The sermon at my church this morning focused on the consequences of our immoral choices. We know which is the correct choice but Satan tempts us to make the wrong one. And then we suffer the consequences. After the sermon, I discussed this with the pastor. As is his usual custom every Sunday, he asked the congregation to pray for our pResident in the hope that he will accept Jesus Christ as his savior. Today I told him that I cannot pray for the man responsible (I know there are others responsible) for the destruction of our Christian nation.
Here are four messages from Obama to consider:
Justifying murder (abortion)
Marginalizing Christianity in the United States
Supporting gay marriage
Supporting homosexuality
How does evil permeate our culture? From the top down and the bottom up. Any church which supports this pResident, supports evil. Period.
David DeGerolamo
This should go viral on the net…
What we as a people need to be doing is praying and repenting for Mercy..
Imprecatory Psalms must be prayed against these demons that wish to destroy Freedom..
Praying for someone’s soul to be saved is does not mean you are supporting their agenda. Our church definitely stands on the Bible in regards to marriage and abortion. But if Obama and his like that are running this country don’t accept Jesus as their Lord and savior, then they will continue to operate opposite of God. If God doesn’t change the man, then nothing else will. That is why we follow what the Bible says and pray for the country’s leaders. Life will be tougher for all believers if the Leaders are not saved. Furthermore, if we would have a true revival of believers in this country, the Leaders would be outnumbered and would have to change their ways in order to survive. “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
I agree with your comment. I should add more context from our conversation. It was concerning leaders. In particular Adolph Hitler and Bonhoeffer’s justification for assassinating Hitler. I could no more pray for Hitler than Obama. Obama is being used by the Lord to punish this country. Why would I pray against God’s will? Of course that is only my opinion.
We also discussed revival in that same conversation. We both agreed that it is the solution. I will let you ask the pastor for his analysis.
Yeshua, does not use or entice other humans who he created to punish other humans.
To do so is only the evil work of Hasatan.
When Yeshua, from biblical historical references decided that human suffering is to be the punishment for our turning away from his Word, Law (Torah), then you will see powers of HIS, or of HIS Angels, alone being used.
Pestilence, Herd Disease, Pandemics, Earthquakes, Blights, Droughts, Crop failures, Volcanic eruptions, Land (plateau) mass shifting, Meteor showers, Unusual cosmic catastrophes, Floods, Lightning caused WildFires. All of which test the hearts and souls of humans who are affected, or cursed by these.
We are ordered to obey HIS Law(Torah). He has ordained in it, pray for your enemy.
This is one of the hardest precepts to understand and conform to. Do not become the evil!
But, He also warns us that having ANGER, in the absence of HIS righteous law, is also a sin and an abomination to Him.
Take care that your anger is geared toward infractions of HIS laws, and not anger geared and harbored based on the laws of some idolatry religion of earthly laws you are leveraging over HIS laws.
I am not angry. Anger is a weakness and never solves any problems. I am disappointed that our churches are not standing up for the Word of God. Any of the above examples should have been challenged. Fear of their tax exempt status has replaced the fear of the Lord and the beginning of wisdom. As for your assertion the Lord does not use or entice other humans whom he created to punish other humans:
The Plague of Locusts
Exodus 10
Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go to Pharaoh, for I have hardened his heart and the hearts of his officials so that I may perform these signs of mine among them that you may tell your children and grandchildren how I dealt harshly with the Egyptians and how I performed my signs among them, and that you may know that I am the Lord.”