Guns aren’t even the issue, the issue is control

If The Darkness Descends

Here’s the problem as I see it, whenever I attempt to communicate some ideas to the readers of this blog, I run into a problem. It is not that Romney supports guns and Obama wants to take them away, it is that every politician wants to take them away, either from an ideological police state mentality, or from a law and order, “make it safer for our guys, the government guys”, point of view.

Does it Matter?

The fact is, I don’t care if Obama wants to take our guns because he is a fascist, collectivist or whether Romney wants to take them away because he wants to be able to control society to a greater degree and give his government co-horts an upper hand in any conflict.

Guns aren’t even the issue, the issue is control. I don’t give a dang who has a gun, issue them to felons when they come out of prison if you want to. If they want one, they’ll get it and use it to do whatever they want. Issue them to school children, what difference does it make? Those who will use them will get them and use them. Trying to stop it by taking the guns away from those who could stop it is insanity. One has to believe in the goodness of the people to understand my point. There are one hundred times more good people who would stop that insanity with guns as there are people who would do bad things with them.

The point is, we supposedly have a free society, I mean that is the point of America is its freedom, but everyday that loses a little bit of legitimacy and what is America without it? It is just another dictatorship of elected officials. The vote doesn’t matter, cast them for whoever you want to, elect Barack Obama again, elect him ten more times. Nothing will change, every new insult, every new violation of freedom just makes the principles of freedom and justice that much more rare and that much more valuable and every politician will come after them, because freedom is the opposite of government. It is matter and anti-matter.

There comes a time when the average guy has to look out on his perfectly manicured lawn, his recycle bins and his low flow toilets and ask himself if this is what has been worth the blood of so many young men in the history of this nation. Is it?

People don’t understand freedom anymore. The concepts of liberty are lost on them, it has become foreign, unusual, a little dangerous, even stupid to the properly trained and indoctrinated collectivist and that is what America is about today, whether openly or secretly, it is about collectivism. Everyone pays for the benefits of others and those paying are all just looking for a way to cash in themselves. It is a disgusting society of black marketeers and insider traders.

I don’t know if there will ever be a time when enough of us look out on the landscape of a trapped and imprisoned population and decide that no one has the right to do to us what they have done. Those who have the money and the power look down on us rightfully and shake their heads at our lack of will, our lack of honest principles.

They have the will when they pass these laws that they know are unconstitutional, but they also know the system is so corrupt that no one will call them on it. They know that every cop has violated time and time again his oath of office. They know that every judge is as guilty as they are. It is a sham, it is a fraud. It is government.

I have been pleading and hopefully providing some inspiration to the patriot community, to encourage them that they are not alone in their thoughts or intended actions, that we are not all just crazy for believing in things most Civics teachers will tell you is nonsense, that the government doesn’t really work that way, that every day, when the average guy wakes up he has been fleeced and bullied and pushed around by the system that they are not wrong, that there are others who know they are not crazy, that these are things to believe in, to risk for and perhaps to die for.

If there were twenty people who felt exactly as I do, who had the fortitude to go through with it, as I do, the world would be a different place. It takes a dedication, a desire to do something important, even greater than your life, greater than the lives of everyone you love. Read history, really take a look at it and understand that there were people one time who sacrificed everything on principle, it cost them something dear and meaningful, but they did something, the bastards had to pay the price for their pretensions to commanding a free people.

Look at the Alamo and don’t tell me that there was one man in that situation who thought he was going to get out of it alive. They did it, they stood up, they said “no more” and they died for it. Yes, the average private, or volunteer probably thought their actions were stupid, reckless and would not have an impact on the future, but they were wrong. It created a new world, where Texas means something.

The question really is, is your life ever going to mean something? This is the question I ask myself every day. I could die of cancer, or get hit by a truck, or a drunk could come across the median and kill my whole family in a traffic accident. Is there honor in that? Will I have accomplished something with that sort of death?

We are all going to die, the question is how. I don’t want to die a pedestrian’s death when there is so much more to be accomplished with the years I have left, when there is so much more that needs to be accomplished. Our freedom was not purchased with the lives of the wealthy or powerful, it was purchased by the volunteer at the Alamo, the private on the landing craft at D-Day. Would you honor that with a hospital death, leaving your family drowning in medical bills?

There is something dreadfully wrong with the nation that was the only point of light in a dark and deadly history of the world. Think about it. Think about how many ordinary lives were taken to cement the power of Stalin, or the power of Pol Pot, or the power of Mao. Do we want to repeat that? Is that admirable?

You are an American, your light shines into every dark corner of the world, illuminating the hopes of the starving and enslaved masses of the world. Every tortured heart and oppressed soul begs for us to shine, to bring them our freedom, our liberty and to that plea, to that cry, we do what? What do we do in response to that lost and empty plea from the oppressed billions? Do we fight for ourselves to make our nation the promise they have been given, or do we just switch on the TV?

If we fail to make that promise true, the darkness will fill the void of America, it is filling the void right now, we all know it. If darkness descends on us, it descends on the world and there may be thousands of years before human beings will know humanity again.

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