How the Mentally Infirm Select a Vice-president

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ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
7 days ago

This is an actual thing. Its how commies do business. They’re mostly betas, and betas WON’T hire alphas, and they won’t even hire betas because others’ competence is threatening to them, so they hire the C tier people to make them look like strong leaders. A good alpha, however, will hire alphas because they know that if they end up being the dumbest person in the room then they have an amazingly bright and strong team. I saw this quite a bit in the grocery biz, especially once big companies started being taken over by leftists. You cannot get promoted in a leftist-run organization by being competent. Once I figured this out, I went to work in a sawmill.

7 days ago

That would be funny…if it wasn’t the truth.

kal kal
kal kal
7 days ago

Looks about right, sadly this is the state of American leadership at the moment, zilch!