I Got It, Did You?

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3 years ago

Evil has manifested itself in every segment of our society..

3 years ago

“Do you get it yet”

We all should have on June 25, 1962 and if that was not enough, January 22, 1973 with the sacrifice of unborn children. I would say God have mercy on this country, but God has no mercy for unrepentant sinners.

Dana Henry
Dana Henry
3 years ago

God’s Judgement is on the precipice. I can just hear horses hooves with a whiff of brimstone in the wind.
Won’t be long now.

Bondservant Tim
Bondservant Tim
3 years ago

Could it be because Congress has not been meeting?

3 years ago

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12

3 years ago

To be perfectly honest these Satanic worshiping devils are going to find out just who runs things here on earth -- no this does not surprise me but the lack of an outcry from the main stream media does tell me the whole lot of them and things in DC are rotten to the core and they can all go down together -- with out God this is what we have -- NOTHING

3 years ago

The man did not mention it,of course. Very sad for our country. Just wondering where/when it will end

3 years ago

“Do you get it yet”….
Congresscritter Nadler (aka ‘the penguin’) A JEW, Declared that ‘god has no influence in this Congress’.

Do you get it yet?

The ‘askenazi’, false-jew, moloch-worshiping, child-molesting and murdering babylonian talmudists have Taken Over this Nation, with the willing (if ignorant) Participation of those White Men who have been Fooled into worshiping a dead jew on a stick, praying to (((their))) (not) god ‘yahweh’ and sending their sons and daughters to Fight and Die for ‘eretz israel’.

Do you get it yet?

Your Enslavement will Never End, until you Rise Up and Reject Everything connected with the babylonian talmudists, and like has been done Hundreds of Times in White European Nations, Extirpate and Expel ‘god’s chosen moneychangers’ from America. Only Then will this Nation Prosper, when the Eternal Parasites are Removed.

a follower
a follower
3 years ago

“Do you get it yet?”
Do any of us get it yet?
Just because they offer up a prayer do we believe them? Do we see their actions and not just their ‘flattering’ and many words words? In congress, in “church?” Are they saying these things in Ernest or just to be seen (because it is expected) Is it merely lip service?
These buildings are not the church. these places these groups are not The Church! Perhaps this is the message that is being sent from above?
This government is of man, not Yah, no we are told however we get the government we deserve.
Why were the false temples destroyed over and over again?
Who is in Ultimate control ? Trump as many are still being told, or a much Higher power?
Have we been warned? Where do you seek the ultimate Truth? men?

Last edited 3 years ago by a follower
a follower
a follower
3 years ago

Solar Flare, Big Eruption, Preview the End of the World | S0 News May.8.2021

Steve Kerp
3 years ago

God has allowed evil people to “set the table” for the Four Horsemen. This is God’s Plan and it’s perfect! He has set over this country the “basest of men” per Daniel 4:17. The Bad Guys have built a pit for us, but THEY will fall into it. God’s plan is perfect. For those who are righteous in Christ, it’s time to rejoice. We’re going home!

Ack Ack
Ack Ack
3 years ago

It didn’t matter a bit when there was praying in the Capitol, on the National Day of Prayer, or any other day. The debauchery of the D.C. Uniparty flourished and prospered, unimpeded and unaffected.

otis d
otis d
3 years ago

Those who refuse to be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.
William Penn