A Steve Quayle reader has reported that the 2 dozen gold Krugerrands he kept stored in his safety deposit box in a Cincinnati 5/3rd Bank have been confiscated, and that the 5/3 Bank Manager informed him that a CIA agent was the culprit who cleaned out his stash of phyzz- but that all fiat dollars were left untouched in the box.

While this in an anecdotal account, this emphasizes a point we have long made here at SD: if you don’t hold it, you don’t own it!

Full account of Fed gold confiscation is below:

I woke up and thought .  I think i will go to the bank today and see the gold coins my grandpa gave me about 15 yrs ago as its been about 2 yrs now since I have been to the Bank Box. So when i got there the bank mgr asks me how are you today, Mr Jones i am fine I would like to see my bank BOX please !!!!.  Senior Officer–OK- Mr Jones this way . So he takes me into the vault room and Brings me my safety deposit Box here’s your box Mr Jones, take as long as you want , Ok thank you i said . To my surprise the (2 dozens GOLD KRUGERRANDS) that I had are GONE!


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European American
European American
11 years ago

Not that this type of fascist action hasn’t been, isn’t being, will be, taking place, but this particular story is clearly suspect. Nevertheless, anyone who has their physical assets in a safety deposit box has already decided they don’t want it.

11 years ago

not trying to be snippy, but it’s a “safe” deposit box, as in “a deposit box in a safe.” Not a “safety” deposit box.

There’s obviously no safety in these deposit boxes. And frankly I believe the story. Just try to remove more than $4000 in cash from your OWN bank account and a form gets sent off to the treasury. Take more than $10,000 and another “money laundering” suspicious report gets filed.

European American
European American
11 years ago

Your slip is showing, Jack, BFD.

“Safety” deposit box, checking/savings account/BANK?

You’ve got anything over $10 in a bank? You deserve to lose it all.


Evan Sh
Evan Sh
11 years ago

Just heard of this report yesterday. Looking it up today: 1) Who is this “Quayle”? Perhaps this is a myth. 2) the report was written / recounted so poorly that I won’t trust it as being accurate. 3) safety deposit boxes take two keys to get -- one possessed by the bank and one by the owner of the box PLUS the owner goes into the vault with the bank employee to get the box. therefore, the manager won’t be carrying the box to Quayle to look in. 4) How would anyone know that there were gold coins in the box? The CIA is not omniscient, so how would they know Quayle had coins there from a gift of over a decade ago? 5) It is illegal for the CIA to act within the USA, so a) the bank would not open a vault / box for them and b) Quayle would have case for action against them . The list could go on. Please use critical thinking.