Terrorist-linked Islamists gathered to pray outside Parliament in Copenhagen – Danish politicians responded by burning the Quran

Islamists belonging to the terrorist-linked organisation Hizb ut-Tahrir held mass prayer at Christiansborg in central Copenhagen on Friday. At the same time, the immigration-critical party, Stram Kurs (Strict Course), held a counter-demonstration nearby to criticise the organisation and cook “bacon á la Quran” by burning the Quran on a grill.
Hizb ut-Tahrir’s self-proclaimed goal is to abolish democracy and introduce an Islamist sharia-led society instead.
In Russia, the organisation is banned and classified as a terrorist organisation. Germany has declared the organisation illegal due to anti-Semitism and anti-Israeli propaganda. China, Turkey, Egypt and several other Arab countries have also banned the organisation.
Good to see someone has balls