What follows was sent to me by a close friend. He wishes to remain anonymous. I feel it is important to share how people are feeling about the situation that we face. Please Read and I look forward to your thoughts.

Over the past 22 years, I have been getting ready for the calamity that I could foresee coming to this country. I was calling it getting ready and now it is called prepping. At first, I wondered if my time in multiple combat zones, ranging from Africa, Bosnia, and Columbia had skewed my thinking and that I was going crazy, then I came to realize the truth. I am crazy, but not ignorant or dumb by a long shot.

The years roll by, and our government becomes more corrupt and embedded with leaders and officials that are the damn worst scum of earth. Over the years, more corruption has been uncovered, freedoms lost, deceit and theft from the hard working, tax paying Americans mount, and it seems to continue instead of being uncovered and stopped. People shake their heads in disgust and talk about how they are going to vote next time.

Voting does not work in a corrupt, rigged system! Wake up America! We cannot vote our way out of this mess!

So, I fast forward to this week, when a very simple concept was driven home, like a 20-penny nail through my thick hard head. My dear ole dad told me last September, “you and your family are going to get killed!” I said, “huh, why?” His response was, because your family and very few true friends don’t have any help when this shit finally hits the fan! I thought about it and pondered on it now for almost a year and he is 100% right. I should have listened! He only has a couple of different combat tours in Vietnam.

Why was he right: Over the past couple of years people have seemed to wake up to what is really happening. They can tell you the problems that are happening, but they cannot grasp the concept that violence is coming to America, all of America. Yes, the metropolitan areas will experience problems first, but they WILL come to rural America. So why are people not ready? They talk a good talk right up until you start asking hard questions. They have these crazy oxymoronic beliefs and buying habits. I’ll by an AR-15, 2 extra “clips” and four twenty round boxes of the cheapest ammo made! Huh, what? You have a weapon that you do not have a clue on how to run, nothing to practice with, and nothing to carry gear on. War belt, chest rig, plate carrier anyone, oh Jesus maybe even a really good first aid / blowout kit? Their response, “now I’m not looking for trouble, I ain’t no Rambo.” It is not about being Rambo but about being a responsible prepared American. Food? Oh, I have a bucket of rice and I’ll eat squirrels and rabbits. Let’s face it, you will starve! Clothes, boots, rain gear? I don’t own long-pants, I just wear shorts year-round. Oh, so long pants and heavy-duty boots are useless! What will you do during a cold winter, especially if your displaced from your home and you are now a refugee? But I do have a charger and extra battery power pack for my iPhone 17!

The mass killing and die off of the U.S. population will be epic. Deagel.com is reporting that the United States population in 2025 will be 100 million, which is a 2/3 reduction in the next 4 years! They are also reporting that the GDP per person will be down 60%. These numbers are beyond scary.  Remember that food, water, and shelter are most important. Being able to protect your family and absolute necessities are of huge importance. The folks that supposedly know and understand what is going on are not prepared. Actually, most are no where near even getting started!

Sadly written by the Horse.

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Hammer's Thor
4 years ago

So, alarming thoughts. Most people cannot even consider the fact that this is coming true before their very eyes. I was trying to find more info about the author’s reference to deagel.com, but the site lists mostly aircraft news, which country is buying which tank, and what engine is going in what helicopter. Would be interested to more about this prediction, since there are predictions ranging from “all of this will blow over, and we’ll get back to normal life after the election”, to “90% of this country will be dead in a year”.

Was listening to Matt Bracken’s livestream from last week https://youtu.be/exU7irDGUoo and some good thoughts and bleak warnings. The thing that hit me the most is that he indicates that when they start coming into the neighborhoods, they’ll cut the power and we’ll be fighting in the dark. Need to be prepared for that. “She-who-must-be-obeyed” and I are both worried that we may be in real trouble up to the election, and immediately after… say what you will about the election, but if Trump is re-elected, hopefully we’ll at least have a little more time to harden our preps.

Very troubling times ahead.

4 years ago
Reply to  Hammer's Thor

the information for deagle.com

4 years ago

You speak truth… Not one of us will ever be truly prepared for what is to come. Most importantly (that was not mentioned) Get Your Head Right! If you have to see some gruesome stuff, I hope you’re mentally prepared. I’ve seen a thing or two and watched as grown men vomited at what they saw, then their eyes glaze over as they went into shock. Pray to God almighty that you make it through…. and if you don’t, that at least you die defending life and liberty. It’d be a sad way to die if your pants were around your ankles squatting behind a rock….smh

4 years ago

He is absolutely correct ,Amy rural Americans have there head up there butts and are not prepared for what is coming, and on the flip side of the coins my are preparing and are fully prepared. Lock and load because it won’t only be about the internal invaders we have to deal with it will be bad cops and very bad Leo’s who will carry out the orders of the deep state and we must condition ourselves to remove the scum from our sight without fear .

Lynn Bedford
Lynn Bedford
4 years ago

You hit the 10 penny nail direct center ond drove it home.
Wanna B’s. The remnant knows and never lets down their guard.
Great piece. Thanks

Margaret Schmidt
Margaret Schmidt
4 years ago

Covid (Corona) = 1st horse of Apocalypse. The rider wears a crown and conquers the entire world without firing a shot (bow with no arrows). 2nd rider is allowed to take peace from the earth (protests, riots, many skirmishes across the globe) 3rd rider is the financial collapse causing severe inflation (coming soon) Jesus Christ is the only remedy for this broken world -- after all, He made it, as well as us. He knows how it works and why it’s spinning out of control. Seek Him in prayer and repentance before the 4th rider, I implore you. God bless you.

James M
James M
4 years ago

Margaret -- Your message is right on target. If one can move out of mid / large cities and prepare like never before. If you think you’re ready best rethink and take stock of what you have and get more. Your relationship with God is paramount to get through what is coming. And don’t be afraid to defend your family and home!

4 years ago

U R correct, we need to prepare. But a U R TRULY correct in saying our ONLY REAL HOPE is trusting Jesus as our Savior. Thanks for the input.

4 years ago

Voting does not work…second time I’ve read that statement this week and it’s true, in fact this whole article is true. I’m as ready for what’s coming as I can afford but I also have been prepping for years. It’s very possible that 100-200 million will die in the next four years and I think 90% of the dead will be within 100 miles of our coastline. Those who survive are going to have their hands full just protecting what they can from the thousands of terrorists and gang members that Obammy imported, pray hard and watch your six…see you on the other side.

Mark Elliott
Mark Elliott
4 years ago

American’s have been dumbed down significantly over the past 50 years, and we can see the results! Supreme court is blackmailed (Roberts) Antonin Scalia (murdered) Democratic party (brown shirts) to be exterminated when takeover is complete and to deceived to believe it. Jeez this stuff is so apparent and stupid, I wonder to myself how it isn’t seen? (Satan). I am a former combat soldier as well as former business owner etc…etc…But back to the topic, no one is prepared for God’s judgement coming this way. I read the deagel report in 17 and knew their goal of 95% population reduction was the plan and you see the year 2025 repeatedly being mentioned. The sources referenced for deagel is listed as US Department of Defense, Department of State, CIA, World Bank and European Union (Luciferians recognized as the deep state) And now we have the biggest hoax in history…COVID-19, isolating people destroying the world economy and prepping for digital currency, forced FEMA relocations (death camps) rioting idiots destroying cities and beating the hell out of innocent bystanders. Well here we are folks (I could write a book in my 25 year study of this crap) And guess what folks YOU are NOT ready, Jesus is the answer get on board while you can.

Gregg W
Gregg W
4 years ago

Well. Sadly you are right. I’ve been getting ready but know it’s not enough. My wife and most friends refuse to take it seriously even with all that’s happened this year. If it was not for my faith in God, it would be beyond terrifying. Don’t get me wrong. I know it is my responsibility to do what I can to take care of and protect my family. Thank you for the tough words. Good reminder to ‘brace for impact’. God help us.

4 years ago
Reply to  Gregg W

Great comment! Our faith precludes us from being fearful of death. Pure terrifying fear is what feeds the evil beast, so we refuse to feed it. Death for us who are spiritually prepared is but a doorway to a blessed eternity. Those unprepared fear death and it has power over them. Do what you can, but remember the battle is the Lords! Like Paul, whether we live or die is gain… have faith in God.

4 years ago

I have been researching the forecasts made by Deagel since 2014. My conclusion is that they are deliberately reducing the population in readiness for the coming grand solar minimum. So far, in the UK, the majority of people are abiding with the restrictions, but I am sensing a slow process of people starting to doubt the official narrative. The problem is that for many it will be too late. I have been documenting my research on a FB discussion group called ‘The Deagel Forum’. Oh, I also know who is behind Deagel, and why they haven’t updated their forecasts since May last year. There is nothing nefarious about their operation, and I found no evidence that they are connected to any 3 letter agency.

Yehoseph Stephen
Yehoseph Stephen
4 years ago
Reply to  Jasper

You MAY be technically correct as to your closing sentence. However, what I find most disconcerting are these three issues: 1) While NOT an official product of the US Government (USG), the federal government DOES USE the data contained therein, particularly relative to our economic and military competitors. 2) I am unaware of any official USG statement disassociating itself from the projections of catastrophic decline and collapse of our nation. That by itself is problematic. 3) The Deagel explanation relating to their assessment (e.g., US, United Kingdom, and Israel) doesn’t pass my muster. Even the possibility of a World War III being fought with nuclear weapons doesn’t correlate with the applicable RU/PRC data utilized by Deagel. This report can not be dismissed as either a prank or a product of a ‘fly-by-night’ outfit. The true basis for their assessment remains well concealed and guarded.

Deborah Chapman
Deborah Chapman
4 years ago

I am 67, started preparing for short time emergencies after realizing the signs of the times. I then realized after several months, because there was not a community of like minded people around me, chances of long term survival would be slim. I am unable to bug out etc. due to physical reasons. So, I have calmed down, realized my situation, and determined that I would try to remain as much of kind,caring human being as I can… rely on my God, live as long as my maker has planned, enjoy the day to blessings and be thankful for them. Even though I am a disabled,elderly widow, I am a child of the one and only true God, I will live His way, and hopefully remain the kind of human being, that will be pleasing to my Lord and Savior.

4 years ago

Deborah, excellent plan. We are not required to survive, we are required to be faithful.

4 years ago

When the lights go out and dont come back on, the people without a generator will be drawn to that humming sound like a fly to food. The one thing most people have bought, like you said, is a gun. Many of the people will come to TAKE the genorator peoples supplies. Generator people will defend property and loved ones, but all sides will suffer traumatic injury. This will be a common way of depopulation. there will be many different scenarios but the result will still be death. To survive, will be very hard, groups of like minded people, good people, willing to work, do there part, getting along well, and being respectful, and in the long run not many will survive.Deagel.com may be to generous with the survival rate.Will life be worth living at that point ? It will be a young mans game.

4 years ago

I agree with you. 100%. My kids are like that, Not prepared. I’m not allowed to even talk
About whats going in the U.S. while I’m at my daughter’s house. I’m prior military also
And have been preparing for about 10 yrs. My only problem is I have no community to help .
I guess we will see what happens. With God’s grace maybe my wife and I and granddaughter
Will make it.

Robert, retired teacher in Arizona
Robert, retired teacher in Arizona
4 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

Then Let’s communicate and prepare despite their blindness, I am in the same situation, cannot count on my family. Be one of the virgins in the Bible with oil.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

A lot of us have the problem of being siloed, feeling along but paranoid about reaching out because “the man” is listening or we’re afraid someone militant want to target us etc, etc. a new group has formed called American Contingency, it’s early days but this may be a group we can use as a central clearing house of info and a way to make contacts with like minded folks.

4 years ago

We the people of USA must never go to civil war because Rogue states will be happy we get weak and killing each others and they will strike us in heart of great Satan . So for the sake of them we will refuse civil wars and we must be civil with each others.

Not Me
Not Me
4 years ago

I wonder what excuse Deagel will give when “the great die-off” doesn’t happen, and I wonder what excuse this site will give for believing Deagel anyway?

Ya'aqov ben Ya'aqov
Ya'aqov ben Ya'aqov
4 years ago
Reply to  Not Me

You won’t be around to find out! You’ll become cannon fodder at the very first salvo.

4 years ago
Reply to  Not Me

I am presenting information from Deagel.com for people’s consideration. If I had taken this information and made it into intelligence on which I would base my actions, that would be a different scenario. For you to wonder about an excuse for your misdirected belief is not worth any more time.

4 years ago

After WW2 you got infected with the Nazi virus by making a deal with “prince” “Bilderberg” Bernhard. In common collusion he helped the USA getting away with war crimes of the colossal Dresden type in Germany and in turn the high treasoner was appointed your vassal in the Netherlands, his SS membership etc. etc. covered up for the Dutch population.

Now you will pay the price for this treason against humanity. God sees everything….remember !

Dr. Lon Schultz
Dr. Lon Schultz
4 years ago

Forty years ago I started carrying a gun, after a close friend was murdered in
a robbery. Later I decided I really shouldn’t go in to places where I needed a gun, it was just asking for trouble. Unless you are smart and lucky like Selco, you are not going to make it in any city, when the SHTF. Can you get food and water in a war zone, run your generator safely, really protect family and any supplies from a mob? Yes you can bug out
to the country, but can you grow food and have safe water for the rest of your life? It takes time to learn to be self sufficient, get out now. Find some good land in a small town in the country, get to know your neighbors and leave your city ways behind. Do it now it is almost too late!! I have never regretted moving to the country, for the fresh air, peace and quiet, security, freedom good neighbors (usually) and of course all the hard work, which leaves you worn out at the end of the day, but content!

4 years ago

Watch Democrats against Agenda21 . You will see the plan is moving extremely fast!

4 years ago

I’ll begin with the obvious…Scripture requires
us to care for, and protect, those of whom we’re
charged with…loved ones, family and friends.
Especially, those of which are unable to do so
for themselves, for what ever reason.
With that being said, it doesn’t matter what others
will say about, “doing what’s right”. Wives, friends,
and others, will browbeat you for your preps…
let them. Whether they’re unable to see, or even
face the facts, or whether they’re just jealous that
you’re “doing” and they’re not…keep preparing.
Proverbs 13:16 (NASB)
16 Every prudent man acts with knowledge,
But a fool displays folly.
With that out of the way…we can begin.
We’re all limited to what we can acquire as per
income…Those of us who’ve been prepping for years,
have learned a few things or two. “Buy in bulk” every
chance you can…this allows one to “re-direct” limited
funds in other directions, once they become available
again for prep purchases. When it comes to food stuffs,
the dollar stores can be a good source for some basic
food stuffs, at reasonable prices, for those on a tight
budget…(don’t scoff, somethings better than going hungry.)
“Buy what you eat, eat what you buy”
Next, where ever you’re looking for your fighting load and
the like, “always” look at their sales and clearance areas
first…you’ll be surprised what you can find there.
Most who’re coming to “the game” this late will face an up
hill climb, to say the least, trying to acquire what’s needed.
Even folks like myself, who’ve been at it for over thirty years.
We still fall short in some areas, even though we’re light
years ahead of the herd. So, with that being said, arriving so
late in the game, one possible route to consider, although it
can be dangerous to do so, is to combine one’s resources
with…”only your closest life long ally whom you can trust”
You’ll most likely join up anyway, before it’s all over…
may as well plan together while you’re able to fine tune plans.
Don’t loose hope, even as prices continue to climb and some
resources become hard to find, keep going at it.
“Quitters never win…they always lose” Don’t be that guy/gal
Tune into the Intelligence Report at Liberty Tree Radio
at: libertytreeradio.4mg.com M-F 5,6, & 8 pm eastern
You’ll find encouraging words on preps and “how to’s”
concerning comms, food stuffs, gear and more…

Dr. Lon Schultz
Dr. Lon Schultz
4 years ago
Reply to  Paraclete

Very good advice!!

4 years ago
Reply to  Paraclete

Check out Mike Adam’s also. He gives excellent advice and is ” in the know”.. Brighteon.com

4 years ago
Reply to  MVandenberg
4 years ago

Trust in the LORD, JESUS, but keep your powder dry.

Ya'aqov ben Ya'aqov
Ya'aqov ben Ya'aqov
4 years ago

If you’ve waited till now to purchase firearms to protect your family & preps, you’ve waited to long. Gun shows shut down because of covid. Licensed dealers? Yea, good luck with that! They might still have an obsolete bolt action or two. If you are somehow able to miraculously procure a modern semi auto sporting rifle or tactical pump action 12 gauge shotgun. Well good luck finding ammo for it.

4 years ago

Mark Twain once said, “If voting mattered, they wouldn’t let us do it.” Should be obviously true to all at this point.

4 years ago

Look on the bright side…I’m 60 years old and have lived through a prosperity rarely seen in the history of the world. Just got lucky. Some are born into war and die young because of war. I didn’t have to live through that. So now we begin the downhill slide. Oh well, it was a helluva fun ride while it lasted. I read “Limits to Growth” put forth by the Club of Rome when I was 13 years old. Family members got it for me to read…so I never had children and enjoyed my life. No complaints and no regrets.

4 years ago

Complacency Rules. Cognitive Dissonance, is a more accurate term. People Ignore obvious signs that things are ‘falling apart’ because their Daily Life hasn’t really changed that much. Until it Does, Fast and Extensively, most are not only ‘unprepared’ in therms of Resources, but will suffer such a Mental Shock that they will be paralyzed to the point of Inaction- and probably be perfectly happy to get in the Boxcars and ride to the Extermination Camps.

And no, jeeezus won’t be coming to ‘save them’. They neglected to save themselves a long Time ago, when they allowed the [[[parasites]]] to Tax and Enslave them to their ‘Beast System’.

Do You Know what a ‘social security number’ is? Hollerith System of Stock Control. Use it, and You are Chattel of the [[[banksters]]].

Severe Violence is the Only Way Forward Now.

4 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

I am the way the way the truth and the life. John 14:6 Jesus will come to anyone who asks and believes. The problem is no one believes anymore. And its not because of taxes. God was taken out of the schools 50 years ago and we are seeing the repercussions today. God is openly mocked and satan has taken control of this country. We are very near the end. There shall be wars and rumors of wars. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. There are several verses between those last two sentences, so everyone can read and come to their own conclusions. The time for repentance is now, before the time of judgement is at hand. No one will escape judgement. Every knee will bow. And not to BLM!

4 years ago

Millions will die before we even get to the opening act of the four horsemen. Mainly because they will hesitate to act in their own defense while looking directly at the oncoming freight train of world events. There will be no place to hide. Most have been brainwashed and spoiled to the point that they will naturally make the wrong decisions because they have been trained to come to the wrong conclusions about what they are witnessing.

4 years ago

first, just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean its not happening. second, gear and fancy weapons don’t make good fighters. the afghans fight quite well without any of that, as did the bosnians, with nothing more than a field jacket for gear. plate carriers are a recent thing and nice to have but not essential, balls and brains are. i spent 30 years in the .mil without ever wearing any, and find it too constrictive, bulky, hot and slow to do me much good. besides people like me train to shoot hips and heads to counter them. yes there will be a food shortage/ die off. god help us.

Lachesis Atropos
Lachesis Atropos
4 years ago

I KNOW WHATS GOING ON, I’VE GOT MY STUFF, I’M PREPARED? You can have all the stuff you need, but how can anyone be prepared? For the patriots to succeed, we must communicate & work together. Most forms of communication are compromised. How do you know who you can trust to cooperate or work with in today’s environment? I survived 7 + years operating in Angola during their civil war. No one is ever prepared. The arrogant ultimately feed bacteria. We ALL need a plan, and we better start very soon. Sitting in your house with a mountain of ammo, guns, MREs, and a water filter isn’t a plan, or being prepared. Even with my training and experience, I’m not so certain of what to expect.

robert orians
robert orians
4 years ago

Christians are the greatest threat to the anti-Christ/Beast System that you see in your rear view mirror . We don’t fear death or the State .A study of eschatology reveals that the popular pre-trib rapture is a modern myth intended to lull the believer asleep. Find a Black Robe regiment church and join . ” And the Saints shall be given over into his [the anti-Christs] hand ” There is and will be a Remnant . Resist much until the end !


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[…] With the democrats/globalists sure to continue to push their ‘kill shot’ that will allow them to get America’s population down to Deagel’s forecast of less than 100 million people living here by 2025, less than 4 full […]