I Remember Crowdstrike

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Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
3 months ago

Our bank is down. Our daughter works for the state. They are down. One of our sons works for a major delivery company. They started late this morning.

They are saying a fix has been deployed. We shall see.

If this problem isn’t resolved soon, we might see electrical services go down.

3 months ago
Reply to  Pastor Guest

I read somewhere this morning that the fix has to be done local at the PC. I sure hope that’s not the case. If so we in this for the long haul.

3 months ago
Reply to  Warren

Yes, someone with administrative privilege (not most users in a business environment) needs to delete the offending file in a system recovery safe mode reboot. Applying the fix is going to be painful for a lot of folks.

One Pissed MArine
One Pissed MArine
3 months ago

So explain to me once again…how would Digital Currencies benefit us in a global outage??? Up yours Klaus and Fink!!

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
3 months ago

According to CNBC, Union Pacific states they “…are doing everything possible to keep freight moving”.

3 months ago
Reply to  Pastor Guest

Just think, their CEOs get paid $Millions to come up with such timely responses. What WOULD Union Pacific DO without them?

The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
3 months ago

Could this be a “beta test” for something coming soon?

3 months ago

Yup. You called it. My daughter was sent home early from work. None of the computers were working (North ID). Since they missed last Saturday, the cyberattacks are their next to last hope. The last hope will be starting WWIII. Plan accordingly. Bleib ubrig.

tom finley
tom finley
3 months ago

Their attempt to kill President Trump failed, now they are shutting down communication and air travel, what do you think they will do next, I think it will be collapse of the dollar.

3 months ago
Reply to  tom finley

The collapse of the dollar or of the economy would cost them their control over us…

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
3 months ago
Reply to  Quatermain

Actually, the collapse of the dollar would enable them to roll out the Central Bank Digital Currency.

3 months ago
Reply to  Pastor Guest

If they do,just don’t comply to it.

3 months ago


Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
3 months ago

Something is bound to happen before November 5. They can’t allow DJT to win.,Let it happen. Let the curtain fall. Tired of waiting. Let’s get this party started.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
3 months ago
Reply to  Arch Stanton

You’re right, something has to happen. They have been working to create an all powerful global government for more than an hundred years. Satan has been working to reach that goal for a much longer time. Too much effort has been expended for them to allow anyone else to gain control of our government.

If Trump overcomes all the obstacles they have placed between him and the presidency, they will not surrender. They will not tuck their tails between their legs, whimper and walk away.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
3 months ago

My wife called our bank at 2:30 and they said they had one computer working. She went to the bank and the lobby was closed and only the drive thru was open.