I don’t know if I’m a patriot or just stubborn

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I felt the following comment from the article It Is Time For a Frank Discussion was worthy of its own post:

I think that in terms of Constitutional Law this begs the question of: Do we even have legitimate governance in the US? The sad reality of it all is that we have and have had for quite some time now (decades) a rogue organization of loosely allied and self-serving career politicians and their protégés retaining/gaining  positions traditionally held by duly elected representatives that were at least somewhat beholding to the fulfillment of their respective constitutional duties. Now, there’s not even any pretense of abiding by and honoring their sworn constitutional duties.

Worse still is that they gain and/or retain their “faux” positions because they have been allowed to do so by an intellectually lazy and self-absorbed American public that is more concerned about dinner and Monday Night Football than the fate of their nation. I really don’t enjoy having to say this but before we go blaming or pointing fingers at anyone or any group we all need to take a damn look in the mirror.

All the bitching and moaning in the world is not going to do anything but gain us admittance into more and increasingly painful slavery, both physical and spiritual. On a daily basis right at home (cause I can’t afford to even go anywhere anymore) I do what I can to resist and to engage people when I see them in conversation about this topic. Some listen, most become either disinterested or dismissive.  Some even get a bit hostile, but you know what, I don’t back down, ever.

I don’t know if I’m a patriot or just stubborn but I know what I believe and more importantly, why I believe it. I have lost most every “friend” I ever had, and the love of my life (I thought) all because I refuse to be held accountable to a set of “laws” that those involved in their making aren’t even held accountable to. I cannot abide being forced to finance a system that works against my (and our, in my opinion) best interests.

The only reason we are in this mess is that we ALLOW it! Stop allowing it, stop paying for anything you don’t absolutely need, ESPECIALLY from the fascist/corporatist institutions like Wal-Mart, Coca-Cola, etc. Barter, buy locally produced, organize a general strike, anything, just stop paying for what you say you don’t want, at the very least. Deprive the machine of the fuel it needs to run. Defeat this monster by starving it. We’re not going to “fix” or “reform” the system, we must force its collapse and start anew. It will eventually collapse under its own weight in time, but better a “controlled demolition” now than a meltdown later.

Throughout our history, like the term or not (hell, call it what you want) non-compliance is the only tool that effects long term change. In intent and later in action, that is exactly what The Declaration of Independence was all about, a declaration of non-compliance and disassociation. Otherwise they would have called it The Declaration of War, which in effect was what it became, but Britain became the aggressor, the bully, in that instance and the colonies then acted in self-defense. And no one likes, much less respects a bully.


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9 years ago

Excellent commentary! I think a lot of folks, myself included, can honestly say they are of this same opinion.

9 years ago

I like the term “armed civil disobedience”. Whatever the specific action is, whether protesting police abuse, blockading a physical location, or an organized tax revolt, the organizers should divide into 2 groups. 1 group to state in writing, in public press what they are protesting, when and where, the other group likewise issues a statement that they will be acting as professional protective service for the group that is protesting. Oh yeah, and that they will be armed, acting in a purely defensive posture.

This opens up the possibility for the protection detail to put up, or shut up, that they are protecting Constitutional Freedoms. They can offer their protection to any group, no matter the viewpoint. Ideally this could lead to “We the People” working together, against those who wish to bring down The Constitution, as long as those we work with believe in the original intent.