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- Garry F. Owen, Trooper on It’s Always the Same Ones
- kal kal on It’s Always the Same Ones
- Richard on This Should Be a Law
- TakeAHardLook on Gold
- Nobody on It’s Always the Same Ones
Biden’s New DoE Hire is a Queer Activist Who Brags About ‘Puppy Play’ Gimp Kink Whose will do you think they obey, America= Sodom and Gomorrah, just endure this vile evil the ministers of truth tell us. How long should we be disobedient to God? Everything has been infected with this vile regime, think that peaceful protest or the vote will change anything? There is not enough rope for all of them!!!
We will melt down this golden calf and all those that bow down to it, guaranteed period no and if or buts about it. Fire up the furnace and let us get busy!!!!!!!
Thank you to the singers: I became tearful as GOD is contacting me during your song!