Georgia Guidestones; Another Perspective

I received this from my best friend and brother from another mother today in an email to several fellow travelers. He graciously granted his permission for me to share it.

Gentlemen, over the last few days, I have seen countless online posts (emails, Telegram channel content, and mainstream website articles) about the Georgia Guidestones, their message, and their destruction and removal. As a result, I am going to come right out here and explain my perspective on the content of the message. I will refrain from commentary and speculation on who built them, who emplaced them, and all that, for we do not know and I will not succumb to the temptation of needless conspiracy theory bullshit. I am doing this to generate conversation and give you a glimpse of my personal and spiritual worldview. You do not have to agree and I suspect you do not, at least not entirely. The below comments are NOT address to any of you in any way. They are a cathartic release for me. I hope you can consider them in that light. Let us begin.

1 – Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Some suspect this alludes to genocide or depopulation. Where in this single sentence do you find anything related to killing off the majority of humanity? I plainly see an ideal, one with which I agree on general principle, by which we have surpassed our ability to abide. That said, population is becoming a problem. We see massive movements of people all over the place and it really hits home as we see our countries invaded day by day. Tell me we are not overpopulated. Go ahead, I will wait.

2 – Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity. Who in their right mind would have an issue with securing our future by smartly and rightly reproducing to improve fitness? I have an issue with the use of the word “diversity,” but this could be linked to the current misuse of the term by the Globalists. If you can discount this for just a minute, you might be able to embrace diversity as I do – people with a variety of talents, skills, and abilities – rather than the absurd idea of diversity of race, ethnicity, creed, religion, and all that woke bullshit. If we take back our language and define words to include lost meanings, this statement is agreeable to me.

3 – Unite humanity with a living new language. I am not so sure about this one and I reject it on its face. It smacks of one-worldism to me. We should be doing the opposite and embracing the “diversity” (See? I can use their words to our advantage, too.) of our heritage. Race, ethnicity, nation, and tribe – these are all different, possessing as they do their own worldviews, religious beliefs, traditions, culture, and language. People with huge differences can still interact on some levels. When you cram everyone into a multi-culti, mongrelized society, the fault lines really manifest themselves. For these reasons, I reject this as it is written.

4 – Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason. Tell me how this one is unreasonable? If we let emotional aspects of our humanity rule us, we are all women at that point. Reason and logic should temper us all. Passion, faith, tradition – these all have their places and should serve as tribal or national pillars for a common people, but they should not override reason and logic. You see what emotion does and how it manifests itself with female and soyboy outbursts in protests and demonstrations. Are we not better than this? If your answer is “yes,” then why would you disagree?

5 – Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. How is this offensive? I would want definitions of the terms “fair” and “just,” but on the surface, how can any rational person oppose this? The ideas of “fair” and “just” will differ from people to people, nation to nation, tribe to tribe, but this is no issue, for the only ones affected are those within the groups themselves. The only issue comes when people attempt to force others to adhere to their laws, courts, and ways of life. Absolutely no issue with what this one says or how it is written. Tell me how I am wrong. Go ahead.

6 – Let all nations rule internally, resolving external disputes in a world court. This one is a bit squishy, as it incorporates both good and bad elements. First, nations SHOULD rule internally. This is nothing more than a family taking care of its own and not interfering with other families and their ways of life. As for the “world court,” well…we see how that has gone. Yet how else are external disputes to be resolved? This is the realm of diplomats, representatives of individual nations. I remain cautiously in agreement with this statement, though complete agreement would require details of how the world court would run, who would form membership, and the like. The concept is an ideal; putting it into practice will be difficult. But if every nation agrees on the concept, then it should be put into use.

7 – Avoid petty laws and useless officials. This is a no-brainer. We do not have to look far to see the consequences of each. I will not belabor the point other than to say that “petty” and “useless” can be used in a variety of ways, depending on the definition. Once those terms are defined and agreed upon by the individual nations, then they can be used as a guide to run and man the nation with quality personnel. Globalists do not have a monopoly on this one; in fact, they need petty laws and useless officials to stay in power. Why would we oppose this ideal and allow them their authority?

8 – Balance personal rights with social duties. At first glance, this made me cringe. The term “social” has so many unsavory connotations, but if we can get past what that word has come to mean and return to its original essence, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this balance. You as an individual have rights and these can – and have been in a variety of ways – be outlined and agreed upon. But as a member of society, you also have duties. The details of this latter bit depend on the particular society, so this can be as problematic as it is enlightening. We have duties to ourselves, our families, our communities, and to our nation. Can you deny this with a straight face? If you can, tell me how you contribute to society without embracing some kind of social duty. I will wait.

9 – Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite. Do we really need to quibble about this one? Whether you are a Christian, Deist, Heathen, Buddhist, follow The Mysteries, or any of the aforementioned variations – essentially, unless you are an avowed Atheist – you should be able to accept this as written. There is nothing wrong with prizing truth, beauty, and love as but one vehicle for seeking harmony with the infinite, no matter the form you believe it takes. None of these are counter to the way things should be and I would suggest that without them, no society could long flourish. You may say that Western Civilization is not flourishing, but it did at one point and still does to a much smaller extent thanks, in part, to these virtues on an individual level.

10 – Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature. Finally, we reach the last one and I find it quite appropriate. What is wrong with not destroying our habitat? What is wrong with not respecting, appreciating, and upholding the natural world and, I strongly believe, Natural Law? I will tell you what is wrong – nothing. Do Globalists embrace these ideals? Yes and no. They spout these ideals as a means to gain and maintain control. As a result, they do not mean them as we do, as we must. To truly embrace them is to uphold and revere them.

The tally for me is 8.5/10, which is a passing score of 85%. If you will recall, I rejected #3 in full and #2 in part. How do you score your perspective?

With respect and brotherly love,

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2 years ago

After the first two paragraphs, I did not read further. His views are not mine and that’s fine.

2 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

Nor mine and I got enough of this talk already from watching the WEF.

2 years ago

Good perspective Malachi, except that to regard a population reduction of 7.5 billion as anything but genocide is incredibly naive. I realize that this is a difficult concept to grasp but you gotta try. I can’t think of any way to go from 8 billion to 1/2 billion except the obvious. Lab-created disease and death-shot vaccines would be a good way to get started.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Just as the supposed utopia outlined in the communist manifest it is pure BS, I rely on Gods laws, one of them he put everything in subjection to his creation. The words written on the Guidestones are just well thought out BS. The world is not overpopulated, just as climate change is just more godless BS.

Virginia Robinson
2 years ago

I reject it all. one bad apple spoils the rest sorta thing

2 years ago

So, Congressman, you’ve proposed a bill designed to eliminate freedom, rights, and the rule of law and impose chattel slavery on the population?
What do you intend to call this law?
I call it the Fairness for Everyone in Everything Law(z) and its amendment the Plus Unlimited Puppies Subsidies.
Right, who could be against FEELz and PUPS?
Point is, if you’re so easily duped by vague pleasant-sounding abstract utopian objectives that you cannot plainly see how such objectives are most easily met by the deprivation — indeed abolition — of individual liberth; then, … well … the Guidestones were meant exactly for you.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

“Tell me we are not overpopulated. Go ahead, I will wait.”
Who decides upon the Number allowed, and how would one maintain this number?
So Yahweh screwed up again? And what, He does not have a plan nor a forecast?

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

The masters of mayhem know that overpopulation is not a problem. It appears that way because millions are scrunched into cities.
What is a problem is the resources available to provide the lifestyle that is demanded by the innovations we are used to.
We are the worst offenders. I think the U.S. has 5% of the world’s population but uses 25% of the world’s energy output needed for our lifestyle. The depopulation agenda is to conserve the resources. The amount of land surface is not the problem. A good example is the evaporating Lake Mead. Where will Las Vegas get their water from? For more info, with Dane Wigington.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

i believe the Creator has all this in hand. He provides the resources. man in his arrogance and endless meddling (spraying the skies etc.)seems to be leading many to ruin.

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Let’s look at the Guidestones from the point of view of the time they were put in place, instead of what the world is today. The world lived under the shadow of nuclear war and MAD policy; could these have been intended as true guidestones to survivors of a planetary nuclear war ? To be clear, I do not like the interpretation of the stones in today’s political atmosphere, but I do try to look at all things from a different perspective.

2 years ago

Did he post the right article to right place?? That was for HERE?
I couldn’t finish it either.
I am with the good general Patton here…We have the 10 commandments already….why fix what isn’t broke? Or is it…

2 years ago

Kindred spirit here. This was excellent. I would point out that I have seen as many outbursts and tantrums thrown by men as women. In the Western world populations are stabilizing on their own if not for massive migration. This has nothing to do with genocide. I was so lucky to grow up in Montana before anyone knew where it was and all the fools fleeing what they have created, moved there due to the exploding population. 4th largest state and with a population of around half a million at the time. Wide open spaces, clean air, you could go camping on 4th of July weekend without a reservation, you could fish the creeks and rivers and never run into another person. Personally, I like that much better than our crowded, polluted, dirty cities. We are running out of open space. The more people, the more others infringe on your rights.

The caution will be to carefully guard against globalism and the NWO. It is possible to do so if every country remains sovereign. There are some issues in this, but they can be overcome. And there are some excellent thoughts if people will consider them.

2 years ago

Not sure we share the same God. My God said “Be fruitful and multiply.” I suspect my God in HIS infinite sovereignty and Wisdom can keep good population balance on the earth. The evil globalists want the opposite. Stop procreating and for them to control the earth.

Tim Bo
Tim Bo
2 years ago

So we should all trust the likes of Soros, Gates, Schwab, and many of our “leaders” over the Almighty? No thanks I’m good. I’ll let God be God and I’ll oppose those that oppose Him (the side of evil) with everything I’ve got.

2 years ago

Malachi’s submission makes some excellent points. It is easy to shoot the messenger instead of using critical thinking skills to consider his points. While I personally believe that the people responsible for the “guide stones” would have no issue killing off most of the people in the world, it is just a belief.
I think people would have a better understanding of this article if they read Ayn Rand’s Fountainhead.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Or, his friend states: I am doing this to generate conversation and give you a glimpse of my personal and spiritual worldview. You do not have to agree and I suspect you do not, at least not entirely. 
He or She succeeded in generating conversation.
Evangeline, shared a very insightful reply.

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

David -- I’d like you to articulate the parallel you perceive between the destruction of the Guidestones, the post above, and The Fountainhead.

Do you suggest the Guidestones were destroyed by their creator in a dispute over a right to control intellectual and real property ??

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Agreed. Our greatest right is “freedom of speech” = freedom of thought. = freedom of opinion. Without it we have nothing.

Maybe they would do it through mass murder, but we don’t have to play into their hand and we can present a better argument -- self control and gradual population balance. And we can certainly disregard the more NWO hints in favor of taking the good from the writings.

2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Speaking personally since I responded, I don’t feel the least bit emotional or offended by your comment. This is properly called “debating an idea”, and it is absolutely necessary for a free society, we can’t have one without debate over ideas and yes, sometimes emotion is involved but emotion and intensity does NOT equal unhinged and lacking logic and reason. We need MORE debate, not less. As a last thought, I would say that while we do have to decide on semantics and definitions, we can judge the godless nature of the guidestones very easily, or at least, a discerning Christian certainly can. They are globalist in nature, much like most of what comes out of the WEF or the Vatican, these days. It is very easy for actively discerning Christians to sense it and hear it. It may not be as easy for others. Learning to detect Satan’s lies amongst his crooning words, is an irreplaceable gift that God gives to His people. If they but ask for it. It makes it much easier to negotiate this world. God bless.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Good point, if you haven’t read her works, do so!

2 years ago

I’ve got a few minutes, and well, you asked.
One. The population of the world is not too large, it is shrinking. Most nations of the West have a Total Fertility Rate (TFR) that is far less than the needed two, just to replace ourselves. In many Western nations it is something like 1.7. The US has a higher rate only because of immigration. You are noticing invasions, and perceiving there are too many people, but yes, America is being invaded, but no, there are not too many people, there are not enough. Ask China, which is very worried about what their One Child policy has wrought. Ask Japan. Italy. These nations are dying, because they do not have enough people.
Two. Guide reproduction wisely. The only way to take this is to understand what the godless mean by it. Birth control, weeding out the undesirables (probably you and me). Be your own god, and if you get knocked up, get rid of that kid. Get a dog and call him your “fur baby”.
Three. Unite humanity with a living new language. Yes, eliminate all those pesky languages that globalists can’t control. This is why the pope wants to rid the world of Latin. Latin, being a “dead language”, is not prone to the re-definitions of words which is done so often. Who controls definitions controls the world. (use the right pronouns now!)And so much for diversity! That’s homogeneity, not diversity.
Four. Rule passion, faith, tradition and all things with tempered reason. They mean limit faith and tradition. Down with the olds! They intend to say keep religion out of the public sphere, we prefer a godless society. Morality of any kind except Marxist, not allowed. This one is a no-brainer. They hate God and hate people who love God.
Five. Protect people with fair laws and just courts. This one deserves no in-depth comment. If you look around and believe what we are seeing around our nation and world is “fair” and “just”, there’s no hope for you. I can’t bother.
Six. If you have a “world court”, you have just given away national sovereignty. Do you want the EU telling you what you must do? What the US must do? No you do not. At least I hope you do not.
Seven. Who gets to define “petty” and “useless”? Remember he who defines words rules all. Maybe 2A is “useless”. Maybe laws defining if a squatter gets to live in your backyard is “petty”. This is so nebulous it’s insane. People must define and agree upon terms before saying YES, to anything.
Eight. Balance personal rights with social duties. This has communism or socialism all over it. Sounds harmless, but is full of poison. Human beings have rights. Period. Given by God. Our social duties are to be aware of our neighbor, give help to our neighbor when needed, and live as responsible citizens. It is easily encompassed in the Golden Rule, do unto others as you would have done to you. Say, we ought to bring that back. Socialists try to take away your rights by telling you that you are “selfish”. That’s a lie.
Nine. Prize truth, beauty, love. Again, what do the creators of these godless stones define as “truthful”, “beautiful”. You give them too much leeway. Maybe they believe abortion is beautiful. Maybe all the things you don’t support they see as “truthful”. You don’t know the definitions. None of these stones mentioned God, because to these people there is no God, and no room for God. The world they would have us have is devoid of God, where rules are made by themselves and sprinkled down to the peasants (you and me).
Ten. Finally we agree completely, although even saying people are a “cancer” is to diminish man, God’s highest creation, made in His image. Mankind is not a cancer, mankind is the point. One notices the elites would like a lot fewer people, but they are definitely in that small crowd! Perhaps if they stopped sucking up all the resources with their lifestyles, the rest of us ants could have something. How many mansions does Al Gore need? He’s got about four, all vast I’m sure, with lawns that need watering, lots of heat and AC, and he flies all over on private jets. It’s the wealthy that need to be limited, there’s too darn many of them and they’re pretty much all a pain.
Anyway, here are my thoughts, and a suggestion. You want profound rules for life? Go find the Ten Commandments. You can’t do any better than God writing on a tablet five thousand years ago, and mankind did very well following those rules for living, until recent times when people thought they could do better. Clearly, they can’t. God bless.

2 years ago
Reply to  Evangeline

Very well articulated! I could not agree more.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Why is it a mystery who owns the Guide Stones? Who owns the land, owns the Guide Stones. Is there anyone local there who can walk into a real estate office and find out?

Inalienable Rights
Inalienable Rights
2 years ago

Sorry but F those stones and the traitors that rode in on em.

2 years ago

You have some valid points which I agree with. How do you think they will reduce the world population other than genocide?

2 years ago

And just who do you think should have the authority to “guide reproduction wisely?” Who is to decide what is wise? Who decides who gets to reproduce?
World court? Like the UN? This concept of a World court is nothing but mob rule. Anything yet seen trying to implement this has been a laughingstock and made a mockery of true justice.
This is just pure evil masquerading as stupidity.

Southern Dan
Southern Dan
2 years ago

Wow! So you say some of the comments are emotionally based. Well, did you not say, in so many words, “I dare you.” “Go ahead, I’m waiting.” “Prove me wrong.” Sounds to me like you were the biggest kid on the playground daring someone to “cross the line.” That being said, the guidestones are man centered. The Bible is God centered. I will rely upon His Word and trust Him.

2 years ago

i am happy it blew up and who ever did this should get a congressional medal of honor. in my opinion if it’s worth anything this sends a warning to satans minion elitists who are destroying our nation and the world that some nasty people are coming for them at there own lake houses and mansions on there 6000 acre properties they stole using our tax payer dollars which was given to them by our evil corrupted leaders through bribes and payback.

Last edited 2 years ago by Phil
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago