Hint: Pelosi Is Involved

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12 days ago

The primary reason the project was started in the first place was to get the matching federal funds.

12 days ago

An investigation that doesn’t result in multiple prison sentences is a waste of time and more money.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
12 days ago

This train to nowhere is one of greatest scams in American history to date. Billons and billions spent on what--a short line between a shit-hole named Bakersfield and Modesto… both places you want to avoid BTW. And it will take countless billions more to complete the line on both ends into Sacramento and San Francisco and Los Angeles.

FYI--I ride the Japanese Shinkansen extensively when visiting that country. That system gets around 229,000 riders PER DAY in Japan. Japan and California are about the same size. Japan has a population of 130,000.000 (million) people and the population density to support their bullet train system. California has a population of 49,000,000 people--and does not have the population density to support a bullet train system.

A California bullet train system here in California would be lucky get get a few hundred riders per day--let alone over a 1/4 million per day like in Japan. So anything built and operated here in California would operate as MASSIVE, MASSIVE deficits and never show a profit. And operated and staffed by whole new classes of unionized, overpaid employees. It would be a perpetual black hole where money is tossed in.

In Japan--the Shinkansen system is now privately operated and owned. The government washed its hands of JR over three decades ago and now its the most profitable businesses in Japan. here, all public transportation systems are government run and operated at massive losses per year.