Gingrich: Speaker Ryan made a big mistake today

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8 years ago

I have been sending Republican Party donation requests disguised as surveys back to the arrogant idiot elephants (with no memory) who have been R.I.N.O. Democratic light blather mouths filled with angry repudiations for years.

A dunce cap for their elitists ruling class pointy heads…its a perfect fit.

I say its pitch forks and torches time!

Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago
Reply to  Mark

I ALWAYS return those surveys and also any request for donations.

I check the boxes, leave several unflattering comments, then when it comes to the amount of my donation I check “other”, draw a big flat ZERO followed by “you earned it.”

Of course I send it back postage due.

8 years ago

I always put in a TEA Bag as well! (Used of course and it ups the postage!)

8 years ago

“The party of Lincoln and Regan”… dear God! Lincoln was an unabashed tyrant who caused the deaths of over a million Americans; and Regan was a financial liberal who gave the Corporations essentially everything they wanted without a fight (bank and investment company deregulation, unbounded protection from the Sherman Anti-Trust statute, and Trade/Tariff policies which encouraged the off-shoring of millions of manufacturing jobs, among others).

If this is what the (R)epublican party stands for (and it is), then they should be just as despised as the (D)emocrats are for their communist approach to Individual Rights, and the welfare plantation system which they have created…

Tom Angle
8 years ago
Reply to  LT

Self delusions keep that party alive. If they would admit who they have supported for decades, they would realize that there is only one way out of they hole we are in. Ignorance is bliss.

8 years ago

Go Trump! Hope we can bid Ryan farewell in November. Wish I was in WI to help do just that.

Tom Angle
8 years ago
Reply to  HopeForChange

I’ll leave out the question of how many times has Trump changed his position on such and such. Could you tell me exactly how Trump plans to do all the things he says?

8 years ago

Trump was not my first choice…Carson was from the minute he sliced and diced Obama to his face at the Prayer breakfast…that was the Doctor’s most cutting surgical performance ever! My Christian majority pulled for Carson and even forced me to open my wallet. (A first time event for me with a political race -- moths were flying out!)

After the honorable Dr. dissipated I voted for Cruz in NC as my Conservative minority urged me to pull the lever.

However, I want to thank the Donald for the angst, the spoiled foot stomping, arrogant, ignorant, suicidal, reaction he has caused with the Republican upper crust -- the elephant’s useless intellectuals as I am thoroughly enjoying their discomfort, pain, horror at losing control and their let them eat cake pompous retorts.

I say we haul a guillotine to DC and K street…and where ever else the powdered wigs gather.

A pox on their bloated egos!

I may have to run hard to leap onto the caboose of the Trump Train as it seems to be gaining speed and flying past me…but I am a humbled voter/man who doesn’t think he will be alone in the lunge…

8 years ago

Newt should know -- he is one of them….The Phony Rightwing,

He also voted:

1. China as Most Favored Nation for trade
2. Voted to supply funds to subsidize trade with the Soviets.
3. Voted to transfer 2.2 million acres in Idaho to Wilderness status.
4. Voted for federal funding loan guarantees for greater trade with Red China.
5. Voted for taxpayer funds being available to foreign governments through export/import banks.
6. Is pro amnesty -- Joe Galloway wrote in December 2010 that both Newt and Jeb Bush were pro-amnesty. Gingrich stated, “We are not going to deport 11 million immigrants.” How about 40 million Newt…send them home, they’re an invasion!
7. Is pro foreign aid. In 1995 he voted for 31.8 billion in foreign aid, but wouldn’t vote to cut foreign aid by a measly 1%.
Newt also backed a strong central government, strong environmental laws, national service programs, the United Nations Goals 2000 (which many Republicans voted for), federal financing of local police, and UN peacekeeping missions for our military.
8. Gingrich is pro-Obamacare and even advocated it in the 90s on Meet the Press, and recently:
9. He did a Global Warming ad with Nancy Pelosi that is coming back to haunt him, but in reality, he is a big environmentalist.
10. Is pro-Gun Control -- Newt is currently circulating a letter advertising a DVD called: “America at Risk” for which you may obtain a copy if you send him $35.00 or more. On page 3 of his six-page letter he says: “Today the choice is yours: You can either sit back and allow Barack Obama and the liberal elite to disarm our country, leaving us defenseless against enemies who explicitly desire to erase America from existence.”

8 years ago

Voting for the wrong reason is confirmation of intellectual infirmity and moral morass.

Those with conviction and integrity defend their choices vigorously and tirelessly because they care not for opinion and standing.

Fact and truth reign supreme, and are honorable pursuits. Would that every Amercan craved knowledge and wisdom to the extent they covet distraction and excuse.

8 years ago

Rich…my first reaction is Hmmm…I knew much of this about him…but not all…and this staccato burst fired from your hip is damaging…and the link was definitely supportive.

I remember jumping out of my chair shaking my fist and cursing when I saw his Global Warming ad with Nancy the San Fran Caligula….oozing out of my TV.

I am at the point of not trusting anyone…or their shape-shifting political motives and there is a suspicious guy in the mirror who keeps staring at me. I don’t say this to infer you are paranoid…but that after reading your post (I will dig deeper) we all must be!

I suspect Trump is going to be riding into Cleveland with a well known Posse and the Newt may not be riding shotgun…but will be on a big horse.

Tom Angle
8 years ago
Reply to  Mark

It’s not paranoia if they are really out to get you.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tom Angle

“I moved to New York City for my health. I’m paranoid and it was the only place where my fears were justified.”

Anita Weiss quote

Tom Angle
8 years ago
Reply to  Mark

A little long, but is has a couple good quotes.

“One afternoon, near the end of the first summer, when I went to the village to get a shoe from the cobbler’s, I was seized and put into jail, because, as I have elsewhere related, I did not pay a tax to, or recognize the authority of, the State which buys and sells men, women, and children, like cattle, at the door of its senate-house. I had gone down to the woods for other purposes. But, wherever a man goes, men will pursue and paw him with their dirty institutions, and, if they can, constrain him to belong to their desperate odd-fellow society. It is true, I might have resisted forcibly with more or less effect, might have run “amok” against society; but I preferred that society should run “amok” against me, it being the desperate party. However, I was released the next day, obtained my mended shoe, and returned to the woods in season to get my dinner of huckleberries on Fair Haven Hill. I was never molested by any person but those who represented the State.” —-- Henry David Thoreau

8 years ago
Reply to  Mark


there has been plenty of evidence to prove these politicians are not what they say..
Newt Gingrich is the phony right -- yep..i must be paradoid if i am being truthful!

8 years ago
Reply to  Rich

Rich, I didn’t mean you were being paranoid…but that we all must be (of politicians) sorry for the clumsy expression/words.

8 years ago

Let’s get something CRYSTAL CLEAR, Mr. Ryan…without the PEOPLE, there is NO “party”. Got it?
IMHO, You’re an arrogant, self-centered ASS and should, by all rights, step down off that cross of yours because the PEOPLE need the wood.

8 years ago

The Phony Right-Wing, Part 2: Newt Gingrich & ‘The Third Wave’

In 1994, Newt presented a list of 8 works he wanted everyone to read….first was the Declaration of Independence, second the Federalist Papers, and third was The Third Wave, by Alvin Toffler printed by the new age Progress and Freedom Foundation. Alvin Toffler is Newt Gingrich’s mentor, so we need to take a closer look at what Toffler espouses in The Third Wave. By the way he never mentioned reading the Constitution and for good reason. He wants to be rid of it.
Gingrich, who swore an oath 10 times to uphold and defend the constitution urges with his mentor Toffler, the very death of the American Constitutional system. Gingrich wrote the forward to Toffler’s book, “Creating a New Civilization.” As my friend, Constance Cumbey wrote in her recent article, “Newt Gingrich, the New Age, Global Civil Society, and Global Governance,” the very best information on The Third Wave and Newt Gingrich was written by Steve Farrell. The entire 8 part series, “Democrats in Drag,” is at at If you never do any other reading, print this 8 part series out and read it carefully. It is a picture of what is happening to America.