I am tired of the mess…The collapse is coming…I am thinking about going Galt.

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Old geezer
Old geezer
1 year ago

dear renegade,
i humbly beg to differ. it is not “ complete insanity “. may i suggest it makes perfect sense.
when you ask the question, what is the objective, and answer that question truthfully, then what is happening in what was once the usa becomes very clear.
the overthrow is getting much closer. it looks very likely that i will live to see what happens after all. ( a couple of years back that was in grave doubt. )
i have enjoyed your posts and have learned from them. you have done well. you have done more than your part. continue to prepare well.
best wishes on going galt. ( i have as well )

Old geezer
Old geezer
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

thank you for bringing that to my attention : )


[…] ← I am tired of the mess…The collapse is coming…I am thinking about going Galt. […]

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

i beg to differ, this gov. does not have complete control, unless we give in to them totally. You have not, many have not, many are watchman and we are not being silent. we are not going along blindly and approving of what the world is promoting and or doing.
Republicans does not equate to conservatives or libertarian’s. Just because a republican governor signed on to Texas does not mean all is well!
Dave, SP1, keep in mind, do not be dismayed, we were warned of what direction this world would go? Be angry but do not sin. i say this for myself also, i have to keep this in mind.
am in appreciation (many years) in all that you have done and your moral values.
we all need to vent it is good to let it out. This world is not about being fair.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

How much farther Galt can we go?

1 year ago

The money printing and spending is intended to support the Globohomo Empire. Every day it gets more expensive to maintain an Empire in rapid decline. The closer to the end of the Empire, the faster they have to print. It’s almost over folks. The rest of the world is dumping the dollar. It will take a little while longer for them to empty the dollars out of their treasuries. Slowly, then all at once.

1 year ago

I will not obey. I will not consent. God told me what to do.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

Absolutely Jane, No consent and no compliance to their satanic wicked system. the majority of Americans will accept there on backed digital coin banking system out of fear and later regret what they have done it. We will all be outside of their system and many of us who are on social security will most likely lose it because everything in the government is being turned into their cbdc and we will have to fend for ourselves. All of us will have to deal strictly in silver and gold bullion for purchases as well as the commodities we can barter.

1 year ago

He is on point about this is not being the country my forefathers and I grew up in. Though more people are waking up to this so many are still complacent, drugged and brainwashes to help change this. It is a heavy load for those of us aware but we much lift and carry as best we can. Our children are depending on this. God bless!

Molly P
Molly P
1 year ago

God bless you Dave, and all like minded Americans. Superb rant.

Hillybilly Homesteader
Hillybilly Homesteader
1 year ago

Going Galt TM. Haha. If you are without debt and you are prepared to live without electricity-not merely figured out how to replicate the power grid for your house, but literally have prepared to live WITHOUT electricity-then you’ve Gone Galt TM. If you drive a car with a GPS navigator onboard, you’ve not gone galt. If you stockpile fuel instead of water, you’ve not gone galt. If you have no method of food preservation that doesn’t require the power grid you’ve not gone galt. If you have stores of gold “so you can still buy stuff” when the grid goes down, you’ve not gone galt. BTW-gold is not really a practical currency-it is a hedge against inflation and collapse-but its not like you’re going to run down to A&P when the grid goes down and grab a couple cartfulls of groceries with your gold-primarily because grocery distribution will be broken by power grid failures, massive theft, lack of gasoline/diesel etc just like every other corner of society.

Hillybilly Homesteader
Hillybilly Homesteader
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I believe I am clear on what Going Galt TM means. I would posit that like Cortes burning his ships in front of his men, Going Galt TM insists that one NOT be inured in society’s trappings, faux necessities, luxuries, vanities and comforts. If I am willing to turn my back on society and let it burn to the ground with mostly disinterest I very well ought to have minimized my dependency on said society’s systems…if I have the guts. I would also posit that most don’t have the guts.