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- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- kal kal on Maybe the Lord Is Punishing California…
- kal kal on Maybe the Lord Is Punishing California…
I’d be really interested in your forward projection of how the Republican will be regained.
For education, return to the curricula of the late 1880’s. Children graduate at eighth grade. They can then enter a trade or technical school or pay to continue a college preparatory course of instruction. If a student fails more than one grade, they are expelled.
Have you seen the 1895 Kansas 8th grade test?
I doubt only a very small portion of today’s population could pass it.
An 1895 8th Grade Final Exam: I Couldn’t Pass It. Could You? | The New Republic
i would say have the ability to enter apprenticeships as well, otherwise you are spot on
Yeah, WOW… You can see it any time you go to the store, hand the kid cash. Now if you really want to have fun, round up the change so you get a quarter or a dollar bill back. They literally won’t know what to do.
Yup. I saw it here in Kootenai County, Idaho when I worked as a Teacher’s Aide at a local high school. There was a small core of students who were focused on math, science, and academic achievement. The bulk of the student body, however, were just a bunch of shambling, texting, slack-jawed, mouth-breathing, brain-dead, vaping, Mall Zombies.
They were managed and babysat by teachers afraid of their own shadows and conditioned under administrative threat not to say or do anything which would upset the parents. This was because the school needed “butts in the seats” -- my boss’s words, to get the enrollment money from Boise. Needless to say, I did not last long there.
It’s a good gig for administration. I read an article lately that gave numbers of hires from 2000 to 2021. Teachers showed little increase. Principles and ass. principles increased 19%. Ready? Administrative increased 40%.
That is the result of NCLB -- a GOP-promoted piece of legislation that was the worst betrayal of their promise in 1994 to rid us all of the DOE that could ever have been imagined. Let’s see if they LIE again this time around and end up making the DOE even more powerful rather than abolishing it.
2024: “Just make a mark to indicate what you feel could be right.” Any other answer is considered racism.
2024 -- You are a white supremacist if you think that this object doesn’t have the right to identify as an isosceles triangle if it wants. And its area is of no concern of your’s.