How To Solve Violence In The US? Remove Democrat Run Cities And Bring Back Asylums

By Brandon Smith

One of the most common strategies used by the political left to attack 2nd Amendment supporters is to ramp up the anti-gun hype every time a crime involving a gun is committed. They don’t care much about the tragedy itself, they only care about how they can use it for political gain. However, it’s very important to understand that this is not only about removing gun rights for leftists – It’s also about creating a false association in the public consciousness that guns = crime.

That is to say, they want to condition people to believe that once guns are gone, crime and murder will be gone also. But, firearms have been an integral part of American society for hundreds of years, and gun ownership has been present through times of relative peace as well as times of increased violence.

In the US, violent crimes and murders are exponentially higher in Democrat run cities, many of them with increased gun control measures. In fact, of the top 30 most violent cities in the US, 27 of them are Democrat controlled. Wherever leftists dominate politically, violence, theft, rape and murder are sure to follow. Anti-gun proponents often try to cite high homicide numbers in certain conservative states like Texas, but the majority of those crimes are actually committed in cities run by leftists.

The truth is, blue cities are dragging red states and the rest of the country down. According to the statistics, in theory, if the public was to replace all Democrat city politicians with conservative leadership murder rates would immediately plunge across the US by virtue of policy.

They’re happy to take away the 2nd Amendment rights of innocent Americans, but they have no interest in keeping criminals in prison or keeping mentally unstable people away from normal society. Perhaps because their goal is NOT to reduce violence, but to use exponential violence in society as a reason to erode the constitution.


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Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
1 year ago

While the writer tells us what must be done, unless I missed it, I see no proposal as to how it is to be done.

It isn’t likely that his solution can be implemented by voting since many of those who should be in asylums are occupying offices in City Hall.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Bayou Renaissance Man What led up to the Russian revolution.

1 year ago

US cities will continue to grow in population and jobs/ economy. Unfortunately major and medium sized cities are led by Socialists. The cuurent trends indicate they will only get worse, not better. Socialists ruined SF, Asheville is not far behind. They will claim more taxes, loss of rights, and more surveillance are the answers. Sad part, the only real aswer if you live in a citiy is to move far away, otherwise you risk your life. The other softly spoken trend, city leaders do not like White working Christian people. That is a trend that should be taken in to account.

1 year ago
Reply to  Crawfisher

For the most part it is White/Christian people in the cities who make things work; take away those people and the cities will devolve rapidly into utter dysfunctionality.
Doubt me? Look at S. Africa which was a net-exporter of food for the world; now subsists on some locally-produced food and massive food relief by WHITE NATIONS.

1 year ago

Ronald Reagan’s Executive Orders that created Readiness Exercise 1984 (Rex84) -- Internment camps for African Americans -- is alive, well, and fully integrated. It would be nice if these urban populations who are engaging in this violence understood that once the US military is brought in -- they will be the first to enter this network of hundreds of camps.
Bush Jr. had 1,500 illegal immigrants in these camps. Obama put another 30,000 immigrants into them to keep the seats warm. I don’t know what Trump did with this network.. and we know Biden wants illegal immigrants roaming the country and working for nothing.
The globalists are inciting this violence. I do not believe the people would do this on their own -- even those in desperate inner city urban neighborhoods. Why? Drugs rule and violence upsets the flow of money. Everyone who lives in these neighborhoods knows this. Plus, nobody in those neighborhoods is fooled by the federal government. Violent political protest is a luxury nobody there can afford.
In his book American Coup, William Arkin devotes Chapter 4 to ways the federal government can ignore Posse Commitatus. There are several that render Posse Commitatus legally meaningless if the FedGov decides to ignore it.
We need our state militias to re-form with returning military and our State National Guards to come home and join them. I support Molon Labe. This really is an ‘all hands on deck’ moment for state governments to get their game on -- and prevent the out of control US federal government from forcing citizens to do anything against their will inside each state’s borders.

1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

Agree states must act and now. Governors of principle I do not see however. Our focus in our own states should be to focus keenly on our local electionss and forget the feds. Only if we can put into place locally people of moral integrity do we have any shot at creating a buffer to this criminality

1 year ago

In 1967, I worked in a high school program connected to Pilgrim State Psychiatric Hospital. All patients were heavily sedated with Thorazine. Electric shock therapy was administered quite often. Patients were strapped in wooden wheel chairs oftentimes. I was attacked three times by three different patients. Impulse control was not evident in most patients. There were a few murders of staff by patients. I do think we need psychiatric hospitals built ASAP. Wild people roam the streets of America.

We also need parents to be married. We need Dad’s. We need mothers to stay home and nurture their family. We need impulse control to be taught starting in Kindergarten. We need God. We need to slow down. We need brain scans of every political candidate running for office. We need to run our own nation without any agenda forced on us by another nation or unelected billionaire stake holder. We need to get rid of lobbyists and career politicians 40 years in office.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

No click to edit button available

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
1 year ago

Put me in charge. Martial law. Deport all blacks. Homicides go down 90%. Not enough? Create a free fire zone on the southern border. Land mines. Take the violent criminals of the White demographic and lock them up for whatever it takes. End martial law. Problem solved. Wait. Deport all commies to North Korea for rehab.

1 year ago

Like the Black Plague (Black Death) of 1350’s once the disease of violence and lack of Bread and Circuses runs its course it will burn itself out.

BUT, Always a BUT, eh? The crescendo of violence WILL spread WELL PAST the Demoncrap (spelling intentional) cities to destroy much of the essential systems like the power grid, water and sewer systems, transport and such.

How? Well look around and at the maps. Where DO most of the nexus of these systems abide? In the cities.

Not to mention that cities untreated sewage is going to be HARD on downstream towns water purification systems.

So, the crescendo will be a widespread problem bringing violence and WORSE “interesting Disease” issues as sick people suffering from sewage related diseases roll into our towns.

How? Some foot traffic but automobiles are available.

Yes, you CAN shoot them, but the cholera (and worse) infested bodies are still there for flies and animals to spread around your area.

Got bleach, insecticides, and medical isolation set up? Your exposed gun bunnies will need medical isolation and treatment as needed. Disease is STILL the Worlds #1 Killer.

Almost like the World Economic Forum’s plans to reduce us to a depopulated, 3rd world “Equality” might have planned this plague of violence?

Protect your family and trusted friends.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Hey down arrow did you chip your nails or otherwise harm your (select a pronoun HERE) yourself?

Man up and comment, or maybe you don’t want to put down your Bud Light?

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Good points. Point most are not considering I would bet. As part of prep one should consider basic biohazard protection. As gruesome as it may be to some you should also learn how to properly dispose of a corpse. Do not assume someone else will be there to do it.
Here is a basic primer:


Francis W. Porretto
1 year ago

Perhaps because their goal is NOT to reduce violence, but to use exponential violence in society as a reason to erode the constitution.

Rampant disorder is the totalitarian’s best tool for inducing the general public to call upon him for “protection.”

1 year ago

Ah, Yep. It’s called the “Make it STOP” method. As in “whatever you need to do MAKE IT STOP” system.

Fancier words like: The phrase “create the problem offer the solution” refers to the Hegelian dialectic, which is a strategy that involves creating a problem or crisis, fomenting a reaction or tension, and then attempting to control the outcome by providing a solution or resolution.

Used by various Strong Men over all of History, long before the fancy words came along.

1 year ago

Spot On

1 year ago

Yes, they just tell the people with the pitchforks that the people with the torches want to take away their pitchforks

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

The second civil war has already happened and the radical left communists are in control.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

The only line in the sand that is left, is the gun to the back of our head if we are lucky.

1 year ago

One thing I did not see mentioned in this article is that the removal of God by the marxist from every crevice of our public sphere especially our schools has led to this type of behavior. Our kids are taught they are essentially animals, no different than any other beast. Products of random chance. Then when they go out and act like animals we are surprised.
Can you say cognitive dissonance

1 year ago
Reply to  grif


1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Important. Thanks for posting.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Yes these are the democratic principles our government supports. Jail anyone with an opposing viewpoint. Not one word from our mockingbird media about this

1 year ago

TINVOWOOT, if you live in a big city, move to the country while your property is still worth something and you are still alive!

1 year ago
Reply to  Lawnmore


1 year ago

A little off topic but interesting. As usual TL’s on point.

Betrayal, Once More -- by T.L. Davis (

Public Service Announcement say nothing online or on or near most modern electronic devices (including MOST newer automobiles) that you don’t want repeated in Kangaroo Court.