How Soon Before We Admit the Country Was Stolen?

Let’s be candid: no one believes January 6th was an insurrection or even a riot. Unarmed protesters who wanted the illegal selection of Joe Biden to be investigated were attacked and in at least two cases, murdered. The show hearing on Thursday presented a doctored version to support this diversion.

The real question on our minds is how much longer this country has before it collapses. I do not need to present our current economic status: you are living it. I know that when it collapses, it will be quick.

The solution: one governor stands up and states that they do no recognize Joe Biden as the legal President. We all know that he is the figurehead of a coup. A few complicit traitors are still pushing the narrative that Biden did win the election but what would you say if your life was hanging in the balance?

What do I want personally? I want the least amount of bloodshed to remove this illegal government which destroyed every facet of our lives. But most of all, I want our children to be free.

David DeGerolamo

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

When they denied the people looking into voter fraud any justice and criminalized their efforts to look into the dominion voting machines, with outright video of the vote theft, the stupid sheeple complied. It has been a downhill slide ever since, now with no border, they bring in there new class of slaves to replace us. They want us dead, the sheep that took the kill shot are going to die, they will starve us now with little resistance. And still we wait.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

The complying didn’t start with the voter fraud. It’s sort of like a default submission, trained passivity that has stemmed from institutions, the workplace (work should be an extension of who one is, rather than for instance, putting on a uniform, and adapting a mentality, a posture of taking orders or being dictated to without being able to express thoughts or even responses in many cases to the said directives). This becomes systemic, and is often prevalent throughout one’s working career, Independent thought, healthy non-compliance and critical thinking are not attributes that feature prominently in American society. Being surprised or disappointed now with regards to mass public acceptance of a brazenly discordant political outcome should be realized in the context of institutional, social and economic subversion, as to not overwhelm the senses.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

I am not overwhelmed or disappointed, it is what it is.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

It’s how the country was taken over, rather than really being about an election.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

Well they have infiltrated every government office and agency, including the DOD. The sodomite obama replaced most of the brass in the military. With the fraudulent election it was complete, we are now ruled by tyrants.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

The conquering already happened without force (all of it, churches, families, workplace, government, economy, medicine, science, food, industry, education, natural use of the land). Now it’s the takedown phase. At least people have something blatant to see that might help them understand what’s going on, for instance with the election and lockdowns (lost businesses and such). The churches were inadequate to teach people about evil; what it is, how to identify and defeat it. Families, which are barely in existence, regardless of whether a couple is married and in the home or not have proven inept in raising up the next generation, and instilling a sense of how to recognize antagonists and undermining agendas to their culture and expectations of a way of life. The institutions are the ones that either dictate cultural standards, or encourage and/or coerce conformity thereof, of course through the powers that be. How are Christians, as one example, able to ‘know thine enemy’ when they’re not taught what that may consist of or how it may manifest? This dumbness is starting to seem like judgment, because it would have taken the entire church system, the institutions, families, and workplace environments, the social and cultural atmosphere, and the workings of money, i.e., trickle-down economics, as well as a disregard for teaching one’s form of government, and an understanding of how the country is run. This can’t be an accident, or all ignorance. This was perpetrated by dark forces along with much of the church system (which extends to the sphere of cultural Christians -just as there are cultural satanists- as well to some degree). Although the cultural Christians may have more independent thinkers than in the mainline churches.

Roth Harbard
2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

The churches were inadequate to teach people about evil; what it is, how to identify and defeat it.
We attend a small General Baptist church in the Ozarks. Very conservative country. However, even here, the pastor will not give any warning about the Covid scam and attendant death shot. He will not call out the evil in government. Too afraid, I suppose, that he will ‘give offense’ which is, as we all know … unChristian.
Privately, the pastor has admitted to me that he believes in demons, but you won’t hear that from the pulpit, either. I think it’s simply fear. Most people are afraid of consequences of speaking out. More’s the pity …

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Heb3:10 Wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, they do alway err in their heart; and have not known my ways.

Roth Harbard
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Brother, I do know you and appreciate you. If we’re not on their list, shame on us. We need to be strong and brave and just do the next right and honorable thing. Circumstance and opportunity should present each of us with a chance to contribute to the good, the true, and the beautiful.
As for the pastor … nice guy, but I don’t attend this church for doctrine or the preaching. I attend for community. Many of my close neighbors go there and I suspect I’ll have an opportunity to pull folks together when things fall apart.

2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

I am technically in the Ozarks also, although not in a rural area. There was a local church here that had a mobile van administering the covid-19 injections to the congregation. These churches might be legally liable in the coming days as people become increasingly sick from the shots that they mostly pushed on people. The thought of sitting next to these vaccinated individuals (which the CDC has admitted is not a vaccine), and with repeated boosters is not appealing, as regards the viral transmitting and the prevalent attitude that it’s ‘protective’ for everyone.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

I figured it would have collapsed economically a year or so ago. I am not sure if there will be a collapse or 99.9% will just give up. Wait the 99.9% already have.

Last edited 2 years ago by Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

the federal nazi commie police wont have to fire a single shot at the dumb ass mule sheep, the last estimate i read if it’s true the number is 220 million in our nation have taken the, demon shot so they will all be dead in the next two years , so the new crop of illegal alien commies attached to the gang bangers will be the one voting in the next election in 2024 for the new nazi in chief. so the scum that is crossing into our nation under orders of the entire demonrat party have all received there voter id cards, but no clot shots , its hands off of these criminals. The entire DEMONRAT party have welcomed to AMERIKA the Nazi inbread demonic scum from around the entire third world,, but the caveat is they will all perish here under civil war that is closing in on all of us if we like it or not. you either defend your family from the Nazi hordes as well as our illegal Federal law enforcement agencies or you will watch your family get raped, pillaged and finally brutally murdered in front of your own eyes, better to go out dying like a man and take as many criminal feds with you, who are the real criminals here. then letting them murder another family next door to you

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Phil

Absolutely true, my conscious is clear, I will take as many as I can to their final resting place, to meet their god satan.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

you are correct, it is our duty to defend the ones we love as well as our brothers and sisters, the scriptures state , there is no greater love then for a man to give up his life in defense of another brother. And if it does happen that your life is taken then your spirit is immediately taken up to heaven, would you say that is a great trade off.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Phil

The best trade off of my entire life.

Axel P
Axel P
2 years ago
Reply to  Phil

Let them vote in whoever they like. Let them own DC, who cares?
What will they do, tell us to send in our taxes and our guns?
We tell them to come get them. Hint- they can’t.

2 years ago
Reply to  Axel P

they wont dare send there fbi , atf, cia, dhs murderers to collect the guns in the rural areas or even the suburban areas close to rural areas. the scum vermin nazi feds already are aware they wont be returning home to see there demon children and demon wives who go along with there filthy depraved minded husbands and wives who go along with them. What they will do is gun grabs in the blue states where they believe they can hit about 50,000 homes to send a message to the rest of the nation, but that wont work well one bit for them because they are all mentally retarded and brain damaged and they believe there own lies and distortions. remember the fbi and other gang banger leo’s have murdered many innocent people over the years for the clintons and other democrats and it continues to this day. the last clinton protege hanged himself in a duffel bag and then shot himself in the head at the same time, and we are supposed to believe this dribble coming from the fbi or murder inc, Protect your family at all cost because they will send the gang bangers around to do there dirty work for them, when confronting the gang members make sure you eliminate all of them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Phil
2 years ago
Reply to  Axel P

Vote with rule .223 or.308, or whatever other rules you have in your “book.”

2 years ago

If anyone will stand up and declare Biden as illegitimate, it will be DeSantis, but is that really necessary? We all know this and the best way to do it is for all of us to declare it on our own, disengage, and stop trying to replace one authority figure with another.
Napoleon said that we should never interrupt an enemy when they are making a mistake and the enemy is well into the process of destroying itself. The infighting has already started, the shock troops are dying in massive numbers SADS is a thing now, another “mystery” condition afflicting the vaccinated only. [Sudden Adult Death Sydrome] It has doctors and “experts” mystified LMAO.
The government is totally bankrupt, beyond bankrupt! Two Thirds of the Navy fighter jets cannot fly due to lack of money, pilots ad spare parts, the idiots are sending all of their own weapons to Russia to get blown up.
Defense News
When gas starts going past $10/gallon with no end in sight and bread is unobtainable, meat affordable and the welfare checks won’t buy anything, then the revolts will start and it will be their own people doing it. BLM and ANTIFA when they realize they were given deaths shots I don’t think they are all going home, they will lash out to make the summer riots over the drug addicts death look like a church picnic.
We have our stock, we have our ammo, we have our gold and silver, we stand back. If God is merciful, something just might drop on the DC area, then we can all go up there with shovels and bury it, salt the ground to make sure nothing like that ever grows up again.
The elites in their bunkers think they are safe, ha, we have lampposts and brick walls ready for that bunch. If they bunkers are impregnable, then glory be, they built their own prisons.
There will be no Red Wave, and frankly it would be the worst thin and only end up prolonging the pain.The GOP doesn’t respect the constitution any more then the Dems, yeah there are a few how might but even the Dems have a few who do. They are mainly curiosities, but why go back to a failed document. It was fatally flawed and planted with the seeds of its own corruption in that it allows the state to dictate the limited of it own powers. We all know what our rights are, we certainly don’t need a bunch idiot lawyers to tell us that.
We need what is coming, think of it as an immune reaction. Keep your powder dry, and remember he who panics first dies first.

2 years ago
Reply to  Axel

Now that was a great synopsis, Axel. And Dave, good luck with the minimum bloodshed thing. Gonna be a bloodbath. Population reduction?? Yup. In spades.

Axel P
Axel P
2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

It will be The Night of the Long Knives on a grand scale

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Axel

DeSantis???? In 2019 he signed a bill prohibiting anti semitism in Florida schools. He proudly proclaimed “Florida is the most Israel friendly state in the country..”
“If you want to know who rules over you, just look at who you can’t criticize.”

Axel P
Axel P
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Irrelevant to the discussion. Israel (the government) is a drain on our resources that will end soon enough. But it goes to my point. Don’t worry about. We don’t need to be looking to replace one authority figure with another and we damn sure don’t need a judiciary of senile and/or corrupt government lawyers to tell us what our rights are.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Axel P

Irrelevant? How many Americans still believe there were dancing Muslims seen celebrating the twin towers going down rather than the dancing Israelis?
It was 13 Jewish banking families that committed an act of financial terrorism with the Federal Reserve Act. The folks like Gates, Schwab, Fauci etc. are the low lying fruit.
All wars are banker wars and the Rothchilds and their cronies have declared war on us. The weapons will be financial, weather and biological warfare.

Axel P
Axel P
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

You give them too much credit. I think from what we have been is they took too big a step, revealed the game and screwed it up. The Pandemic did a lot of damage to.use, but the result will be their downfall. They cannot control it.
They have shown arrogant incompetence and they will lose,
are losing already for reasons already discussed.
The fact of the matter is that in order to oppress and enslave us they need are cooperation. That is why they are losing and will continue to lose.
They are not invincible and we know who they are and where they are. After the dust settles we can take them out individually at our leisure.
Imagine the fear, they know its coming, they just don’t know when or how.
It will be glorious.

2 years ago

Actually I know many who believe it was an insurrection (my God how dumb do the have to be to believe this? And there are many who do NOT believe the election was stolen! The reality is Americans are perhaps the dumbest most clueless people on the face of the planet. THUS WE WILL BE GETTING EXACTLY WHAT BE BELIEVE. Months ago I said to a friend in an email Americans need to wake up -his responding email proved to me he is so deeply asleep he had no idea what I was talking about. Until recently last 10 yrs, I really and truly did not understand fully what scripture really meant “all we like sheep have gone astray” I guess that proved how stupid I have been most of my life too! HOW SAD~

2 years ago
Reply to  Splish_Splash

can i vote for this post again?

No Thanks
No Thanks
2 years ago
Reply to  Splish_Splash

The majority of Americans are pathetic, clueless, impotent clown-sheep! How stupid must you be not to see what happened with the 2020 election, the Scam-demic clot shot and on and on. As long as they can still sit back and watch Netflix, smoke some dope, order a few pizzas and on and on, they are good to go. I am so glad my wife & I do Not have children. Our sad inactions have been like us slicing our own throats -- look where we are my brothers & sisters. Enough is Enough.

Roth Harbard
3 years ago
Reply to  Splish_Splash

One of my best friends admitted to me about a year ago that he always thought I was a little bit crazy based on the things I warned him about. He said, “I always thought you were crazy, but you were right.” Keep speaking truth. Some will listen. Some will not. However, when things finally pop, those who spoke truth will be the leaders and appreciated even by those who wouldn’t listen. Truth will out.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
2 years ago

You stated the least amount of blood shed. No, when the time comes there will be a huge blood letting. No one will be spared.

2 years ago
Reply to  Louis Jenkins

It won’t be just blood letting. It will be a reckoning. There will be no “extenuating circumstances”; either you worked for or against the republic. For those found guilty of working against, the punishment must be immediate and final.

2 years ago

The collapse has already started. What you are really waiting for is for the chaos to start after the collapse has finished. The government is the symptom of the problem. The problem is the millions of people that voted for and support the policies of this administration and the Media. There is no way out of this without total destruction of the system we have now, and I don’t believe the next system of government is going to be better. Prepare To Endure.

Axel P
Axel P
2 years ago

The system is busily destroying itself. Our best tactic is to let them.

2 years ago

At some point there will be total chaos when the zombies start to move. That will result in civil war that will be the excuse for martial law. Once that starts, China will see an opportunity to invade. And we can expect major conflict that will never return to a state of peace. Our offspring are totally screwed as are we. You want to do something to right the wrongs? Never gonna happen. It will be a fight for survival pure and simple.

2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

Martial law ?? We are very close to complete lawlessness now. If the faction in power declares martial law, it will just be the signal that the war is now HOT. Who among us will obey “martial law” ? We do not have a leader at a national or even state level. What we should have is a very strong will to resist at the front porch level. If THAT can occur, it’s simply a matter of attrition; there are more of us than there are of them.
Think of it this way, ladies and gentlemen; your front porch is the North Bridge at Concord.

2 years ago
Reply to  ChuckInBama

Isabella, Michigan…. 911 calls will be handled over the phone, since they have no gas for the cars to roll on any emergency. per their chief of police. Woo Hoo open season, let the party begin!

Axel P
Axel P
2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

Yes there will two main triggers. Three but two are related. 1, the lefties are slowly starting to.figure out that the shot they begged for is going to kill them.
2. Unavailability of food and fuel or unaffordability, where the welfare and stimulus checks will never be enough and the more they print the less worth they will have.
They will try to come after ours but we are ready for that.
Let them go at it, we stay on the sidelines. The government will be too busy to come after us and should they try they will find out they are too weak to do much.

gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago

David, I would contend that the “country” of the USA exists within the hearts of patriots and not the literal ground, infrastructure or institutions. This is exactly the same way it “existed” during the Revolution. Until “We the people” are dead, our country still lives in the natural world. I would agree that we have lost the mechanics of government to satan and his minions, at least for now. But, as long as there is breath in a patriot or one bard to sing the legends of American Glory, our country still exists.

Axel P
Axel P
2 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

We need to “cancel’ the government and they are cooperating in that effort

2 years ago

This essay:
and its follow-up essay:
show us just how soundly we have been couped.
We are toast. We are not “voting our way out of this” in some miraculous “Red Wave” tsunami, not when none of the Dominion machines have been trashed, when virtually no one has been indicted for voter fraud, when the SCOTUS failed utterly in their ONLY important mission, to safeguard the Rule of Law/Constitutionality of our republic.
I recommend reading these above essays. We are here, at the edge of the abyss.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

I agree, we are dead men walking. How long has the government been preparing for this? They have stockpiled food and all the other essentials to survive what they have created. They are not panicking; they throw it in our face every day and mock us.

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
2 years ago

I want the MAXIMUM amount of LIBERAL/COMMIE bloodshed.
They are the ENEMY and when they are all dead, the USA will have a chance to re-build.
We need to wipe out every liberal/democrat/progressive/commie in the USA.
Carry On,

2 years ago

“The Kremlin’s Face” Edward Umling

2 years ago

If the Lord should tarry, we ought to hang together..

Because the bastids are wont to hang us separately if we don’t.

Pray for the slaughtered Davidians
Pray for the slaughtered Davidians
2 years ago

Absolutely, the Constitutional Republic of America was stolen long ago by the entrenched (D.C.) Uniparty political class.

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
2 years ago

The country was stolen years before we were born! I realized and admitted it when Daddy Bush 41 said new world order.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago

My thinking on all of this is evolving. Formerly I had thought the government would be the party responsible for turning off the lights and starving us. Now, I almost believe we’d have a much better fight if our side ‘went first’. Turn off your own electricity… cite not enough to pay the bill. Phone.. no sorry can’t afford that either. Groceries- notta chance. Hit the food bank.
By taking these actions we can upstage what’s coming and control it more towards our ends.
I’m a Christian. I believe what is happening is already documented complete with outcome. But God wants us to play smart.
This sentence will look out of place but give me a minute… You know how every time any state gets money set aside or the feds set aside, it gets tagged for high speed internet. High speed internet will fuel the beast and allow humans to worship that ole beast, or that’s my thinking anyway.
So what happens when we say… no more money for power? No more money for cell phones?? No more money for internet??
It’s kinda a monkey wrench in their pox up in DC and at the WEF.
I do believe this method of control proactively used by the people would work BUT how many people are willing to take a non violent stand that could actually save this world and the regular order?
Nah, don’t answer that.

No Thanks
No Thanks
2 years ago

Not only was the election of 2020 blatantly Stolen but the entire country formerly known as the United States has been taken-over, hijacked, or whatever words you care to use. And the worst part of it all -- not 1 damn shot had to be fired to accomplish these facts. Folks we and our families are in Extreme Peril and yet STILL we do virtually Nothing.

2 years ago

I want the very same thing.David. I just think time is of the essence. The longer we sit back and WATCH the bigger and more dangerous any action would be. Admittedly, I do not know all the entities and what their particular authority is, but I can’t believe that the USA doesn’t have recourse to stop what is happening. Action should have been taken a long time ago. What function does the US Martials serve? Is our military so weakened that they don’t remember their oath is to the Constitution and not the president? Why aren’t they acting? Are there NO Americans associated with our military any more? It is so very disheartening but more importantly it is treacherous. Sedition and Treason have certainly been committed against our country. Who is supposed to uphold the Rule of Law. Everyday I wonder if something effective action on behalf of America will occur. It doesn’t. It seems apathy and weakness have been the rule of day. It is absolutely demoralizing.


[…] How Soon Before We Admit the Country Was Stolen? […]