Gun group targets restaurants


 Grass Roots North Carolina / Forum For Firearms Education

Post Office Box 10665, Raleigh, NC  27605

877.282.0939 (Phone)      919.573.0354 (Fax)

Gun group targets restaurants

Today marks implementation of a broad expansion of North Carolina’s concealed handgun law, including into restaurants and campuses. Grass Roots North Carolina has sought restaurant carry since 1996. Yet even once it became law, concealed handgun opponents began trying to undermine the ability of lawful North Carolinians to protect their families in restaurants by encouraging those restaurants to post signs prohibiting concealed carry.

High Risk Restaurant List

In response, the GRNC High Risk Restaurant Project will ensure the law is not undermined by asking the state’s nearly 400,000 concealed handgun supporters to report restaurants which post for inclusion in a High Risk Restaurant List which will be distributed across the state. Supporters will then be asked to contact merchants to explain why they are unable to patronize their businesses. Below is an excerpt from the alert just sent to the 87,000 recipients of GRNC’s email alert list.


High Risk Restaurant List kicks off this weekend! 

Just as in 1995, when we passed concealed carry, GRNC is ready. Back then it was the GRNC Don’t Buy List. This time it is the High Risk Restaurant List, and here is how it works: 

You report posted restaurants 

As one of thousands of concealed carry supporters, we ask you to be our eyes and ears. When you encounter a posted restaurant, “drop a card” And what does that mean? 

  1.  Ask for the proprietor or manager, and hand them half of a GRNC High Risk Restaurant card, which tells them their business is being reported to tens of thousands of concealed carry supporters.
  2. On the other half, record all of the contact information for the business. Get as much as possible, then either report it at, email it to us at or mail it to us at the address above. 

‘Drop a card for freedom’ 

Drop a card for freedom, drop a card for safety, heck, even drop a card because anti-gunners tick you off. Do it for any reason you like, but drop the card! 

What the simple little card shows them is they are subject to a large, organized effort. The cards also encourage you to record contact information you might otherwise forget, and they help GRNC fund the project. You can get HRR cards by CLICKING HERE or going to: 

(Note: If you are unable (or unwilling) to buy HRR cards, you can download and print them by CLICKING HERE or going to: 

What makes the High Risk Restaurant List effective 

What differentiates the HRR list from less effective efforts is that we take the information you provide, generate a notice to the merchant that they are being reported, and give them a chance to remove signs before their business contact information is released to tens of thousands of gun rights supporters via GRNC’s 87,000 subscriber alert list, gun shows and gun shops across the state, concealed handgun classes and social media. 

But the real key is YOU 

  1. You must report posted restaurants & theaters to GRNC by making reports at:, faxing reports to 919-573-0354 or mailing them to GRNC, PO Box 10665, Raleigh, NC 27605, and finally; 
  2. You must find posted restaurants & theaters by going to:
  3.  You must call and email posted restaurants & theaters and tell them you cannot patronize any establishment which prohibits you from protecting your family; 
  4. You must register polite comments on restaurant’s Facebook pages, via Twitter, and in reviews on Yelp and Trip Advisor; 
  5. You must help support the project by buying High Risk Restaurant Cards, available at: 

What GRNC needs from you 

As you might imagine, tracking down contacts for dozens and perhaps hundreds of businesses is a daunting task, especially for an all-volunteer organization. 

That’s where you come in: We need accurate, specific reports of posted restaurants, theaters and other assemblies of people for which admission is charged. If the business is part of a chain, please try to find out whether other locations are posted. If possible, please use Google to find the correct corporate name and contact information for its CEO, VP’s, director of loss prevention or equivalent corporate officer.

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