I knew we were in trouble way back in my Tea Party days. Once I became comfortable there and had made many good friends, I began speaking more freely. It never failed, every time I said we couldn’t vote our way out of this mess and that a “Revolution” would be necessary to restore Liberty, I’d get those you’re insane looks or comments. So for over 10 years now I have been trying to open people’s eyes to the farce of voting to no avail.
It’s heartbreaking to read article’s such as this from WRSA yesterday. “Complacency, compliance, and cowardice together with bountiful heaps of apathy, indifference, and denial are pretty much all I see.” Oh, how many times I have written about that. Yet we continue to do nothing but hope for the best in voting. Early voting is taking place here locally already, and it seems that the enthusiasm is high. Politicians signs are everywhere. One of the early voting stations was packed this past Saturday. The cycle of hope on voting our way out continues it seems.
Will that day of reckoning ever come? We continue to slowly limp along into the dust bin of history. Oh how I wish I could just withdraw from society and be left alone with my family to live in peace and freedom.
With all of the corruption and evil exposed and on full display, we continue to do nothing. It’s frustrating watching your country fade into oblivion without so much as a whimper.
It never fails, I always get the comments thrown at me,”Well what are you waiting for?” “Go ahead, go do what needs doing!” Who would have my back? I can count on one hand here locally who would have my back.
People say there is nothing to save of these United States and that we should just Balkanize. Great, how does that happen peacefully? You think this out of control Deep State is just going to let us go off do as we please without a fight?
Our country is no more. There is no saving it. There is no restoring it. Our current overlords stole the power they currently have, the whole world knows it and yet we do nothing. They are actively trying to kill us through their “vaccine’s” and bioweapons and yet we do nothing.
We have politely petitioned our government for years and voiced our grievances in the proper way. We have tried the ballot box. Our speech is being censored and most of us now are considered terrorist for speaking the truth. The courts are useless and do their masters bidding. So we are left with that final option and it seems I am in a very small minority of those willing.
I am not a big name. Sure locally I have people who would follow me and have my back. What then? How many do we need to have our backs and so on and so on? We keep searching for that big national leader. I don’t think that is coming. Nobody is coming to save us.
I don’t much like what is happening. I feel powerless as one person to make a change. I hate looking in the mirror and seeing the coward staring back at me. For now I guess I’ll just continue living day by day like everyone else out there, as if the good times will just continue on forever. Until they don’t.
We are too spread out as people to do anything meaningful. There is power in numbers and those numbers need to be within an area to support each other.
If you give some thought to your comment about being too spread out you may conclude that it is actually a strength. Engaging autonomous decentralized cells is extremely difficult and costly for a highly centralized command and control bureaucracy. The micro processor has made it possible for small highly committed decentralized cells to project enormous power with little cost. The Afghan’s are a great example of this. Who is John Galt? TEXIT!
Very good point!! I completely agree with you. The U.S. has Not at all done well in its wars over the past 50 plus years -- hello dudes in pajamas put a serious hurting on them more than once. Small groups, hit and run is the way.
The unconquerable enemy is the guerrilla fighter, unknown by all unidentifiable, undefeated, who is it, where are they, why are they doing this, does not work. Too spread out, can, and should be used as our strength. No one knows who the enemy is. it is all of us. 180 million individual guerrilla battles. John Gault is our leader. Our only rule -- Rule 308
It is working well so far. We are winning in leaps and bounds.
John Galt did gather those people to one location.
Galt “extracted” productive people from the general population to make them unavailable to the looters / government.
Galt did not concentrate those people as a force to oppose the looters / government … only to accelerate the collapse of the external economy.
I was not talking about gather to oppose as much as survive. But I do have to ask, how do you purpose you communicate with the other groups? Gab, Wire, twitter? We are all spread out blowing in the wind. When the internet is cut off, we as a collective will be isolated. I can show you a group that will survive for a time because they are 30,000’ish strong. But they grouped together and formed a functioning society. The only issue is they will not fight to defend themselves as a whole.
I do have to ask again, how is the who spread it out thing working? How many victories have been won?
CB, shortwave, fax, string and cans, whispering in the dark. No internet works both ways. Never forget, parasites do not produce anything of value. Parasites can not feed themselves, they take what they eat. The Parasite is useless without the productive surrendering a portion of what they create. Once the productive stop feeding and clothing The Parasite, it’s over. Once the supply chain becomes local within the productive and FIAT debit is meaningless. The productive will trade among themselves huge numbers of parasites will die off on their own account of having no skills and worthiness to create value to trade. No major violence needed just closing the circles. No internet is very likely an unseen blessing in current times. We get to see who we are talking to, face to face, eye to eye contact.
They will not shut off the internet for themselves. It only takes a few seconds to disable a port or route the traffic to say /dev/null. Then there is the ability to listen and jam frequencies.
Do you really think that they will just sit there and starve?
No they won’t sit but they will starve none the less
The Carpenter did not need the many to make Him strong.
The carpenter had not issues with follower gathering together in groups. In fact we are to gather together to worship.
Without military’s back, I do not think we can accomplish the task at hand. I have said this longer than the Tea Party gathering at DC with Glenn Beck. And yes, those who heard me said I am crazy.
When knife gets to the bone and can not cut any more, then people might wake up!
Beck co-opted the Tea Party and diffused it…that was his job. Beck remains on air for a reason, he’s a tool with just enough truth to make you listen. The people are waking up in a different direction and its food! More monetary decisions are being made based on food acquisition…less vacation, less clothing, less frivolous spending and more concentration on putting money on food for the kids. Retail and restaurant numbers are indicating downward trends with one exception…food with less acquired but more spent due to inflation and availability. I expect we’ll start seeing Food Riots around July and that’s when you’ll get your uprising. Small at first but as the food riots grow you’ll see a collective form!
The Tea Party was co-opted almost immediately. Like rhey say, ” The best way to control the opposition is to lead it”.
Respectfully, I wonder how the Afghan’s were able to stop the US military? How did George Washington and the small army of the 13 states stop the powerful British military? How did Sam Houston and the small Texas volunteer militia stop Santa Anna and the Mexican military. Continuing to hope that the bought dishonest military is going to cover the backs of the Christian conservatives is to ignore reality. Who is John Galt? TEXIT!
“I wonder how the Afghan’s were able to stop the US military?”
Dedication to there Beliefs and NO FEAR were the appetizers.
The Meal, that came from the outside.
The military has been purposely taken down with the woke BS…..the ones in it that do not go along will be onboard.
Remember, only 1-3% stood their ground in 1776!
Once the frog finally realizes his a$$ is frying, it is too late. The average American fool is completely content as long as their annoying cell phone works and they can watch the national trash known as reality tv is playing. I really just don’t get it.
So true. Bread and circuses.
We gots a Winner.
Hat tip.
I feel the same most days, very frustrated. I would be willing to sacrifice to make a change but have no direction.
I agree completely with Wes in this. However, I’ve learned how to deal with the depression caused by the seeming inability to influence events. Reading War and Peace had been on my bucket list. I finished it last winter. Tolstoy discusses history and how we are simply riding the wave of it. He posited that even Napoleon had no real control over events. That societal unrest and circumstances pushed and pulled him through the period.
I live in one of the most rural counties in Missouri. I know where to find my county commissioners, my sheriff, and other elected officials. If they misbehave, I can deliver discipline. I control my farm. I have influence with my neighbors and my church. I think voting in elections for county positions is still warranted because I can watch and correct the process if needed. My county is my country. I have finally recognized that I have zero influence outside of it, much less any control. So, I read the ‘news’ to watch for approaching political, societal, or kinetic storms so as to be prepared. Beyond that, I ignore the clowns BFTTW.
Not perfect, but my coping mechanism.
The time is not right, the masses still have bread and circus. Once they get hungry and can’t afford beer, then they might listen.
Forty years ago I ran for congress, as a libertarian. What I learned doing public speeches and press releases, was sad. Most people had no concept of what freedom was and didn’t have a clue that our system of government was a republic and the local news paper didn’t know the difference between liberteen and libertarian!
It is even worse today, our society has no moral compass and has totally lost its way, their only intrest is “gimmy free stuff”!
Have solace that bad systems won’t last, ours is on its last leg, change will come.
Your stand is a light to the future of freedom!
The government, and media are all lies and BS, what gives me hope is that we have all the guns and ammo.
I am old and may not live to see the change but it is comming, the natives are getting restles!
Keep up the good work!
Our leaders have failed us so that puts it down to the man on the street. One still needs to plan, coordinate, mobilize, and initiate. Beating up each other because of the failings of our leaders won’t get us anywhere. Thinking Joe Blow on the street rising up is going to solve something is idiotic -- might as well just sign your death warrant. The key here is when they come for you, because at some point they do have to have boots on the ground and when that happens that is when the organizing begins and the fighting commences. This is what happens when leaders fail the people for whatever their reasons. They’re coming, they can’t help it and that is their Achilles heel so to speak. Question is will we organize and go after the ones behind-the-scenes that caused the problems? Not the Biden clown they hide behind, but the no-kidding money and power behind the front line useful idiots like Pelosi and Clinton and Rothchilds and Rockefellers, and so on? At least it will be easier to find them since they will be in their bunkers then…
Cement them in for everlasting entombed, they walked into their own trap of their own making.
You are not a coward, just a good man lamenting the loss of your country. Just recenter your mindset. World War 3 is upon us and we need all the good men we can muster.
Steady yourself and wait for the white of their eyes.
I like your reply and i agree with you.
Steady yourself and wait for the white of their eyes.
Why? Are you still using a musket? Maybe a… saber? A kidney peeler?
Do you think if those dead old white guys were alive today, and revolutioning, they would be saying… Wait for the white of their eyes!
Let’s get back to 2022.
Whites of there Eyes??
Bit small for my taste.
Optics, Ya come along way baby😂
Agreed, I’m Firmly in 2022. In every way.
“People lost hope in Christ… because he didn’t crown himself immediately as King over Israel.”
When you allow a fool to run his suck long enough, you understand just what kind of fool he is.
you’re not needed Son. No go back with the other FedBois, the adults are talking here
When women got the right to vote, that was the first, real, 5alarm, red alert, blazing indicator that the nation had sunk to the depths of stupidity and depravity. Now it’s so bad that people can work their way to the top of the judicial system without even knowing what a woman is. And the Congress will let the candidates slide right into the Supreme Court that way.
Women voting started the USA to spiral into its grave? How so? I think there is a giant buffet of crookedness and immorality that has had worse impact on our country.
Women ruling over men has always been a precursor to destruction and the Bible forbids it.
God appointed Deborah as a Judge over HIS people Israel. She was also a prophet. Was God wrong?
Prohibition and abortion are the two thing women have done with their right to vote along with getting WJC re-election. There is more written in the Bible about why women should not be in power than the Bible had about why we should not commit murder.
The problems started long before. There is plenty of blame to go around, not the least of which are us boomers, the question is how to fix it!
In 1832 “dueling” was banned, after Burr killed Hamilton. The politicians of the day decided to protect themselves from the cost of their decisions and /or wrongdoing. That is the day that the U.S. started down the path to become what it is today. If any citizen, of good repute, could call out a criminal politician for his crimes and shoot that politician for those crimes -- there would be fewer criminal politicians et al. Politicians were/are cheap and plentiful, dueling kept them in check and thinned their ranks. That was a twofer.
This evil globohomo regime that stole the country is all in on our death and destruction. Most say they are to big and powerful and we have no chance of defeating them, I say I would rather die trying than live in this dystopian nightmare. Now we have the ministry of truth, what is next? Starvation and submission is coming and like what was said still we wait. We will never be stronger than we are now, I live in NW AZ and wish I were closer to where Wes is located with people of like minds and spirit. I cannot see anyway out of our situation but violence, if I die alone trying so be it.
We are absolutely left with NO “peaceful options” period. We either fight back or our a$$e$ are DEAD.
Therein lies the problem. We still -- and I am susceptible to this -- want there to be a GOOD OPTION.
Man seriously, hand to God, I feel the absolute same way. And people usually give me the crazy look or make smart-a$$ comments like go for it and what have you done, etc, etc whenever I discuss the huge half-dead elephant in the room. I hate to say this but I get how the jews ended up in cattle cars and ovens! We the citizens are armed to the teeth and we are really NO better nor different. At this point, you would have to be beyond retarded to not be able to read the writing on the proverbial wall what is going on and what they plan to do to our a$$e$.
And yes voting haha my God seriously I would rather cut my toenails in the pitch dark than waste my time with that $hit. Many of us know the answer -- we know what needs to happen but it doesn’t look like that door is ever going to open. . .
It’s a matter of fact that most Americans are too “comfortable” to act on behalf of pot of simmering water they are in. Sooner or later that water will boil.
In Beirut it was usually the criminal bosses that started the various militias and went to war. In Ireland, on both sides, it was frequently the street gangs that engaged in the violence. Why? They already had the balls. The organization. They were street wise. You’re not going to get bible thumpers to go out and kill. Goes against the grain. No killers on this site.
nothing to lose
Christians are divided into two distinct groups . There are those of us that have studied the Word deeply and understand the commandment said that “Thou Shall Not Murder ” where many poor translations stated that “Thou Shall Not Kill”. And there is the other group of low IQ Christians that briefly read over a poor translation of scripture and then assume that Kill and Murder mean the same thing. They do not . Throughout the Bible the faithful were told to kill entire groups of evil people . Not murder but kill . Cain murdered Able . Big difference . I always consider Mercy and Kindness . Always . I always also consider who needs killed . And there are many of them . Most of them are probably spying on our conversation right now .
The American Revolution would not have occurred were it not for the preaching from the pulpits…. Bible thumpers. Look up the Black Robe regiment.
What you speak of is the other side of our Messiah. Love your enemy, but do justice when our Heavenly Father is thrown out of everything. Pray for the strength to stand against lawlessness, that is what sin and evil are. Know the 10 Commandments, Exodus 20:1-17. Those are the heart of the eternal instructions. The democrats, the left, etc., hate Jesus the Christ because He is the true King of earth, not them. We fight against Satan but we have to fight spiritually and physically. I believe that is what you are writing about. Just be sure Jesus the Christ is in your heart when it is time to fight. Mary
It’s important to remember the Bible tells us COWARDS do not go to Heaven. They aren’t allowed in.
This is where trust in God comes into play. This is not to say that we pray and do nothing, but keep prepping, keep training, and the time will come, the way that it must. I for one have a hard time waiting, but I have been the first one in too many times in the past, and have survived by Gods grace, and am too old to take that slot in the chalk anymore. The house of cards that the evil communists and Luciferians have built WILL fall, and we will be right there waiting. Maybe it will be our Sons and Grandsons, but we will be there and ready. We are too divided and fragmented to be a cohesive force right now. Unfortunately, I believe a culling is necessary, and is in the works. This sifting will refine those who are chosen, and hard enough to stand up to the world.
I heard a preacher say” God does the impossible, man does the possible.” It is hard knowing how to put that to good use. If you have listened to Clif High he speaks with amazing insight. I would like to know why of all the podcasts etc. I’ve listened too no one has listed who our earthly enemies are? I’m talking full names and addresses. How do you even confront an enemy not knowing their name and address? Confronting a goon sent to your door really accomplishes nothing. I think we know that. And finally Wes…. When the time is right can you suggest a rally cry for all to recognize and follow?
Americans were mentally disarmed a long time ago. I wonder if their kids were forcibly taken like the aussies if american men would fight. women would. americans are addicted to their lifestyles, too much to lose --that is, until almost all is lost.
American men will find their balls IN A GULAG and they will be wearing their masks voluntarily.
im on the sw border or what is left of it. dudes in full camo coming across. cbp, catholic charities and local sheriff are facilitating this shit. in this chapter of our American history, We the People’s resistance will not merit a footnote.
I walked the battlefields of yorktown and jamestown once every 2 years. I too amwilling to die a physical death in order to preserve the Declaration of Independence. I have no family, not much money, but I have a life to lay down for this CAUSE.
Nothing will be done, Wes, unless some incredibly charismatic leader rises up and rouses the conservatives. And, I’m not talking about someone like blowhard Trump.
There are plenty of us out here, ready. But we need leadership. Why don’t you step up and lead?
Same old shit. I couldn’t count the number of times I have heard this in the past 20+ years. How about you just STFU?
20 yrs. So, you think you can measure the rate of descent by the number of years YOU can count? And then state, STFU. Seriously, you have done little to no research. YOU, are the exact type of example preferred to have a voice. Because you have already given up and given in. This undermining of America has been going on since the end of the Revolutionary War. If you had ANY decent education you would know this. 20 yrs! You are likely one of the rubes who BELIEVES the Civil War was truly fought over slavery. Because that is what they told you and you accepted it as truth. Same OLD shit? No. Same shit, brand new day. And every day is another step towards our demise if something isn’t done and soon.
The question was: Why don’t you step up and lead?
The same question I have heard from people for the past 20+ years. From the same people who refuse to… step up and lead.
It’s a never-ending cycle of… Why don’t you step up and lead?
Again, and again, and again. Oh ye of little faith in yourselves.
And get this, the same people lamenting…”Why don’t you step up and lead”, are the same people who will not be lead by the person in whom they demand to lead. It’s a cop-out.
“I’m not doing anything unless YOU step up and lead!”
Do you really believe it?
YOU, obviously, are young. Ergo, you expect that WE should have stopped this decay of America through voting for the RIGHT leader.
As for taking the LEAD. I, back in the early 90’s did just that, along as others. For several months I dealt with being watched. Meaning EVERY night I came home from work, there were cars outside with people inside doing nothing until I exited my car. I had charges against me from lawyers that proved unfounded. Late night calls where no one spoke. The others who shared the same purpose of alerting people to the decimating of America are now DEAD!!!!!!!! Three of them I had a connection to.
Furthermore, based on your responses, I gather you ARE young, and therefore are blaming US for not protecting YOU! Do you blame your parents for voting for the wrong leaders? NO! You blame people such as myself and this web master for not covering your own ASS!!!! And NOW, you express you are tired of reading about the decimation of our beloved country from people who truly care. HOW DARE YOU!!!
How much have you written on websites that developed into having YOU checked/watched???!!!!
Precious little. Because ALL YOU can do, is criticize that a ‘little time’ has passed and you still don’t see the end of the world as we know it!!!! And, yet, you still come to sites such as this and then offer nothing but critical responses. IF, WE HAD a leader to VOTE for, and the process wasn’t corrupt, we MIGHT be in a better situation than we are now.
TRY to run for Congress! It takes money. It takes support from local community leaders who have YOUR BACK. And BELIEVE in the same platform.
Your parents took the ‘easy’ method, staunchly accepted as ABSOLUTE to gain proper and respectable leaders. A flawed voting system.
What YOU FAIL to see, is that the WHOLE system has become corrupted and flawed. That is why you read as many statements that we NEED A LEADER. And there is no one we can turn to.
And now, “20yrs later” all I have is a f’d up country and a smart ass punk like you who says “why don’t stand up and lead!!!” Yeah. Try it yourself. I DARE YOU. See where it gets you.
My friends, contacts, and comrades across the net are now ALL DEAD. And here you are, still at a website of warning(because somewhere inside you YOU KNOW something isn’t right) and YET you practically DEMAND one of us take the LEAD.
BEEN THERE!!!! DONE THAT!!! What have you done other then be a smart ass?
“ … in any given society the Remnant are always so largely an unknown quantity. You do not know, and will never know, more than two things about them. You can be sure of those -- dead sure, as our phrase is -- but you will never be able to make even a respectable guess at anything else. You do not know, and will never know, who the Remnant are, nor where they are, nor how many of them there are, nor what they are doing or will do. Two things you know, and no more: first, that they exist; second, that they will find you. Except for these two certainties, working for the Remnant means working in impenetrable darkness; and this, I should say, is just the condition calculated most effectively to pique the interest of any prophet who is properly gifted with the imagination, insight, and intellectual curiosity necessary to a successful pursuit of his trade.” ~ Albert Jay Nock, “Isaiah’s Job” (1937)
Stop telling people that, “No one is coming to save you.”
That has to be one of the dumbest, stupidest, “Patriot” slogans. Who in the hell thought that shit up?
Some people have got to know that someone has their back. That there is REALLY hope. Not the “Train hope”, but that there are live human beings out there, that if at all possible, that you, or someone, will be there for them.
YOU… have to give people HOPE.
Hope…the quintessential Human Delusion, simultaneously the source of our greatest strength and our greatest weakness. The problem is choice. We need to choose to save ourselves from this tyranny instead of relying on someone to do it for us.
What part did you miss?
Where do you find that I said, “…relying on someone to do it for us”?
And who is “us”?
Or will you keep lamenting there is no hope? Will you keep telling people there is no hope? Well you keep telling people that “no one is coming to save you”? Will you keep saying, “I am a coward” and “we are all cowards”… there is no hope?
All is lost without… hope. What choice does one have when they have lost all hope?
What’s next? There is no hope in the salvation of Christ?
Why not maybe… try to give people as much hope, as you would give someone hope… in the salvation of Christ?
The whole Patriot movement has become one self described, self fulfilling, prophecy.
Hope comes before choice. Give people hope. Because that is what is lacking… is hope. Belief. The I, we, us, can do. But if there is no hope, what is there?
People lost hope in Christ… because he didn’t crown himself immediately as King over Israel. You lost hope, and you lament, because people are not immediately rising up in revolution, or civil war… on your dime. On your schedule.
Give people hope. The rest will follow.
There is always Hope… But Hope is not a plan.

I agree. Yet HOPE is but one aspect. Unity. Solidarity. And essentially,,,SPIRIT.
SPIRIT. How the Jews at Masada stood against Roman legions for several years.
SPIRIT. How Marines in WWII, outnumbered, 10 to 1, made the landings and won the battles.
SPIRIT. How our nation came together when little Jessica was stuck in a well, and for three days we held our breathe and prayed.
SPIRIT. The wisdom from the Japanese Admiral who, after the attack on Pearl Harbor Stated, “I fear we have awoken a sleeping giant.”
SPIRIT. When the call to arms is shouted and damn the obstacles, we will seize the day.
Yet, Spirit is dwindling. Guilt gains ground. And fear, like a vine is spreading.
Jan6 Political Prisoners showed that you’re on your own. The .gov put fear into anyone displaying anti authoritarian tendencies. Only approved gov forces are allowed to protest. The Cavalry isn’t coming.
https://youtu.be/BHUmkH23TL4 Everybody’s feeling it. I try and catch this guy when he posts, and while the entire video is good, the last 3 minutes is a training exercise. Lately, I keep one foot in the spirit and one foot in the present. I try and learn something new everyday even passing 60 plus winters. Hone your skills and stay on the PT, you’ll be right where you need to be at that moment. Usually always fine content and comments on this site at any given time.
I am 66 yrs of age. And, sadly, I whole heartedly concur with your summation. I AM NOT NEW to what unfolds before us daily/week/y. It has been apparent, and supported by facts, for more than 50 years. Until BHO, it fairly much stayed denied. NOW, it runs rampant like the emperor without his clothes. To reply to T. Angle. True, we are too spread out. And therein lies two factors. One, lack of a unified force to convince Congress,(etal the gov’t as a whole) that, THIS COUNTRY, is supposed to be run By The People. Jan 6th was a farce. YET, it demonstrated that the gov’t has feared for many years of a real takeover occurring. Even Conservative mouths denigrate Jan 6th as an embarrassment.
Two. Too spread out. This is a major factor which, of itself, works against us. Many people are unaware, that during G.W. Bush’s term, he signed an EO to “upgrade” USPS to facilitate improving mail delivery. Contained within the content of this EO,(or attached) was a plan to divide the USA into sections. Eight if I recall, perhaps ten. Each would have a governor appointed and given authority to command a military force to “maintain law and order.”
This effectively established the means by which, when plans came to fruition, to entice an attempted invasion, or external threat of same, to invoke martial law. NOT, call upon all healthy young men,(or person’s; thems; it’s, whatever), to enlist to repel, but be deployed to said various sections to follow orders. And quell any/all uprisings by angry disenfranchised citizens who want to restore the Constitution. And the Rule of Law across the land.
How. Easy. As by now the words of H. Kissinger ring all to loudly regarding how to “control” governments and the people. Removing the comforts. Having to ration power, fuel, and now, food. Enticing neighbors to report questionable activities next door with rewards such as a debit card so as to buy more food/gas for themselves. Having children brainwashed into snitching on their parents with what they over heard or saw, that, which goes against “conventional current wisdom”.
In the mid to late 80’s, there was a growth among the American Militia groups, (legit militia groups, NOT SKINHEADS OR THE KKK types), and throughout was the itchiness to ‘strije first’ and let them know we mean business!
The word went out from leaders. DO NOT DRAW FIRST BLOOD! Why?
Because he who draws first blood is the ‘outlaw’. Force them to draw first blood, and then all hell will break loose. But we would, at that time, lose the moral high ground. I will not here, nor anywhere else, anymore, withold my contempt for say Pelosi. And that I want to kick her teeth right down her throat. Yet, within the confines of our country as of today, such an act will be criminal and I will not be a martyr, nor a emboldened citizen acting within the constraints of the Constitution, but tried, convicted and imprisoned as an example to all.
The ground work for the ‘next’ crisis has been firmly established. Awaiting the spark to ignite the government to enforce EO’s that essentially will represent us as malcontents and selfish ignorant and heartless examples of “why the people NEED a government to tell them what wrong from right.” We will become branded as outlaws. News will reports will emphasize how it is “US” who are making life difficult for the rest. Travel restrictions will be in place everywhere. STOP AND FRISK will apply to ALL.
And still, each and every day, I WANT to do something. ANYTHING, that MIGHT awaken a massive segment across the nation to stand up and shout. With fists holding guns, axe handles even a pitch fork.
Yet, perusing comments across various websites, I find far to many armchair rebels. Screaming from their keyboards.
This isn’t my soapbox sir, it is yours! Forgive me if I rambled. Like you, I know no one has my back. I cannot look in the mirror without asking What can you do? They have us controlled. Example. Food shortages and inflation and supply chain disruptions and education system f’ing up the minds of our children. All to true. And everyone says just wait till November! We’ll take it back! Nope. Ain’t gonna happen people.
The new die thrown into the mix. Well played and timed. Abortion. True.Even as women express frustration and anger and especially distress trying to keep families afloat, NOW they have rubbed a truly sensitive nerve. Abortion. From inflation and war being at the top of the list to sway the election, NOW the outrage of removing Roe v Wade will amount to a tsunami that could quite easily give the Dem’s/Socialist’s the power of the “vote” they so desperately need. ALL such things are planned.
To conclude. For any who doubt, search for a book from 1977 titled “None Dare call it Conspiracy.” It is progress. And those of us who disagree adamantly are anti-progress. And WE are the ones in need of RE-EDUCATION. AND,YES!!!!!!! THERE.ARE.DETENTION.CENTERS.ON.US.SOIL!!!!!!! Think that is a STRETCH? Then you had better research newspaper stories from 2004, if I recall correctly, which stated,,,,CONGRESS AWARDED A CONTRACTOR THE TASK OF UPGRADING, MAINTAINING,,,AND BUILDING “NOT LESS THAN SIX!!!!” NEW CAMPS. A newspaper story? Really? YES. Because, they ALWAYS TELL YOU WHAT THEY ARE GOING TO DO BEFORE THEY DO IT. Reducing accountability because you “should have known. We told you what we were doing. Not the why.
That contractor, was a subsidiary of a company called Halliburton. Which is owned by former VP Dick Cheney.
Agree with alot of what you said, but do not draw first blood you will be an outlaw. About 80 million citizens are now classified as outlaws, we need a first strike, worrying about what they will think of us is ludicrous. The militias have closed ranks, most are not taking in new members, a call to muster is needed FUUK what this vile regime thinks that is part of our problem. I personally do not care that they know who I am. I am committed to their death, just as they are to mine, you might say I have tunnel vision, I do. I watched as they built the fema complete with plastic coffins that would hold multiple body’s. I do not care how we get it started, but we must.
I am aware and friendly, with several men who are keenly, and resolutely ready to fight. HOWEVER, none of us know of any local group formed as a militia that we can join. Furthermore, these guys are fed up and talk of standing their ground even if it is brought to their doorstep. When I spoke against this, my point I feel was valid. YES, IF THEY show up at my door, I can take a stand and most be killed for my conviction. Who will feed and care for my wife? What will happen to my wife by THEM. Additionally who will hail me as some ‘martyr’ for the cause? Will my death stir the anger and incite others that the time has come to band up and stand up? Would anyone even write a song or poem to whomever draws first blood?
Consider localities coming within these comment sections. How many share their locations and commit to a meet up with others.I am from Long Island, yet NC may actually be from North Carolina,or Arizona,or Wyoming. And this is where the EO written to divide the US into sections with an appointed governor having authority of a military force to enforce “law and order and peace”works against us. As the MSM will be told to report how several of these sections are the MAIN reason for the living disruptions caused. Just as Uncle joe joe blames Russia for inflation and shortages despite the fact it began before Putin invaded Ukraine. The ‘militia’ within theses sections may be legit. Or, They may just be a large bunch of angry people who try to control their own territory. Yet propaganda will place blame on whomever ‘disrupts’ the operation of the current authority.
As I see it, we are already dissected. Me alone, dead. And the neighbors will accept I brought it on myself. Being selfish and paranoid, and believing stupid conspiracy theories. NOT a man who stood for my RIGHTS and my Country, AND my ignorant neighbors. What can the militia from Montana Do? Even next door New Jersey,( a very liberal state, or plain stupid) or Pennsylvania? Where they will definitely be strictly concerned about “themselves.” Unlike Virginia where citizens made a definitive stand and governor northem had to stand down or pay the price.And given that scenario, West Virginia offered to open their borders to counties to join the state. Yet, mostly, people are afraid. Afraid that our current situation will explode in some form and they can’t grasp it is because our rep’s are not listening, nor acting in our behalf. We are ignored and threatened with being labeled as “something” that could lose our jobs, our homes or wind up in jail if we don’t tow the line.
I won’t waste my time concerned about what people think of me. I state my position and will not budge. Yet I cannot deny I stand alone. It isn’t feasible for me to move to the Redoubt. And as for other locals who SAY they share my feelings, they have also made it plain their first action is totally self focused. So what good does it do me if the nearest person is 23 miles away and he already has fortified his home to repel the “law.” Forgive me all. In no manner is my intention to came across as surrender, a negative mind set. And for the record, we have MORE than 80 million outlaws. Yet we are spread out and unprepared for truly dealing with martial law if it is imposed. A non active Marine I knew told me long ago before he went off grid. IF, they come for your guns and you are home. Give it to them. You’ll be left alone. Yet, have another safely hidden nearby purchased at that time when it wasn’t hard to buy from out of state. Appease. And conform just to get by. Work at being ‘un-noticeable’ so as to move around. Do not be confrontational. From HIS experience overseas, eye contact was enough to have you grabbed and taken. A Marine whose job was to go door to door ousting troublemakers. Even, he stated, that when SHTF, THERE WILL BE GUNS AVAILABLE. He talked. And impressed upon me, no matter how well you THINK you are prepared, you are NEVER prepared for what finally hits you. You have to THINK.EVALUATE. And ACT according to the event.
Personally, if THEY consider it MORAL to kill unborn babies, then it is our MORAL DUTY to kill politicians.
It isn’t open for debate. ALL our Founding Father’s stated, this country cannot, will not, survive, led by immoral leaders. Hence, the 2nd Amendment.
[…] Via NC Renegade […]
Thank you for this. Actually I’m writing something along these very lines.
Powerful Truthful Writing Sir.
Couldn’t agree more.
As for the Military…well.
Read this, Read it if you havem’t already AND Listen !
Military, they are in it for the money. The bitches have ben bought off. Once they were allowed to become contractors most switched to the money side.
And please forgive the shameless self-promotion of a recent essay, and my newest cartoon embedded within:
Things Fall Apart… With A New Cartoon “Getting Ready for the Spicy” -- Granite Grok
I feel the same way, many comments here express what I want to say. Simple tired of this WOKE coward society. Been awake truly since 2006 and ever since help my follow man to wake up, but to much division race, money, status, materialism. The programming of the sheeple is strong and will need to go through a bad moment in time to wake up. While the rest of who are prepared for this will survive and come out better at the end of it all.
Wes, Do not allow despair to overcome you, rejoice instead, you and I are impatient.
We have not begun to fight, when we decide it’s time to step into the fray they will follow, thousands, tens of thousands and then millions.
[…] I’m Tired Of Seeing The Coward Staring Back At Me In The Mirror. […]
America has been conquered by the globalists, and everything is broken. Voting is utterly useless now, politicians are compromised and incompetent ongoing. Civil war will break out in communities then spread. UN troops or military (nat. guard,etc) will suppress everyone during martial law. Not complying and ignoring mandates, fighting back is only option.
Yes, I’m exactly like you. Whenever I mention the 2nd Amendment soul’tion everybody leaves and the crimes just continue worse than ever.
So now we are here. The TURD world war they want so badly. It’s at our doorstep with tactical missiles so don’t FOOL yourself.
You may wonder why we do nothing because as I like to tell people, as long as they have food, can travel, buy and sell, and basically still do what they want they won’t do anything.
But guess what? Those things are now in direct jeopardy if you read the news lately but you’ll have it NO other way so you’ll bend over because you are lazy and a coward.
There is no greater tool in the arsenal of Evil than the rule of law. The battle should be to take the courts back from those that want to use it to destroy us.
99% of the residents of my county are under mind control -- glued to MSM and loving Biden and his handler Obama. This is the nature of blue segments of our nation -- those awake are belittled and worse. The USA is being voted out of existence by the said 99% which represents at least half the nation. The alt media pundits claim 73% of the world is awake -- but this is not apparent that this is what is in the USA.
The world used to be divided between the free West and the unfree East. Later only the USA was a free country. Now half of the US hates freedom. Soon just Southern New Hampshire will be free. Later the Libertarians will need to buy a sailboat to be free or flee and scatter to the Sahara, Siberia, and the Amazon and wait to be hunted down by tyrannical Nazis and Commies.
It’s not that I am a coward to do anything about it, I am waiting for the Lord to tell me when it is time to “shout.”
Joshua 6:20.
I can not fucking wait for that to happen. I have several itching trigger fingers, toes, you name it.
The spiritual war is now manifesting into the physical.
If I take something into my own hands, guess who screws it up?
If I let the Lord lead, guess who doesn’t screw it up?
“The political ballot box stands for – willingness to be ruled by somebody other than yourself.”
That’s what it is … this ‘Voting’ … the abdication of personal responsibility.
Some might even say that Voting is the coward’s way of imposing his personal preferences upon other people. And I might concur.