Irresponsible to call patriots protesting a fraudulent election an insurrection.
— NC Renegade (@jackisatraitor1) March 25, 2024
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I have pointed this out repeatedly in comments here and at other sites. This is a known communist tactic, and they are doing a marvelous job of it, while we FAIL MISERABLY:
“Mostly Peaceful Protests” to describe violent riots.
J6 was an “Insurrection!” (first one in history NOBODY was armed at, but whatever).
By not defeating the notion or idea that the events on Jan6 were an Insurrection (e.g. criminal act), people are being charged with a crime. In no way ever was that an insurrection, nobody but the cops had any guns, but, here we are! People are really in jail over the mis-application of a word. Websters Dictionary should have been all the defense team needed to get the cases tossed out of court. Trumps cases are the same, prosecutors are making shit up that just ain’t so…
The press and media presstitutes merely reinforce the misuse of language (which itself is criminal -- their purpose is to defend The Citizenry against a lying government, instead now the press hides the crimes of the rulers, because they’re all part of the same oligarch club. Due to our shit educational system, 90% of the people of this country can’t form a coherent argument in their head to present against it, nevermind actually argue in person against redefining our language. For Thousands of years the term “Man” or “Woman” had zero debate, and inside of 5 years we’ve ALLOWED THAT TO CHANGE TO OUR SOCIETY. WHAT IN THE ACTAL F*CK?!?! You’re telling me after millennia we suddenly can’t figure it out? THAT’S BULLSHIT!!!!! But, no, go ahead, avoid having a confrontation (coward!), let is slide, what could possibly happen? It’s just some words…
This is where the fight should be, this is where we should be pushing back. Look at all that has happened because WE THE PEOPLE did not call BULLSHIT on the FedGov and Media’s insistence that those riots were mostly peaceful? Look at what re-defining J6 means to the people persecuted, prosecuted, and in-prison right now? All we had to do was deny the media whores the right to define our language, but we are too cowardly. Because you wouldn’t stand up and call bullshit to your facebook friends over language YOU KNOW ISN’T TRUE! And here we are… Look where cowardice and ‘go along to get along’ has gotten us? This nation is gone, ruined, already destroyed, it’s too fucking late, stick a fork in it. Because you didn’t want to upset the fecesbook censors or piss off your imaginary online friends. Oh, you re-posted that patriot shit on Gab? Well, forgive me… (/sarc off)
So sick of the cowards in this country too stupid to know they’re the reason we’re in this mess. To hell with all of ’em, let them get raped and killed by the hordes of migrant invaders. I’ll bat clean-up once all of “those American’s” are out of my way.
Sorry for the coarse language. Kinder words are failing me anymore.
No need for apology Joe Blow, time for being nice has ended.
He should have added, this message approved by Hilary Clinton, Barrack Husein Obama and the obiden administration.
…this takeover brought to you by: Black Rock, Blackstreet, Vanguard, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Grumman, General Dynamics, Lockheed, Boeing, Israel, the Catholic Church, the Clinton Foundation, Rothschild Financial and the US Congress and Senate.
Evil White Guy | The immutable laws of toleration is upon you. You own it… Western Man. There middleman.
the border, the biggest US in Panama Camp, Bill & Hitlery Clinton Foundation, their building is next door to the WHO offices/ UN offices.
IT AINT HOLY WATER: True Leadership We should thank them, true leadership.
Ha! Always “Consider the source,” said a wise man! Reasonable thinkers know it’s an INVASION!
Here’s hoping that Tim has a run-in with these “visitors” and is left bleeding in the street from the beating he gets as the rob him.
Tim Kaine spent time in Honduras working with the communists there. Hillary chose him as her running mate. He’s a real work of art.