How the Second Civil War Could Start

The potential U.S. descent into violence, mutual suspicion, and even dissolution.

America’s second civil war could start with a bang or with a whimper. It could begin with a skirmish or sneak up on us through a series of small compromises and acts of political cowardice. Civil war could announce itself loudly and bloodily, leaving no doubt as to its awful entrance. Or it could creep in through the back door, only to be recognized in hindsight as a series of seemingly disconnected events that could have and should have been stopped. We may be midstream in such a flow of events already. We now examine this possible future as if we have just emerged from its aftermath.

During the 2022 campaign, national Democrats were bracing for a tidal wave that might eject them from control of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, crippling President Joe Biden’s agenda and possibly accelerating former president Trump’s formal announcement (he toyed with it throughout 2021 and 2022) as a candidate for the presidency in 2024. Democrats had long since lost patience with Republican accusations about the “stolen” 2020 election, which they came to believe led to a flurry of unnecessary and regressive laws in states dominated by Republican legislators. In Texas, a law passed that set new restrictions on mail-in ballot access, limited the use of drop boxes for early votes, and then went further by weaponizing and empowering hyperpartisan poll watchers to interfere with the voting process. This in a state where it was already harder to vote in than most other states. In states like Florida, Iowa, and Texas, professional election administrators found their efforts criminalized. In states like Arizona and Georgia, it appeared legislators were seizing control of elections by limiting the authority of election administrators at the state and county level, thereby creating the real possibility of partisan politicians rejecting the will of the voters. In several states—Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Michigan, and Nevada—there were candidates running for secretary of state on a platform of denying elections and delivering outcomes for their preferred candidates. All of this was very much on the minds of national Democrats. Many were seething.

In such an environment, many were worried about armed poll watchers, inflamed passions, and even possible violence. In Texas, voters saw unusually long lines in voting precincts in urban areas like Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas, where recent legislation had resulted in concentrating more voting into a single day. The lines were longest in communities of color, thus confirming fears about the consequences of the new election law. Before the March 1, 2022, primary, voters in predominantly Democratic counties like Harris, Travis, and Bexar were seeing requests for mail-in ballots rejected at historically high rates, fifteen times higher than Texas had previously experienced in their most populous counties.

About this time, Democrats in Washington began wondering aloud if midterm election results could or should be believed. “I think there’s a real possibility that we will see in the next two elections, get some results sent to us for ratification . . . that’s not consistent or that we’re gonna have to question,” Texas Democratic representative Colin Allred said. “That’s the reality of the situation. We can no longer pretend like these elections are just going to continue to proceed the way they have in the past.” At a press conference marking his administration’s one-year anniversary, President Biden amplified this sentiment. When asked if the midterm elections would be legitimate, Biden said: “Well, it all depends on whether we are able to make the case to the American people that some of this is being set up to try to alter the outcome of this election.” Biden’s statement wasn’t as toxic as Trump’s, but it deepened confusion and consternation—setting the country up for months of midterm election fear-mongering.

Imagine a polling station in Texas on Election Day 2022. The location doesn’t matter. Neither does the underlying dispute. What matters is a person came to the polls, purportedly on the hunt for voter fraud. States like Texas had given poll watchers more latitude to move around polling places, question procedures, and exercise authority. This person, in accordance with Texas law, was armed with a semiautomatic pistol. A discussion escalated into a confrontation, perhaps about the proper place to stand inside the polling precinct in relation to others, or about how to properly mark the ballot and use the ballot scanning machine.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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2 years ago

The Bulwark? I read that kind of REgressive porn on CommonDreams.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

I must be very dense. Aside from patriots like on this tremendous site, who do you think is going to be involved in a civil war? Bread and circuses envelope the rest of the population. What am I missing?

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

We just had this discussion this weekend in my backyard over beers & BBQ(real meat) and it lasted quite some time. Our overall conclusions are: This WEF crap is only going to last so long…lynchings and hangings may make a comeback between Soros’ People and Mother-Weffers. The Greenies controlled by the Mother-Weffers with the halting of gas and diesel are going down and will only drive the so called Normies to seek others and join the cause to make changes to get gas and diesel under control. We figure by the time SHTF in Europe late Fall Normies here will be frightened enough to do something and we’ve all heard after the election(if we have one) Diesel will be $10-12 and Gas will be $6-8 per gallon…natural gas will shoot for the moon! Food prices and availability will be another factor pushing Normies off the couch and into action. Every one of us has Normy relatives or friends that are now buying guns and ammo…and asking how to use them. The 1776 Revolution started with 2.5-3% and we think we’ve got more than that once food & fuel inflation go ballistic. A point of interest, we have friends Latinos-Mexicans that want to join the cause saying they left a Shithole and don’t want this country to become one!

Last edited 2 years ago by OPM
Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  OPM

OPM, thank for your detailed response. The problem is that the masses don’t know there is an enemy. The powers that be will make available a digital currency to rescue them from their financial problems.
Weather warfare will continue as extreme drought and/or extreme flooding will be blamed on climate change. They will tell people its time to get serious about the damage they are doing to the planet running their air conditioning.
With food shortages, the sheeple will only ask how high too jump. That’s the purpose of public schooling. 20 years and still the majority of Americans don’t know who was behind 9/11. They won’t know who is behind this crushing series of events. After all, it’s football season!

2 years ago
Reply to  OPM

I agree, prices will push the normies some where!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

The obiden administration has already inserted themselves in the midterm elections. They are seeding the ground, to call out and investigate any candidate not aligned with their platform. Intimidation, threats and fear is what they operate on, TINVOWOOT. Our situation cannot be solved with a criminal voting system. There is only one box left for us, and I hope you have plenty of them.

2 years ago

The piece ends with “We must confront and extinguish election-denying cynicism. We must commit ourselves to casting and counting votes without fear or favor.”
The problem is that, for me at least, going back to the way things were is no longer an option. Communism should not even be on the ballot. This back and forth with the demo-communists is not an acceptable answer.
They should be ignored at first. Stop giving them any say in how things are run. Simply, ignore them. If that doesn’t work, well then put them down. I am beyond caring about them and they are not my people.

2 years ago
Reply to  Noway2

And we can’t live with them…according to them. Well, if that’s what they want…

The Grim Sleeper
The Grim Sleeper
2 years ago

Uh, this is from a Bill Kristol rag… Sorry, but it is hopium laced with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Polarization and cynicism are certainly a huge issue. But what about the entities fomenting the division? Shouldn’t we be looking at root causes and not just symptoms?

2 years ago

TINVOWOOT, none the less, I will vote on the chance it is counted!

Tim Jones
Tim Jones
2 years ago

A civil war involves a legitimate government. So, in this case it would be a revolution against an illegitimate occupying force.

2 years ago

The left ALREADY have the plans in place to steal as many electoral races as required this November to insure they maintain their grasp on power.

And without Civil war 2.0 America is doomed to darkness and slavery for anyone not politically connected and acceptable. Once in power communists NEVER relinquish it willingly or peacefully. And the Demonrats LONG AGO became the American Communist Party.

2 years ago

This is a good example of why I dislike discussing scenarios. Misdirection at its finest. I would not buy their book and have no time to waste on their “musings”.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

One thing the communists reliably do is telegraph their movements. Just look at what they’re always accusing everyone else of and you’ll see exactly what they’re doing. In this case, the value is in seeing that they’re looking at the possibility of contested elections and something I haven’t heard before, though it’s similar to how I suggest dealing with them: using the option to not seat opposing delegates in the house.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Michael Yon agrees in his “Sparks” vs “Conditions” writing. If the Conditions favor say “a fire” then any Spark will Ignite It. If Conditions are “wet” then Sparks aren’t worrisome.
We are living in a tinderbox. Just a matter of time; anything, anywhere could do it, imo.

Otis D
Otis D
2 years ago

it’s already started.

supply chains and production assembly destroyed
industries destroyed
wealth confiscated
incarceration and targeting of political enemies

2 years ago

Biased storytelling like this book provides is more likely to generate enough hate and divisiveness to kick off the Bugaloo than anything.

Joe Schmoe
Joe Schmoe
2 years ago

Major Garrett and David Becker are still pushing the big lie. There is absolutely no willingness to reach across the aisle and shake hands with MAGA, conservatives, and Trump. According to them it’s my way or the highway. The Democrats, Commies, liberals still playing the victim. They’re actually the perpetrators here. After reading this article a couple times it’s quite apparent no accommodation can be made with these people, and we might as well seek a divorce.

Joe Schmoe
Joe Schmoe
2 years ago

Major Garrett and David Becker are still playing the victim. There is no willingness to reach across the aisle to meet Trump, MAGA, and conservatives halfway. After reading this a couple times it’s clear no accommodation can be made with these people. They’re too busy playing the victim. They’re actually the perpetrators. We might as well seek a divorce and get it over with.

robehr orinsky
robehr orinsky
2 years ago

There can never be a leadership controlled opposition in this country with the current state of spying , psyops , and uncover alphabet infiltration . Leaderless resistance under the banner of the cross is our only hope . How long before Gawd sounds the alarm to mobilize His people I do not know . We Christians seem to be infighting so much I am not sure we could get together to fight a war with evil. I remember J.Vernon McGee used to say Pentecostals were of the devil and had committed the unforgiveable sin . And then he got cancer . While laying in the hospital suffering those Pentecostals came in to see him . They prayed , talked in tongues , laid hands on him and wept before the Lord begging Him to please heal J. Vernon so he could continue to teach and preach the Word. After his healing and restoration J. Vernon no longer hated Pentecostals . I heard his testimony and he wept when he told how most of his old friends and associates forgot about him during that suffering but those darned Pentecostals poured into that room with weeping and praying. What will it take for us ?

2 years ago

Prophetic Dreams --

“High Ranking Politician Executed In Dream -- Urgent Call To Prayer -- Prophetic Word” -- Truly Majestic