Harry Reid: It’s All the Tea Party’s Fault

See additional comments at Tea Party Nation.

Today (March 2, 2012) on the floor of the Senate, Harry Reid chastised the Republican party for not supporting legislation to upgrade/maintain our nation’s infrastructure. Instead, he stated that Republican senators are more concerned with repealing health care to placate the Tea Party.

The Tea Party “rose up” but they must realize that there will be no repeal of health care this year. The list of charges leveled against us by Sen. Reid include:

  1. weaker environmental protection
  2. less pure water
  3. dirtier air
  4. taking health care away from women

I believe the health care legislation repeal that Mr. Reid is referring to is the government mandate to require religious organizations to subsidize contraception. In Liberalspeak, this means “taking health care away from women“.

We put up with “It’s Bush’s Fault” which has now been transformed into “It’s the Tea Party’s Fault”. I will accept this mantle with honor whether it is the “Tea Party” or “Patriotic Americans” coming under attack. The reality is that Mr. Reid is correct: it is the Tea Party’s fault because true, patriotic Americans are the Tea Party. Mr. Reid also realizes that the Time has come that Samuel Adams forewarned us about:

If ever the Time should come, when vain & aspiring Men shall possess the highest Seats in Government, our Country will stand in Need of its experienced Patriots to prevent its Ruin.

I also believe that Mr. Adams meant this literally: “stand in Need” means we must “stand up” as proud Americans. We have been labelled as right-wing extremists, domestic terrorists and religious fanatics. It is time that we all proudly accept the label of a patriot willing to fight for our country and our sacred honor. Only then can we become experienced Patriots seasoned by our actions.

David DeGerolamo

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Iceman(aka Snake)
Iceman(aka Snake)
12 years ago

Harry Reid needs to get hit by a bus. They can waste time talking and crying about the Repubs…They sure do cry the blues to any MSM camera…making the conservatives look bad. When in actuality, they are spending the trillions on waste.
..fraud… and giving money to companies that file bankruptcy.