How Far Is Too Far?

How far is too far when the highest court in the land strips you of both your personhood and constitutional rights at the stroke of a pen?



Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find ...

The above response to Aesop’s article is valid. If we have no rights and the courts can mandate a toxic vaccine into your body, what recourse do we have?

Fortunately for me, I cannot be coerced to take the vaccine at this time. I plan my actions based on intelligence based on information that is confirmed and accurate. I also have to plan based what the enemy will do. In our case, the enemy tells us what they are going to do next which is the Great Famine. I will not go into any further discussion on the price of food or bare shelves since this is self-evident.

I also put myself in their shoes and ask what I would do under the existing circumstances.

  1. The narrative of the pandemic has unraveled. The vaccines have been exposed as a means for pharmaceutical companies to make profits, the funding of the pandemic by the United States has been exposed and people are now dying from the vaccine.
  2. People will take a large amount of abuse before they act. They will act quickly to defend their children. More children are dying from the vaccine than from COVID. This will force people to grasp reality.
  3. The January 6th Insurrection is unraveling. The majority of people understand that you cannot have an insurrection without being armed. Any coordination of efforts at the Capitol was by Nancy Pelosi, the FBI and their informants.
  4. The US debt will be $30 trillion before the end of the month. We are bankrupt multiple times over but this is a milestone that will get people’s attention.
  5. Bare shelves and inflation will soon force people to make some hard decisions about how they will feed their families.

There are more data points but the bottom line is that the government, economy and media propaganda are all collapsing. Quickly. When there are no options left, what do you think they will do?

I believe once they can no longer rape the country’s assets, they have a limited number of choices. In their place, I would flee to my plan B location and execute a scorched earth policy. That would be a deadlier pandemic or a nuclear war where they get their goal of 500 million survivors.

Georgia guidestone

This is not a pretty picture with a happy ending. We waited too long and the enemy took advantage of our apathy and fear. What can be done other than preparing as most people have done? I personally am listening to God for wisdom. If you are praying for guidance, then all you have to do is listen. I have been listening since 2002 and He has led me to a safe haven. I am not alone as many people who have moved here also say they were guided by God. There are many safe or safer refuges in the country which is why rural land and housing is at a premium with low inventory.

I do not have all of the answers but I do have Faith. The other side knows that their time is up. I know that I continue to act according to what He tells me. I know that people are waking up to a reality that is frightening. My best advice is to trust in the Lord with all of your heart and not lean into your own understanding. And buckle up.

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago

David, I agree 100%. I, too, awakened years ago. I prepped in North Carolina. Bought a farm, built an underground bunker, huge garden, livestock, ammo, etc. Then I looked around and found I was situated between Greensboro, Winston-Salem, and High Point. Not good. Too many people. Too much diversity. I would be over-run. So, we picked up stakes just over a year ago and moved to the Missouri Ozarks. Same set-up with the exception that there is much less population and almost zero diversity. White Christian country. Lots of dirt people and hillbillies. My kind of people. Heritage Americans.
You’re right, IMHO. War or deadly pandemic. Plan accordingly.

3 years ago

The new “deadly pandemic” will occur when 5G goes live on 01/19 (911 backwards). 5G will cause massive illness and bleeding from the eyes, nose, ears, and internal organs. People will believe it. From what I can see, there is nowhere to go to escape the AI and tracking. Nanobots are falling from the chemtrailed skies. Drones are everywhere. All food, water and supplies on earth have been contaminated no matter how remote. The only answer is to put on the whole armor of God. Tribulation is proceeding as foretold by the Bible. May God help us all.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lucy

all I will add to Lucy’s post is, ionizing lipid and nano-conductors…. takes nothing more than searching and reading, so maybe…… maybe not!

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

I to have been preparing for longer than I care to say, we moved to a small town in Az in 2018 and bought a house with enough land to sustain us. I also own 2 1/4 acres in the same area in a little more of a remote area. I will stay where I am at when it goes kinetic, maybe let friends or family use the acreage. It is not a pretty picture as you have stated, it is what it is. I am in constant prayer, they will try and starve us that is apparent, they will have to use the military to accomplish the last of their goals.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

By this statement it would appear you and i are on the same page. So why are we at each others throats?

3 years ago

Faith in God alone. The Lord is my Shepard.

Hammers Thor
3 years ago

I do not have all of the answers but I do have Faith. The other side knows that their time is up. I know that I continue to act according to what He tells me. I know that people are waking up to a reality that is frightening. My best advice is to trust in the Lord with all of your heart and not lean into your own understanding. And buckle up.”
Wise counsel. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.
We face a great evil, and evil is the sole purpose of evil. The ultimate evil is murder, and our evil government has made very clear, both in actions and in words what they plan to do.
And yes, we have waited too long. Famine is in the very near future, and very soon the power will go out.
God reminds us of what we need every day when we get thirsty. Can you provide clean, safe water for your family? Every day? Forever? Without water, nothing else matters. If you haven’t already taken care of this, you may be down to a matter of days. Better hurry.

3 years ago

Remember for whom the bell tolls…

3 years ago
Reply to  Anthem

……..they toll for “we”

3 years ago
Reply to  Kal

Agreed, we’re the supposed fish in the Globalist pedo Rothschild Banksters barrel (they think (((THEY’RE))) ‘too big to fail’).
They are and have been destructive parasites ever since their successful financial coup in 1913 and onwards.
This is only true if we allow such Globalist Bankster’s and their bolshevist/zionist foot soldiers continue to control us, especially via their ‘Kabuki Political Theater’ via the Uniparty and through their deception/distraction/divide & conquer techniques via their wholly owned media/entertainment/financial appendages.
The first part of attaining freedom from them is to see them for who and what they are -- no different from being able to see the alien parasites in “They Live”.
De-coupling from their control methods and indoctrination are the next steps.
Of course both seeing them for who and what they are and speaking the honest truth about them is in Claire Wolfe’s view, “antisemitic” and won’t be tolerated by her at her blog site.
Make of that what one will….
NorthGunner -- The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!

3 years ago

They know their end is fast approaching, at the white house they are installing concrete walls, they are SCARED, as the people ever so slowly awaken….. and it come with a furious price.

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago

I do not have all of the answers but I do have Faith. The other side knows that their time is up. I know that I continue to act according to what He tells me. I know that people are waking up to a reality that is frightening. My best advice is to trust in the Lord with all of your heart and not lean into your own understanding. And buckle up.”

David, the Bible says; “wisdom is proven right by her children.” Your words are wise. God’s grace be with us all in our fight for freedom, truth, justice and righteousness.


[…] How Far Is Too Far? Posted on January 14, 2022 by DRenegade How far is too far when the highest court in the land strips you of both your personhood and constitutional rights at the stroke of a pen? […]