GRNC Alert 10-29-14: State Fair Gun Ban Claims Three Victims

Today GRNC President Paul Valone issued the following open letter to NC Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler who implemented an illegal ban of handgun carry during this year’s state fair. In a painful irony that is attracting national media attention, three attendees became victims of an armed robbery walking to their car after attending the fair.
An open letter to North Carolina Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler 
Dear Commissioner Troxler:

So much has happened since last we spoke. Since then, as we both know, an activist judge sanctioned your willful misinterpretation of N.C.G.S. 14-415.23, allowing you to prohibit lawful concealed carry at the state fair.

When concealed carry at the fair was under debate, GRNC pointed out that ostensibly “gun free” zones actually attract sociopaths and criminals who know potential victims are disarmed. Indeed, of mass shootings in the United States since 1958, all but two have taken place in “victim disarmament zones.”

At a highly publicized press conference, you responded that you would have more than two hundred armed law enforcement officers inside the fair, to which we noted that your prohibition would still leave concealed handgun permit-holders defenseless in parking areas surrounding the fairground.

When your security chief, Joel Keith, was asked at yet another press conference whether disarmed fair-goers could receive armed escorts to their vehicles, he responded in the affirmative. Unfortunately, that promise was carried out only reluctantly, and only when people demanded it. Worse, the metal detectors you promised for fair entrances were used only sporadically, as numerous fairgoers have reported.

Sometimes, I hate to be right: Three of the people you purported to protect were robbed at gun point. That’s right, Commissioner Troxler; in case you haven’t heard, here is an early account from WTVD:

“Raleigh police are looking for two armed men who robbed three people at gunpoint late Saturday night near the North Carolina State University Club. 

“Police say the victims were robbed around 11:35 p.m. as they were walking back to their vehicles on Hillsborough Street after leaving the North Carolina State Fair. Fortunately, no one was injured. 

“The suspects drove off in a tan or cream-colored Lincoln. They’re described as two black males, one wearing a gray-hooded sweatshirt, one wearing a black-hooded sweatshirt and each armed with handguns.” [Emphasis added]

Where were your law enforcement officers when these innocent people were victimized, Commissioner Troxler? What if the criminals hadn’t just robbed them, but murdered them as well? One of the suspects is in custody but, of course, that would be far too late to help the victims.

Consider that by holding press conferences and announcing to the world that fair-goers would be disarmed, you also declared open season on them by informing violent predators that their victims would be defenseless. Indeed, you and Superior Court Judge Donald Stephens should count yourselves fortunate that nobody was killed.

Even before our involvement, word of your failure to follow through on protecting the fair-goers you disarmed is spreading throughout the gun rights community nationwide. Perhaps you should convene another press conference … this time, to issue an apology.


F. Paul Valone

President, Grass Roots North Carolina


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Doug Sheets
Doug Sheets
10 years ago

As I consider what state I want to retire to, I find the list growing of those states that do not uphold the second amendment. I have been closely following NC Renegade and the activities in NC and am saddened by the unconstitutional elected officials in the state. I sure hope the good people of NC come to their senses this election season. My list is growing shorter by the month.