House, Senate take bites from Common Core apple

High school classroom

The House voted Wednesday to repeal and replace the Common Core academic standards in North Carolina schools, and a Senate committee advanced its own legislation advocating repeal.

Common Core standards for math and English were developed by state and nonprofit leaders, and they have been embraced by President Barack Obama’s Education Department and adopted by 44 states. In North Carolina, the standards are backed by the North Carolina Chamber, the state’s largest business group.

The standards are not a curriculum, but they do set out what students need to know and be able to do in order to graduate from high schools. School districts and classroom teachers still decide how that material is taught.


h/t Zan B

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10 years ago

We are reaping the benefits of the “standards” of common core.In my rural school district, the incoming freshman require 6 extra remedial classes for math/English (being taught by non-English/math teachers -everybody gets to kick in the extra effort) and the middle school principal is resigning after one year -- in shame, because he can’t get any of the children to act at least partly civilized.

Supposedly, the motivation of public funding of education was to maintain civil order and to benefit society as a whole. How’s that working out ?? (sarc)


[…] House, Senate take bites from Common Core apple […]