How to “Win” the Election – The Chicago Way

The following is a response to Swift Justice for Illegal Aliens.

Where does it say in the US Constitution, that taxpayers must financially support illegal aliens?

As for President Obama the only way he can stay in office, is delivering more welfare entitlements to millions of the poor and those who shun employment and the low income earners.  They come from every class of people who are white, black, Hispanic, Latino and other ethnic groups, who seeing America of a social country for free handouts for all. Then of course– the Obama administration pushing for another fraudulent Immigration Reform package, similar to the one that created the massive CHAIN MIGRATION of 1986? President Obama, Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano, Majority Speaker Pelosi, DOJ Holder, Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada must all be kicked out office in 2012. All Liberals who think we should fiscally pay for illegal alien welfare and the education, health care for their families.

Now Obama’s czarist Department of Justice are now are squirreling out of deporting illegal aliens. In my book, if you broke the law—you should be arrested and deported? Or is there two sets of laws—one to cater to illegal aliens and one to the rest of us?

There have been innumerable debates over what to do about the 20 plus million illegal aliens estimated to be in the United States? There have been practically no discussions of how to ensure that millions of legal aliens do not register and vote in elections. The evidence is irrefutable that aliens, both legal and illegal, are registering and voting in federal, state, and local elections. Following a mayor’s race in Compton, California, for example, non citizens testi-fied under oath in court that they voted in this election. In that case, a candidate who was elected to the city council was permanently ineligible from holding public office in California for soliciting non-citizens to register and vote. The fact that non-citizens registered and voted in the election would never have been discovered except for the fact that it was a very close election and the incumbent mayor, who lost by less than 300 votes, contested it.

Correspondingly, in a 1996 congressional race in California may have been allegedly stolen by non-citizen voting. Republican incumbent Bob Dornan was defending himself against a spirited challenger, Democrat Loretta Sanchez. Sanchez won the election by just 979 votes, and Dornan contested the election in the U.S. House of Representatives. His challenge was dismissed after an investigation by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform turned up only 624 invalid votes by non-citizens who were present in the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) database because they had applied for citizenship, as well as another 124 improper absentee ballots.

Non-citizen voting is liable to grow at the same rate as the illegal foreign national population in the United States; but because of deficiency in state laws and the malfunction of federal agencies to conform with federal law, there are almost no measures in place that allow election officials to detect, prevent, and thwart non-citizens from registering and voting. Instead, officials are largely reliant on an “honor system” that expects aliens to follow the law. There are numerous cases showing the failure of this honor system, just as in Houston, Texas last midterm. A federal ID card seems the only chance to circumvent illegal aliens using forged Absentee Ballots or registering to vote. Currently there are numerous election fraud investigations being processed in Texas, Colorado, New York, New Jersey, Wisconsin and other locations.

In November, 2009 political appointee Julie Fernandes reportedly told the entire assembled Department of Justice Voting Section that the Obama Administration “that they would not enforce the voter lists of the maintenance legal requirements of Section 8 of the  National Voter Registration Act”. Its alias being sometimes called the “Motor Voter” law and deals with the state’s administration of voter registration. Fernandes also reportedly said, “We have no interest in enforcing this provision of the law. It has nothing to do with increasing turnout, and we are just not going to do it,” DOJ lawyer J. Christian Adams said Fernandes told Voting Section lawyers at a lunch…”

What are the two most critical issues in the oncoming presidential elections? Down to the wire it is the economy and jobs. Therefore, we must find jobs, lots of jobs and illegal immigrants in the lower incomes who have acquired jobs must be removed and returned to less fortunate legal workers in our country. Are you aware that illegal immigration has been encouraged very successfully by the unconscionable business organizations such as the US Chamber of Commerce; backed up by certain unconcerned Republicans and the disingenuous Democrats, propelled by the left-wing influence? Records on immigration numbers have been systematically sanitized and kept out of the main spotlight. Liberal leaning news media have massaged numbers, statistics for years, including previous administrations. Any blogger or outside comment author is quickly banned from passing on sources or statistics.

Currently the main headline has been quickly flows through the national press, which illegal aliens are leaving and returning to their own country? What they are not selling you, is that over 20 million illegal aliens have settled here; and this may be uncounted. Millions live in houses of legal immigrants, hidden away from authorities, spending taxpayer’s money; Using friends ID or stolen documents to take American jobs. Millions could be shielded by unions, working in construction, hotels and motels or on a grand scale in Sen. Harry Reid’s entertainment Mecca of Nevada.  The Pew Research Center says there are 8 million illegal immigrants are working and who have stolen jobs from American workers, through the collusion of business owners and many radical open border groups.

These groups are under the unfounded supposition that we need more and more workers, legal or illegal? This is not saying we shouldn’t give expeditious visas to engineers and scientists and those who have high professional achievement. Highly skilled individuals, who have shown their skilled abilities, will never drop to the poverty line as they will always have high paying jobs.  On the negative side, people who are sliding past the border line, or the other 40 percent who lie at entry ports at airlines and shipping terminals are committed to staying until caught. The majority of economic illegal aliens are well versed in welfare laws and the use of false ID. These economic nationals have a better idea of each States entitlement system, to be able to play to their advantage then law-abiding Americans.

California is a very Liberal state that is under the impression that American taxpayers should support the illegal immigration occupation of that State. All Border States are under a giant pressure from especially illegal pregnant mothers, who are determined to bring their unborn child here so they can get free hospitalization; then after conceiving the 300.000 children annually born to illegal aliens, in receipt of instant citizenship can collect cash payments and a whole bunch of handouts, that US citizens and residents never see?

Figures from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services

Immigration is having a bigger impact than ever on the American economy, but the current presidential candidates seem reluctant to speak up. June figures from the Department of Public Social Services in California report $54 million in welfare benefits were issued to illegal alien parents of their native-born children in Los Angeles County alone. This was announced by County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich. The $54 million consists of $22 million in CalWORKs (welfare) and $32 million in Food Stamps — an increase of $3 million from June 2010.  This represents 22% of all CalWORKs and Food Stamp issuances in the County.  The projected annual cost has jumped to $625 million.

“With the $550 million for public safety and nearly $500 million for health care, the total cost for illegal immigrants to County taxpayers exceeds $1.6 billion dollars a year,” said Antonovich.  “These costs do not include the hundreds of millions of dollars for education.”


Should we expect Perry, a Republican who once served in the Texas legislature, to make the same admission about his pro illegal immigration stance? After all, he gave illegal aliens discounted in-state tuition at public colleges and universities in Texas then traveled to Mexico to brag about it. He also slammed Arizona for passing a tough immigration control law, believes the southern border fence is unnecessary and opposes the E-Verify federal verification program that prevents illegal immigrants from landing state jobs. E-Verify the job eliminator for illegal aliens and the new deterrent is equally needed to start clipping the wings of the open border zealots, the religious entities, unions  and the unhappy business leaders who determined to keep cheap labor pouring into the U.S.
Rick Perry is a true Capitalist and elitists, and carries a poor NumbersUSA immigration scale of (D-).
Perhaps Americans shouldn’t hold their breath for an apology on the open borders issue since it’s likely that Rick Perry is betting it will earn Latino votes.

• The threat of a Congressional amnesty may be off the table for now, but millions of illegal immigrants are still taking American jobs.
• Congress continues to import an additional 75,000 foreign workers every month at a time when American workers are facing massive unemployment and collapsing wages.
• The immigration crisis is as severe as ever, and elected officials from both parties have refused to do anything to address the role mass immigration plays in our national jobs crisis.
• Americans need a president who will take our immigration crisis seriously.
 •Right now, the political parties and presidential candidates are staking out their positions on immigration. Together, we can influence the candidates to improve their immigration positions and publicly commit to defending the American worker. See the immigration grade scores of contenders in the Presidential race at NumbersUSA. Learn who is involved in corruption and collusion of all lawmakers at Judicial Watch.
• Will the Republicans reject another open-borders candidate?
• Will President Obama move to a more reasonable position as he strives for re-election?
• Can candidates and prospective candidates like Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney and Herman Cain recognize the urgency voters have about this issue? Michele Bachmann has openly discussed this ominous issue that is erupting from every newspaper and media every day. Only—and only the TEA PARTY are willing to talk about Illegal Immigration. So this is the time to separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak and learn who is ready to fight for every American and not try to pacify illegal aliens, with the possibility of Immigration Reform- we all know as mass amnesty. No TEA PARTY leader will enact any law that rescinds the Reagan 1986 Immigration Control and reform Act. All cities branded as a Sanctuary for Illegal aliens, will either conform to the law, or lose federal funding. Rescinding another CHAIN MIGRATION, because it is leading to Overpopulation in our future.
•Politicians, who won’t recognize the urgency of the immigration issue, will be removed.




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13 years ago



The Administration has come under scrutiny from the open border groups and the radical organization of La Raza for its record number of deportations, despite its strategy of focusing on only criminal illegal aliens. LA Raza mantra is to occupy the South West, which is selling lies to its own people. The British King tried to intimidate the colonists, which turned into a bloodbath on both sides. Still, half of last year’s 400,000 deported illegal aliens had not been convicted of a crime other than entering the country illegally. But several states, including Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, and Arizona, have increased efforts to arrest individuals in the country illegally. I REPEAT--WHY IS IT NOT A FELONY, FOR ENTERING A SOVEREIGN NATION LIKE MOST FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS?

“The Obama administration should enforce immigration laws, not look for ways to ignore them,” stated Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), head of the House Judiciary Committee.

1. Immigration and Reform Control Act (IRCA), 1986 Simpson-Mazzoli Act: A blanket amnesty for some 2.7 million illegal aliens. Eventually this amnesty was processed, the total number added up to 6 million and that’s without the CHAIN MIGRATION of family members; that taxpayers are still paying for, when the original sponsor dropped out and left the Mothers and fathers, some siblings who live off the taxpayers dime. Read the total impact of the IRCA law at

2. Section 245(i) Amnesty, 1994: A temporary rolling amnesty for 578,000 illegal aliens. 3. Section 245(i) Extension Amnesty, 1997: An extension of the rolling amnesty created in 1994. 4. Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act (NACARA) Amnesty, 1997: An amnesty for close to one million illegal aliens from Central America. 5. Haitian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act Amnesty (HRIFA), 1998: An amnesty for 125,000 illegal aliens from Haiti.
6. Late Amnesty, 2000: An amnesty for some illegal aliens who claim they should have been amnestied under the 1986 IRCA amnesty, an estimated 400,000 illegal aliens. 7. LIFE Act Amnesty, 2000: A Administration’s new policy. Yesterday, the Administration announced that the Department of Homeland Security will appraise all deportation cases on a case-by-case basis and only deport illegal aliens who have been convicted of crimes. All these underground amnesties brought into the country millions of more family members through CHAIN MIGRATION LAWS.

This is costing citizens and legal residents 113 billion dollars annually, for welfare programs, education for children and of course health care. It should be drilled into America’s brain, that all these services are free, as most of illegal aliens today are ECONOMIC, as the initial sponsor or his family entourage never paid enough into the Federal or State general funds.

Farmers and Agriculture who are complaining to their State Representatives and Congress about not enough workers, are financially abusive to taxpayers as the illegal alien laborers only get paid wages, but his children get free education and the family that are uninsured have no choice but to head for a free clinic or take their seats in a hospital waiting room, with no expense to the farmer himself. Once again it all falls on the shoulders of the US taxpayer.
reinstatement of the rolling Section 245(i) amnesty, an estimated 900,000 illegal aliens. 8. Obama’s Amnesty of 2011, allowing 300.000 illegal aliens who could be eligible to receive work permits if their deportation is postponed through the Obama

Then every year, over a million legal immigrants arrive in America, given visas to work. Hundreds of these immigrants are highly skilled with professional references. But many are low skilled and enter the work market, which is already bulging with jobless Americans. This is the fault of Congress, not just the Obama administration. These visas are pressed through the labor department by disingenuous business owners to chop American and permanent resident wages, to substitute them with new immigrants who receive no benefits and less dollars for their employment.

THE COURTS HAVE FORCED US TO SUBSIDIZE ILLEGAL ALIENS AND THEIR FAMILIES. You cannot as a citizen-resident leave the emergency rooms of hospitals, without leaving your Drivers License number and Social Security number. Perhaps you don’t realize it, but you are paying for illegal immigrant treatments, the education for their children, their instant citizenship baby, so they receive free natal care, before and after birth. You are hounded by debt collectors. These illegal aliens are sinking the entitlement ship for Americans. Most of these forced laws are fund-less mandates on all of us, enveloping this country in President Obama’s agenda of transforming our nation into a socialist society; where everything is free, to those who don’t want to work and millions of economic illegal aliens.

Often referred to as Comprehensive Immigration Reform, pro-amnesty groups seek to offer legal permanent residence to illegal aliens. Comprehensive Immigration Reform bills were introduced in Congress in both 2006 and 2007. In 2006, separate versions were passed in the Senate and House, but an agreement was never reached in conference committee. In 2007, a version in the Senate proposed by Senators John McCain and Ted Kennedy with support from Pres. Bush failed to reach a cloture vote. The grassroots effort from NumbersUSA, FAIR, CIS members, along with millions of voters was a major reason why the amnesty failed. During the 2008 campaign, Pres. Obama offered support for amnesty, and with an overwhelming majority of supporters in the House and Senate, but it failed to pass. President Obama looking for future votes to appease foreign nationals used his executive order to interfere with deportations as of yesterday.

Yet another deficiency of immigration enforcement is Senator Harry Reid’s State of Nevada. With an extremely large population of illegal aliens in the Silver State, officials say the lack of enforcing immigration laws is making a bad situation even worse. The University Medical Center in Las Vegas had to face a $70 million budgetary shortfall in 2010. Today the dollar figure is sure to be much higher. A report by the Las Vegas Review-Journal found that illegal aliens receiving dialysis treatment was costing the hospital more than $2 million per month. Nevada taxpayers are forced to pay for these circumstances that the report says “continues to worsen.” Casino’s have an abundant of illegal nationals, and the residents who are looking for jobs want E-Verify and “Secure Communities” mandatory throughout Reid’s state. The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) just announced a study that found illegal foreigner’s expenditures cost Nevada $630 million annually. The state is looking in the face of big budget deficit. Its unemployment is over 9%. Nevada voters are growing restless and will develop into more trouble for Sen. Reid’s privileged measures for illegal workers and the companies that hire them.

The Zogby poll conducted among likely Nevada voters in late January found that:

• 77.7% of Nevada voters wanted E-Verify protections included in the stimulus bill.
• Nevada voters oppose amnesty (54.5% to 33.9%) for illegal aliens, an idea promoted by Sen. Reid.
• 76.5% of Nevada voters believe illegal immigration has a negative impact on the state budget.

Voters’ perceptions of the brunt of illegal immigration on Nevada are rooted in reality, found in a new cost study by FAIR. The Costs of Illegal Immigration to Nevadans finds that taxpayers bear a $630 million annual burden as a result of illegal immigration, or about $763 per native-headed household in the state. The report finds that Nevadans spend:

• $515 million a year to educate the children of illegal aliens.
• $85 million a year on non-reimbursed health care for illegal aliens.
• $31 million a year to incarcerate criminal illegal aliens.


President Obama must go, as he might eventually decide to sign an executive order for all the 20 Million plus illegal aliens squatting in this country. He is doesn’t conforms to the “Rule of Law” and the US Constitution as it is written. This man seems unconcerned with the interests of 9.5 nationwide percent Americans out of a job; even though it’s estimated 8 million illegal aliens have been hired in replacement for citizens and legal residents. If you want a better future without the antics of Obama’s Leftist pro-illegal immigrant organizations, you better think about joining the TEA PARTY. Most of the Republican candidates will follow the establishment rules; not Michele Bachman, Palin or Herman Cain. After reading Ron Paul’s book, he is more pro-amnesty, than for deporting illegal immigrants, so he gets a (F) in NumbersUSA slide rule. Michelle Bachmann will protect and defend America from the illegal immigrant invaders.

The cost is killing these nation Public services and has aided partially in the proverbial debt ceiling controversy. This country must use the “Point System” as European governments have implemented. Bring to America the highest stratum of skilled workers. No taxpayer should have to be forced to pay for other countries desperate, specially the family members who are sponsored. CHAIN MIGRATION ends up a taxpayers nightmare, as the majority of these people ends up in the welfare programs. The old, sick and mentally sick are discarded and live in poverty on Supplementary Social security or other programs, which become our burden. Call your representative at the State or federal and bombard the switchboard in Washington at 202-224-3121.

A voter registration card or Absentee Ballot is an effortlessly obtainable document, as they are routinely issued without any checking of identi¬fication or found in Drivers License Bureau or Post Offices. Absentee Ballots are easy to obtain and very easy to use in fraudulent purposes to vote. Because of the dire consequences involved in the historic Presidential election, Americans must have some guarantee that non-citizens do not vote in this significant elections.


No Copyright. Distribute Freely.

13 years ago

Chain migration started with the 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act.This act changed the focus from the nuclear family to chain migration in response to special interest groups ( e.g., La Raza) which wanted family reunification. The 1986 Act granted the first amnesty to what was supposed to be an estimated 3 million illegal aliens ( the proper term; not immigrant); ended up granting to 6 million. Beware of US gov.t estimate; there are usually understated. The total is closer to some 30-35 million.Chain migration accounts for the dramatic increase in number of Hispanics in the population. Bills have been introduced in Congress to end chain migration and anchor babies. See