GRNC Alert 3-28-13: Hagan ‘Out Of Closet’ on Gun Control

Hagan ‘Out Of Closet’ on Gun Control

As Senate floor vote looms…

Despite media attempts to lure you to sleep by claiming demand for gun control is waning, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) plans to bring his new and more draconian “universal background check” bill, S. 649, to the Senate floor sometime after Easter. Make no mistake: “Universal background check” is gun control code speech for “universal gun registration,” and would make you a criminal for something as inoffensive as leaving a gun at home with your spouse.

Equally premature are predictions that Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) ban on semi-automatic firearms is dead. Reid has said he will allow a vote on the measure as an amendment to S. 649 — potentially avoiding the requirement for 60 votes for “cloture.”

MAIG Targets Hagan

Amid all of this, Michael Bloomberg’s “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” (MAIG) is making a $12 million multi-state media push, including targeting our own Sen. Kay Hagan (D, GRNC 1-star). Why Hagan? Because her party affiliation and poor 64% pro-gun voting record while in the NC Senate predispose her to support gun control, but the tough reelection bid she faces in 2014 means a vote for gun control might cause her to lose the election.

So where does Hagan stand? Despite her claims to a hunting heritage and her assertion to constituents that she will not “unnecessarily” infringe on your Second Amendment rights, she has dodged the issue until recently, when she first went on record with leftist Chris Fitzsimon of “NC Policy Watch” in favor of some form of background checks. More telling, however, was a recent article in the “Greensboro News & Record,” which said:

  • “U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan likes the idea of expanding background checks for gun purchases, but her vote on legislation nearing the Senate floor will depend on the details, her office said Tuesday.”


Call AND email Sen. Kay Hagan:

  • Let her know that any vote for background checks is a vote against gun rights, since “universal background checks” are nothing more than a stepping stone to universal gun registration.
  • Remind her she will be held accountable for her votes in 2014.
  • Tell her you expect her to vote against any “motion to proceed” and to support a filibuster, if necessary, to defeat gun control.
  • If staffers try to tell you she just voted for the “Lee Amendment,” which would have increased the votes necessary to pass gun control to 67, tell her you know that was empty posturing because Sen. Reid knew he had more than enough votes to defeat it and therefore gave vulnerable Democrats a “pass” to vote for it.

Call AND email Sen. Richard Burr:

  • Tell him you expect him to vote against any “motion to proceed” and to support a filibuster by Sens. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, if necessary, to defeat gun control.

CALL Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell:

  • Remind him that you will accept NO “compromises” on gun control, especially on background checks.

CALL Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid:

  • Tell him you will not be fooled by phony votes to give anti-gun politicians political cover, and you WILL hold Hagan responsible for final passage of S. 649 or any other gun control bill which leaves the Senate.

Contact Information:

Senator Kay Hagan: Contact Form  Phone: (202)-224-6342
Senator Richard Burr: Contact Form  Phone: (202)-224-3154
Senator Mitch McConnell Phone: (202)-224-2541
Senator Harry Reid: Phone: (202)-224-3542


Suggested Subject: “Oppose Senate Bill 649!”

Sample email for Sens. Burr and Hagan:

Dear Senator :

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says he will bring S. 649, the most recent scheme for universal gun registration, to the Senate floor after Easter. Be aware that I consider none of the gun control proposals in the Senate to be acceptable, and will not accept “compromise” on the issue.

Nor am I fooled by procedural machinations such as trying to amend other legislation to include a ban on so-called “assault weapons” or standard capacity magazines, either for the purpose of slipping such legislation through with less opposition, or for the purpose of giving “cover votes” to candidates who are weak on the Second Amendment.

In fact, I expect you to oppose any “motion to proceed,” and to support a filibuster, if necessary, to stop any and all gun control from passing from the Senate. I say again: I will not compromise on this issue.

I look forward to your support, and will closely monitor your actions via Grass Roots North Carolina legislative alerts.


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