogels, and many more… Research to survive!!

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

No I do not think they will stop, the threats and coercion worked beyond there wildest dreams, 80+% of Americans took the kill shot. Starvation and the gulag are next, will we survive their plan for us? Not if we keep sitting doing nothing, I say charge and take no prisoners.

1 year ago

“Do you think they will stop?” No, not until the people rise up and force them to stop. And because of our nation’s intractable moral, economic, financial and political problems -- that have now reached levels of dystopic proportions -- I predict that tipping point is coming very, very soon.

Lee Vail
Lee Vail
1 year ago

No, they will not stop. we must stop them… by any, and all means, possible. Unfortunately, that will not happen until they have installed their global tyranny.

1 year ago

No stopping this machine. Way way back in the 70’s a new and totally suppressed disease reared its head from Plum Island. It’s obvious now that Hillary Clinton’s public connection to this disease and the single physician that researched it still is a tremendous issue. The disease is most likely in epidemic numbers but we don’t know it because the “government/insurance” influencing group doesn’t want people to know about it. They skewed the tests and take doctor’s licenses away for treating it *appropriately*.
Lots of years there to prove they have studied how to infiltrate doctors thinking and it has worked.
Fast forward to Bill Gates releasing a whole bunch of “skeeters” in Florida this year and the Malaria numbers in Florida are up 200%.
What do you really think???

1 year ago

A relative of mine was diagnosed with C19. Her Doctor prescribed hydroxychloroquine. Out patient. She was cured in a few days. Also, virologists are saying that people that got 2 or more of the shots will start getting real sick this fall from adverse affects of the shots. Many will die. Something to do with the time frame of the spike protein damaging the immune system. We shall see.

1 year ago

The WHO says that there have been 4 billion doses of Ivermectin prescribed to humans since 1987. Cures malaria. Any body see Rachel Maddow? Oh Rachel. Where are you?

Hammers Thor
1 year ago

No. Not only will they not stop (until forced to) they will double down. This will be a never-ending cycle… new diseases, some man-made like C19, others that mutate as a result of C19 jabs and other pharma concoctions.

Listen carefully to what they say, and watch what they do. They intend to kill as many of us as they can, and they are succeeding.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

They are growing these diseases and epidemics in a lab right now. My nearest one is over around Chapel Hill NC. That’s between 4 and 5 hours from my front door step.

1 year ago

Those who actively suppressed ANY information are guilty of crimes against humanity and must pay the ultimate price. People died because the TRUTH was kept from them. That is as bad as pulling the trigger yourself.

1 year ago

We are human. We are not disposable units of bio matter. The WEF and their accomplices must be stopped.