Gender Destruction

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Bruce Schweyer
Bruce Schweyer
6 months ago

I did not view the PedOlympics on TV, seeing that I have not watched television at all for many decades. Having caught wind of what took place in Paris, I’m encouraging a mass boycott of all co-sponsors of the PedOlympics. I just shredded my VISA bankcard for starters. I never touch Coca-cola, of course. It’s diarrhea in a bottle, a thoroughly disgusting substance.

6 months ago

As an American Italian, this is a disgrace that this girl would be put in the ring with a satanic devilish looking entity who thinks he is a girl, this should have never been allowed by the Olympic commission in the first place, its heart breaking to watch this poor girl train, only to be robbed of winning. this is what the democratic satanic Marxist party in the U.S. is all about now, they are a filthy party of perverts and ghouls, anyone who has eyes can clearly see what this party is doing to our nation and the world.

tom finley
tom finley
6 months ago
Reply to  Phil1350

They are a vile, putrid, satanic bunch of ghouls that I cannot live with.

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
6 months ago
Reply to  Phil1350

There is no winning. It’s a rigged game, and evil controls the venue and the rules. She knew what she was stepping into the ring with, but was apparently in denial of objective reality. Reality is that she should’ve forfeited the match, as she couldn’t win anyway, and at best would lose without incurring major injuries. Instead she played along, and then tried to make excuses to deny her complicity by being a willing participant in her own degradation.

The IOC (and by extension the olympic games) are an instrument of globalist evil. No putatively decent person should be there participating, nor should anyone whose principles and sensibilities are insulted by the clown world agenda promulgated be watching. And yet they do in droves, because they won’t make the needed sacrifices to maintain their dignity. “I’ve trained my whole life for this” will be their excuse, and they will go on to legitimize the farce by showing up and competing.

The public at large will willingly subject their eyes and ears to the farce, and then bitch bitterly about how disgusting and unfair it is. Well yes, it is disgusting and unfair because that’s the nature of those running the show. Stop giving tacit approval to their agenda by being an active (as in the case of athletes) or passive (those watching) participant in this garbage. It is a clown world institution, and it’s highest purpose is to insult, offend, antagonize and attack you based upon your claimed principles. It isn’t even that difficult, people just say it is because they love to bitch about something and make excuses rather than take even slightly inconvenient action to back up their talk.

Those who continue to compete (and watch) even after complaining of the rank pedofaggotry on display in the opening ceremony are either in agreement with what is being presented, or their principles are subordinate to their desire to do that which is easy and fashionable by prevailing cultural standards, which means they really don’t have any principles to begin with.

Pissing and moaning about evil being evil, and then going right back to embracing the culture suffused with evil is stupid and self defeating. This is analogous to “I have to take the shot to keep my job” and “I can’t deny the kids a trip to disney”. Ok, keep capitulating to evil, and see where it gets you. But do not expect any sympathy from me for getting burned by dancing with the devil.

This has been going on long enough that even an idiot can figure it out, so there are no valid excuses for going along still. You will either suffer the inconvenience and loss of sacrificing these worldly things -- that hate you and seek your destruction, incidentally -- or you will be destroyed. It really is that simple, and claiming otherwise is a cop out. In the end, I expect the overwhelming majority of sheeple are going to remain sheeple.

I expect this dose of real talk will gain me a heap of hate, but that’s ok. It needed to be said.

tom finley
tom finley
6 months ago
Reply to  Big Ruckus D

You will get no pissing and moaning from me, I have not and will not watch the satanic games.

6 months ago
Reply to  Big Ruckus D

No hate here. Your comments are unassailable (but, only for those with functioning frontal lobes).

Look at the header for NC Renegade above. What’s the first thing that you read?

“Sanction of the Victim”

“The “sanction of the victim” is the willingness of the good to suffer at the hands of the evil, to accept the role of sacrificial victim for the “sin” of creating values.”

Females participating in athletic competition with known males are not only victims; they are part of the problem.

I recall when Lia Thomas was competing with some of the world’s best female swimmers and was taking all of the events by several seconds (in a sport measured in hundredths of a second); I told my swimmer-athlete daughter that the only intelligent act for those females was top stand at their start points and remain standing in protest when the starter pistol fired. Let “Ms.” Thomas win her heat by competing alone.

Were the women to have consistently acted so they could have brought the fkn NCAA to their knees.

Craig H. Cosgray
Craig H. Cosgray
6 months ago

A female Federal Judge just ruled TO REINSTATE the destruction of women by using TITLE IX to allow degenerate men to take over athletics for girls and young women in the United States. Pathetic.
The Left in action.

6 months ago

So, where are all of the: “I am woman hear me roar” cheerleaders? Fonda? Steinem? DeGeneres? Hilda Beast? This is what the demonic, woke, syphilitic, woke culture has done to women. But they wanted it. “We’re as good as you are!” I saw this in the Army, as a Peace Officer, and during the physical fitness testing scandal of the LA City Fire Department.
There is an old saying: “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.” I went through two wives who thought they were as good and as tough as any man. But like most women, they depended on me for their independence. And if you look at the memes on WRSA, you’ll see one in particular which addresses the issue for feminism and conscription. I would tell this young lady to follow the advice of Mama Corleone: “…you finda a good man, get married.” This Signorina needs to rethink her priorities. And yes, Phil1350, I am half Italian and know the culture. Bleib ubrig.

6 months ago

It should never been showed to happen in the first place, not since it did, every girl should refuse to compete against him. Let him get his gold medal, it will be a sour victory at best.

Elder Son
Elder Son
6 months ago

It is mind boggling that the world even puts up with this, participates in it. Sure, it might huff and puff in indignation. They don’t care about your huffing and puffing. They just point at you, laughing, and continue on with their degeneracy. Oh look! They’re huffing and puffing! Let them huff and puff! What are they going to do but… huff and puff! As they spit it in your faces like so much mucous dribbling down your cheek.

Oh noes! We are so busted!

“Who do they think they are that they can do this? Giving the gold medal to a biological male in women’s swimming had already made me boycott the games, but this offense has sealed the deal. Who conceived & designed that display?”

‘Mocked My Faith’

tom finley
tom finley
6 months ago
Reply to  Elder Son

Ever so tolerant are we not.

6 months ago

Funny how the Democrat leadership destroys EVERYTHING that their constituency has been demanding; and then convincing them that it is the Right that is responsible. These people are too stupid to live. That will work in our favor eventually; once their leadership destroys the country to the point that these idiots CAN’T survive. It will be so much easier to take back this country once the 200m idiots they created are no longer alive and in the way.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
6 months ago

Elephant in the room-the fact that women boxing women isn’t exactly right to begin with.

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
6 months ago

This is a salient -- and often overlooked -- point regarding women in sports. Who wants to watch two women beat the hell out of each other in boxing or MMA/UFC type matches? Yeah, I’d be ok with a hillary vs. nancy cage match, as long as it killed them both.

But the point is that such a spectacle is utterly fullsome and unbecoming of what God and nature intended for women. I don’t even care to watch men beat the hell out of each other, but will concede that it has it’s place, unless we want a return to full on barbarism in which men just kill each other to assert dominance and gain power and control.

Of course, it’s kind of looking like that’s where we are going to end up anyway, with a lot of collateral damage on the way there. It is disgusting that women are encouraged to masculinize themselves in pursuit of the type athletic pursuits that are the domain of men. Just as it is disgusting for men to pursue athletic pursuits that are more naturally in the domain of women. But when the zeroth commandment of modern western civilization is “equality in all things above all else”, this is the flaming sack of cultural dog squeeze we end up with.

And that is why men of good character should not be seeking to save the present culture; it is unsalvageable, and perverted at it’s very core. We should be seeking it’s destruction even more than our sworn enemies wish to finish the job of tearing it down, so that a better, more functional civilization can be rebuilt in it’s place.

Michael AU
Michael AU
6 months ago

As an Australian of Italian heritage, I’m glad she lost, & she being an Italian women, deserves it all the more because she comes from a culture where traditional values are paramount. She knew better but rejected it.

“but the one who did not know it, and committed acts deserving of a beating, will receive only a few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more..” -- (Luke 12:48 NASB)

Women should not box, full stop. Instead of starting a family these women want to be boss b*tches..Accountability is women’s kryptonite.Women can enter men’s spaces and ruin them (like gyms) but when it’s the other way they don’t like it.
Feminists were the first trannies by wanting to be & act like males so we need to give them what they want.
They played with fire now let them burn.