GRNC Alert 05-10-15: Bloomberg TV Spots Will Attack NC Gun Rights

Dear Gun Rights Supporter:

It just keeps coming. Last week I described how Michael Bloomberg and his various “astroturf” organizations held a press conference last week to tell lies about House Bill 562, kicking off their campaign to attack NC gun rights as they have in Washington State and elsewhere. You responded generously to my request for funds to repel the effort, for which I thank you.

Bloomberg to spend hundreds of thousands against you…

But I’m afraid it gets worse. Now “Everytown for Gun Safety (or “Moms Demand Action” or “Moms Rising” or the “Law Center for Gun Safety,” or “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” or whatever phony group these 20 well—funded malcontents are calling themselves today) have announced that right here in North Carolina, Bloomberg will spend what is presumably hundreds of thousands of dollars on TV spots to attack your rights.

All of these attacks are being launched under the all-too-familiar fraud, “universal background checks.” Never mind that HB 562 will enhance the ability of lawful North Carolinians to protect their families by:

    • Ridding us of our archaic, Jim Crow-era pistol purchase permit system, by which sheriffs still arbitrarily deny law-abiding citizens the ability to protect themselves;
    • Preventing health care providers from conducting politically-motivated fishing expeditions into whether patients have guns in their homes;
    • Preventing sheriffs from delaying concealed handgun permits;
    • Improving current law on campus carry; and much more.


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