How’s that Voting Working Out for You?

Wes posted a video and posed the question “How’s that voting working out for you”. While many would argue that voting did work because Trump won the Presidential election, voter fraud was still rampant as four Senate seats won by Republican candidates were stolen. Trump’s vote was too big to rig but down ballot voting was not.

However, there is a point that many have not considered: the impact of X on our country’s future. While there are many examples, yesterday’s coverage of the annual tradition of the Christmas omnibus effectively killed it. What is even more important is that the 1500 plus page bill was “analyzed” by artificial intelligence which exposed the pork embedded in the bill. This ability to quickly expose our “leaders” has changed the manner in which legislation is generated, promoted and passed in the middle of the night.

Elon Musk has allowed freedom of speech to not only flourish but to bring light to the dark evil that has controlled our elections, wars, economy and children’s education. History will mark the transition of Twitter to X as a major political upheaval that enabled the people to regain their control of the Republic.

David DeGerolamo

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Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 months ago

I think you’re celebrating a little early… but time will tell!
I have no faith in the scumbags that inhabit mordor on the potomac. They’ll ram this bill through, you watch. I hope I’m wrong, truly, but if history is any guide, it’ll be 11:49 PM on Friday night… And they all skip town for the Christmas break.

Mary Combs
Mary Combs
2 months ago

I totally agree with your comments on X. “You have to pass it to see what’s in it” came to a crash halt this week. The Dems are naked on the legislative front. Elon plans to upload the whole body of legal doctrine and precedent as well -- hopefully as is the way of such announcement, that may already have taken place.
If so, it won’t be long before the ability to quote precedent will put a big dent in the lawfare machine -- for the little guy as well as for the rich. A lot of cases are lost by the little guy simply because they don’t have the funds to pay for the necessary legal research. If AI is given the ability to cross correlate between the body of legal precedent and the body of legislation, all sorts of interesting insights might come crawling out! It’s a new day and an entirely new way for the people to hire, fire and monitor the performance of their representatives.

Mary Combs
Mary Combs
2 months ago

It also just occurred to me that AI and X completely defeats gag orders. Trump may be gagged from pointing out the conflicts of interests that judges have, but grok has no skin in the game, so can’t be bound by the gag orders.
Just think how much can be uncovered and known about the performance of judges and of the patterns of appointment of judges -- and made transparent to the public.
Can’t wait!

tom finley
tom finley
2 months ago

Elon Musk has done more to stop the criminal grifters than anyone, his platform X is getting the truth out there. Although I said I would not vote, I caved in and voted for President Trump, I still believe that there is no voting our way out of this tyranny, and it will still exist when he takes office. A lot of hangings need to take place for their treason, otherwise same old same old.

Hammers Thor
2 months ago

Nice analysis. AI is definitely something that can work in our favor in cases like this. It didn’t even occur to me to drop the bill into one of the offline AIs that I use to analyze, but I will definitely do that in the future.

Elon Musk and “X”, among many others (RAV, Gettr, Truth Social, Rumble) are exposing the communist media for what they truly are, and I think that this was the case that sent President Trump over the finish line. Having said that, even though he won, I am as certain as you are that many more races were stolen. There is in fact absolutely nothing that can convince me that President Trump won by only 2 million votes… I submit that he won by more likely 50 million votes. Exaggeration? Perhaps, but I don’t think so.

So, thank you Elon Musk, and Merry “X”MAS… 😎

2 months ago

The Golden Golem better not cave to that poltroon Johnson and the RINOS. I am especially focused on a complete federal civil rights criminal probe, indictment, and prosecution of anyone and everyone connected in ANY way with January 6th. Heads need to roll. If they do not, then it will be apparent that draft-dodging blowhard is just another empty suit. Bleib ubrig.