I heard there are over 7,000 army troops in DC right now. They built a fence around the WH. The soldiers are INSIDE, not outside of the gate. What could possibly be happening!? I believe they state as much in this video as well!
I heard there are over 7,000 army troops in DC right now. They built a fence around the WH. The soldiers are INSIDE, not outside of the gate. What could possibly be happening!? I believe they state as much in this video as well!
Regular Army or National Guard? The distinction is important.
Maybe they are there for the inaugaration? Good guys/bad guys? We don’t know. None of us know. Those talking heads on youtube don’t know. Lots of inuendo as in we think, we believe, it “may” be this or it “may” be that. Never any specifics id’s or dates. Kinda like the trump terrorists who breached the capital if you believe those stories.
Good guys ? I HOPE so . To early to tell .
These were called in by Pelosi and Biden to ensure their protection against “We the People”!
i.e. State National Guard.
These aren’t Trump’s Freedom soldiers…. these are the one’s who have proven themselves as to have low IQs so will follow unconstitutional orders of the CRIMINALS! …..
You will notice trump troops as they won’t look like sadsacks….they are the special forces (swat types) the elites of the elite!
So, how do we know that there are any “good guys”? I am being serious when I ask that question. So far there I have seen nothing from the military to suggest this. When Pelosi when to the military and asked for their help to remove a sitting president, that is when they should have fulfilled their oath (on this issue, we will not talk about the treason in Libya). I really would like some solid evidence that there are good guys.
Well honestly the gaurd are present at most inaugurations. The reason they are there now is to give the optics of ” the big bad right could attack again “so we got to have the troops to defend against the white nazi trumpers”
Remember; Trump “changed” the military uniforms some time ago so there may be a distinct difference from the way full-time and Natioal Guard appear.
They are just support troops that have setup the fence to prepare for the inauguration. No weapons issued. They may even be engineers.
You don’t believe that.
False hope.
They’re not armed. What, exactly, is the purpose of an unarmed troop?
i am hearing the Insurrection act has been signed and POTUS has left the building,