GRNC Alert 10-8-13: Obama Still Trying To Ban Guns, Register Owners

President Obama continues his behind the scenes anti-gun agenda…

Months after a stinging loss in Congress after proposing the most repressive anti-gun legislation ever attempted in the United States, President Obama continues to push for gun control behind the scenes through several Federal and state agencies. The latest round of proposals being considered by the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) will, if approved, restrict not only your ability to own and use suppressors and fully automatic guns through an NFA Trust, but they will also restrict your ability to own such legendary rifles such as the M-1 Garand and others through a blocking of the practice of the re-importation  of such rifles.

NFA Trust Laws may end Class III ownership in NC

In a proposal dated September 9th, 2013, President Obama, through the BATFE has decided that all transactions using an NFA Trust should also be required to have the signature of the Chief Law Enforcement Officer (CLEO) within your jurisdiction. Although changed slightly to remove an innocuous phrase, the concept is the same: Obama wants NFA Trust transactions to be approved by your CLEO before the transaction can move forward.

Why is this important? The proposed changes to Trust/LLC transfers will require a law enforcement certification when transferring any Title II firearm into a Trust or LLC, this includes suppressorsshort-barreled rifles, and machine guns eligible for civilian ownership.  Because most of the Sheriffs in North Carolina have locked arms together and simplyrefuse to sign any approvals for those items regulated in this fashion, they have effectively blocked any and all Title II transactions within their jurisdictions.

Just over a week ago, North Carolina law went into effect making it legal to hunt with suppressors. Many people are forced to go through an NFA Trust in order to obtain suppressors because most sheriffs in North Carolina will not approve the applications. Under this latest proposal from the BATFE, we will be right back in the same boat by having to beg for something which has little chance of being approved. So much for hunting with suppressors, right?

More importantly, proposed changes are open for public comments for90 days only! Given that the proposed changes were entered in the first week of September, that leaves you less than 60 days to voice your opinion of the proposed changes! It’s imperative that you contact the DOJ/ BATFE now in order to have your opinion heard in this matter.

Obama blocks the re-importation of Curio and Relic rifles

In August of 2013, President Obama surprisingly (or not) decided to block the re-importation of several models of commonly owned military surplus rifles that could previously be obtained as Curio or Relic items such as the M-1 Garand! These and other rifles were originally shipped to allied and friendly nations and then were able to be purchased by US citizens as Curio and Relic items, as they are over 50 years old. Suddenly, the President decided to block the practice. Why?

As is turns out, it’s all in an effort to conform to the failed proposals that were shot down in Congress earlier this year. The M-1 Garand has a fixed magazine which can hold up to 8 rounds, but one of the main contentions of the Obama administration is that “high capacity” magazines should only be able to contain 7 rounds or less, as evidenced by recent laws adopted by New York and others proposed in several states. If the President had his way, guns would only be able to hold oneround, if that. Too bad for him we are a nation that relies heavily on true common sense, and not fairy-tale visions of laws which contain no real value in terms of actual crime reduction.

It’s time to lean heavily on this administration and let him know that we will not sit back and let him pass proposals behind the scenes that have already failed several times over in Congress. Tell President Obama that We The People are watching close and will not be so easily fooled by his tactics.


  • EMAIL AND CALL YOUR US SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES: Using the contact information below, contact your US Senators and Representatives from North Carolina and voice your displeasure with President Obama’s backroom attempts to restrict the Second Amendment.
  • CONTACT THE BATFE: Using the contact information below, contact the BATFE and voice your displeasure with President Obama’s newest proposals to restrict the Second Amendment using the suggested message below.


United States Senators from North Carolina:

Senator Richard Burr:
Phone: (202) 224-3154

Senator Kay Hagan:
Phone: (202) 224-6342

United States Representatives from North Carolina:

Find your US Representative Here or copy and paste to your browser:

BATFE Comments page for proposed changes to NFA Trust laws:!submitComment;D=ATF-2013-0001-0001 or Copy & Paste:!submitComment;D=ATF-2013-0001-0001


Suggested Subject: “Stop President Obama’s backroom anti-gun proposals!”

Dear Senator/ Representative,

It has come to my attention that President Obama, through the BATFE and other agencies, is attempting to force new laws into existence which have already failed to be enacted through normal legislative avenues. Earlier this year, the President’s anti-gun agenda was stopped cold in Congress. Now, the President is attempting to enact some of the very same laws as policy through the BATFE and other administrative agencies without you having the chance to vote on them.

In one proposal, the BATFE is attempting to restructure the laws governing NFA Trust transactions. The administration, via the BATFE, is attempting to make changes in the current requirements which would make it virtually impossible to obtain certain items such as suppressors and short barreled rifles by requiring a resident’s Chief Law Enforcement Officer (CLEO) to approve all such transactions for which an NFA Trust/ LLC has been established.

As you well know, most of the sheriffs in North Carolina will not, as a matter of course, approve of any transaction for suppressors, etc. Due to this, many residents of North Carolina are forced to go through an NFA Trust to obtain such items. Under the newest BATFE proposals, a requirement to obtain the signature of a resident’s CLEO prior to the transaction would be enacted. This would bring us right back to where we are effectively no longer able to obtain items such as a suppressor.

In this past year, you have worked hard to combat the efforts of President Obama’s administration as he attempted to ram-rod many new laws into place, which would have seriously restricted our inherent rights under the Second Amendment of the US Constitution while doing virtually nothing to stop crimes where guns were involved.

I urge you to investigate this matter and give it your full attention in order to prevent this kind of abuse of power. I will be monitoring all future actions in this matter via alerts from Grass Roots North Carolina.


(To the DOJ/ BATFE)

In the matter of 27 CFR Part 479 docket number ATF 41P Part 479,  RIN: 1140-AA43,  Machine Guns, Destructive Devices and Certain Other Firearms; Background Checks for responsible Persons of a Corporation, Trust or Other Legal Entity With Respect to Making or transferring a Firearm:

We agree with the ATF proposal requiring fingerprints and mug shot of all adult applicants or responsible party of a trust or LLC acquiring NFA firearms. The above process would ensure that NFA firearms are not acquired by any prohibited person(s).

That being said, we are opposed to any expansion requirement mandating CLEO certification as outlined within the docket.  The simple change in verbiage proposed by ATF, in our experience would not encourage CLEOs to process applicant paperwork; as there are too many perceived liabilities, political, and professional ramifications associated with NFA firearm acquisition.   These perceptions have resulted in a measureable decrease of CLEO endorsed transfers, which has attributed to the explosive popularity of Trusts and LLC NFA applications.

The resources available to ATF/NFA including but not limiting to NCIC, TECS, NLETS, III, and NICBCS databases more than adequately ensure that all applicants are fully screened.  If any CLEO involvement were required by ATF/NFA the only acceptable process should be CLEO notification post procurement.
This could be accomplished by requiring the successful application to provide the CLEO with a copy of the federal transfer paperwork, or by requiring the name and address of the CLEO being listed on the application form.  This name and address would allow ATF/NFA to mail a copy of the applicant’s form to said applicants CLEO upon successful execution of the transfer.


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