Hope Is Not A Plan

I kept getting asked yesterday if I was watching the Secret Service Hearing.

I did not. Why bother? Sure I saw some clips that people would send. But really, why watch a group of people that know exactly what happened, investigate themselves for the failed assassination attempt on former President Trump?

There will be no hangings for it.

Nothing will be done.

Bread and Circuses.

Everyone is still holding out Hope, that Trump is going to save them.

Hope is not a plan.

I understand people not wanting to risk everything they have for a great unknown. But our cause is just. I understand people still having Hope in the Vote, but Hope is not a plan.  Hope, the quintessential Human Delusion, simultaneously the source of our greatest strength and our greatest weakness. The problem is choice. We need to choose to save ourselves from this tyranny instead of relying on someone to do it for us. There is going to be a lot of hurt feelings if we make it to the November election. You can’t vote your way out of Tyranny.

Our only Hope is to fight.


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Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
6 months ago

I hate it Wes. But Fatmericans don’t have the courage or the faith.

tom finley
tom finley
6 months ago

That is exactly correct, our only hope is to fight. They will and doing just as they please while spitting in our face, half or more of the people are on their side and agree with the agenda. I am 100% in agreement with Wes, it seems most believe the vote will change the direction of the country, what has changed since the 2020 election, nothing. Look we have a three man team, a good start, TINVOWOOT.

6 months ago

We are long past the point where any of our problems can be solved politically or peacefully.

a follower
a follower
6 months ago

Our only hope is Mashiak.In Him there is peace and much,much more.

a follower
a follower
6 months ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Do you deny what I stated?

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
6 months ago

They give us a dog king as a humiliation ritual to keep us in our place, and then they permit the republicants the little, harmless, meaningless humiliations of their operatives in order to keep The People properly satisfied, stationary and stupid.

6 months ago

Voting is a part of the Fight. If you don’t vote that will be used against the movement. When your Plt moves into a position and sets up a hasty defense, its a part but not the winning move.

Mary Combs
Mary Combs
6 months ago
Reply to  Highlander

Agreed. This is my position. I get so sick of people advocating that it is somehow virtuous to not vote. Abstaining from voting just makes the other sides job that much easier. It gives them justification for their stance.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
6 months ago

Our hope is: We’d like to rid ourselves of tyranny peacefully before we have to do it with violence of action. One way is more Godly than the other. But one way or another.