Hard question for you today?

One YouTube response:

Bama Trapper 

My dogs did not wreck my country, my neighbors did. My dogs cannot prep for themselves, my neighbors are busy buying four wheelers, boats and vacations instead of prepping. My dog is loyal to me and will defend me. My neighbor would not.

For me this is easy.

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11 years ago

I have 6 dogs and I have asked myself about who would be first to go in the event of an emergency. I guess I’d start with the oldest or least likely to be able to preform as a guard. Once their food is gone pickings will get slim I’m sure. 6 dogs would be hard to feed but they do make a good wall of defence, alert doorbells.
As far as a dog taking down a deer, I shot 2 of 5 chasing a deer this year and I got the deer too. My dogs may chase a deer off the property for traspassing but the first deer they down would be their last. That deer yours killed if shot would sustain you and some bones and meat for them too. Never allow a dog around that kills deer, chickens, turkeys, sheep or other animals. A neighbors calf, piglet, cat or something alse might not settle well in the neighborhood. You or a family member could be next when they get hungry. You should consider chaining them untill they are trained not to kill deer if that is possible. My comand words are, “no deer”.