Following his sudden and unexpected Twitter outburst this morning, urging President Trump to “Close the borders… shut down the country,” investor Bill Ackman called in to CNBC to further explain his grave concerns.
As the virus spreads across America, Ackman sees only one way out…
“You cant borrow your way out of the problem, you can’t lend your way out of the crisis.. you have to kill the virus.”
“America will end as we know it,” warned the infamous hedge fund manager, unless President Trump shuts down the country for 30 days to contain the fast-spreading coronavirus, calling it the only option to rescue the economy.
“What’s scaring the American people and corporate America now is the gradual rollout,” Ackman told CNBC’s Scott Wapner on ‘Halftime Report’ on Wednesday.
“We need to shut it down now… This is the only answer.”
Ackman added if Trump saves the country from the coronavirus, he will get reelected in November, with the billionaire urging US companies to stop their buyback programs because “hell is coming.”
“The hotel industry and the restaurant industry will go bankrupt first, Boeing is on the brink, Boeing will not survive without a government bailout,” Ackman said.
Finally, a clearly emotional Ackman exclaimed”
“I’m not going to kill my father [who is immunocompromised], I went into lockdown almost a month ago to save my father’s life.”
Every American should listen:
“The only shared sacrifice that is going on right now is the health-care community, the nurses, the doctors, the people taking care of patients. Those people are making enormous sacrifices,” said Ackman.
[The president] is not saying storm the beaches of Normandy right, he’s saying go home, go home, spend a month with your family. ”
If you weren’t concerned before – you should be now – Watch the full interview below…
After reflection, I believe that the average Joe and Suzie Citizen will see Trump’s leadership and actions as a demonstration that he actually cares what happens to the citizenry and wants the best for ALL in our nation. His performance at recent Press Conferences and swift actions speak of a strong but caring leader. His support from even the most asleep citizens will grow due to their having become awake enough to be scared into panic buying. They are now somewhat awake as to what is happening to the nation and this can only work to Trump’s benefit.
The numbers of those afflicted by the virus will grow exponentially in the next ten days and with that growth the lockdown restrictions will grow. (I have been predicting a national travel ban unless one is “essential” or transporting commodities to be announced within the week.)
ALL will be feeling the pain. ALL will see even the fat cats and wealthy suffering under the same restrictions that the lower classes face. Hollywood and entertainment clowns will not be spouting their trash and the citizenry will rise to the challenges brought by the restrictions. Patriotism will again be raised into favorable public view.
Trump’s poll numbers will continue upward as the nation struggles. We will survive with ALL seeing their participation as if they were part of a TEAM.
Nothing unites a group of people like a common ordeal or struggle.
Yes, I do believe Trump Might Just Unite The Nation Yet !
I agree. Now imagine where we would be if Hillary had won the 2016 election.
I’m sure that (((Ackman))) has a nice Estate with a good Fence, Armed Guards, and plenty of Toilet Paper. And a Gulfstream Jet, and a Bunker in New Zealand as well. And enough Money so He can take a Month off from ‘work’ (if he actually does anything useful) and not Lose his Job, have his Car Repossessed, his House Foreclosed, his wife Divorce him and his Dog Bite him…
That’s going to be the Fate of Millions of ‘the deplorables’ if this shit keeps up. Get the Picture?
When he says “America will End as we Know it” he means Exactly what the bolshevik ‘left’ has been working towards for the past Century or more, the Destruction of the White, Christian, European-Descended Culture that has Created ALL of the Technological and Scientific advances in the past Century. In Spite of these same bolsheviks working Tirelessly to Destroy Everything that (((they))) cannot “Profit From”.
It’s not the “new world order”, it’s Modern Feudalism, where “The Rich” own EVERYTHING and everyone else must Pay just to Live, and Slave in ‘businesses’ Owned by the corporations (that are Owned by the same “Rich”.
Wake Up, the Ponzi Fiat Money Scam is at its End, where the Scammers ‘take the money and run’ leaving everyone else Destitute. The only way this Ends is if enough people Fight when their Home, Farm, Business and all Possessions are getting ‘Repoed’ . DOn’t pay ‘taxes’ either, that “money” actually goes to Pay the Interest on the Trillion$ of $hekel$ ‘printed’ out of thin air by the “federal reserve bank”.
The ‘corona virus’, IMO, is a Propagandized Nothingburger that seems unlikely to get a ‘Body Count’ near that of the regular Influenza strains that are out there all the Time. Never Mind being as Deadly as ordinary Heart Disease, Cancer, and Illegal Aliens driving drunk and other Crimes.
Wes. Here is a good example of what we were just messaging about concerning helping people with facts who don’t know better and don’t want to know better.
It’s sad.
“with the billionaire urging US companies to stop their buyback programs because “hell is coming.”
This is the problem with corporations holding their hand out for so called bailouts. They’ve been using every bit of cash they can and are now asking for more so they can buy back their own stock thereby raising the price. This in turn triggers their compensation clauses on their stock options and they reap the rewards of artificially inflated stock prices. It’s a complete and total BS maneuver. Instead of asking for a bailout they should first be selling stock that they bought back to maintain solvency. The game being played is called privatize the profits and socialize the losses and its at the heart of American Cronyism. The country has not been capitalist in a long time.
As far as fighting if the bourgeoise class try to claim everything the little people worked for, I agree. This is a 4th turning level event. I’m surprised we didn’t see more of that back in 2008. I think the mood now is much more sour and dire.
In another post, I suggested an alternative. Suspend parts of the economy like other nations have done. Let things stabilize and then resume. There is no real need to ride the beast down into the lair. Of course, I was called names and told that was the most Anti American thing ever heard by a reader here for this.