I wrote earlier today about insiders selling large amounts of their company’s stocks. What happens when “regular” people understand that the stock market is a ponzi scheme? How soon will this happen?
David DeGerolamo
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Insider buying and selling is a important data point about that stocks near future movements.
Greed and fear are the most powerful factors in Rich people’s actions.
If massive selling then their expecting a stock price drop and not a small ride it out drop.
Got trusted friends and family to ride out chaos?
Bezos has been dumping his as well.
I loaded the boat on March SQQQ calls about a week ago, added more on the dip this week! Beware the Ide’s of March! Hang on!
Meh. If and when it does happen, the Leviathan will just print more money and the Sheeple, Normies, Cucks, Mall Zombies, Tay-Tay worshippers, and Barbie cultists will just go on their shambling, texting, brain-dead, vaping ways. Life is a vale of tears.
I disagree.
David what has your gold indicator done?
Do you look at Asian market, EU market and American Market for gold prices?
Gold is up over $200 an ounce in the past year. Its price is still undervalued as is silver’s price. Once the dollar is replaced as the world’s currency, its price will go up as the dollar collapses. This will happen quickly which is why the regime wants to mandate digital dollars as soon as possible. For now, the price is holding over $2000.
I politely suggest the undervalued item is investments into trusted neighbors and physical assets.
My widow chicken lady gifts me eggs for the support of feed costs, pest elimination and trades her excess eggs for firewood that I arranged.
Could I buy eggs at Walmart cheaper, Yes.
I assisted the firewood-snowplow family with truck support and they keep me in inexpensive firewood and snow plowing.
I have a young couple that wanted to get into hogs, I helped them, and I get a half a hog a year from them. Also, they house sit for me and I for them when vacations are needed.
These are a few of my trusted friends. Not all my investments worked out so well but over all pretty happy with them.
I do have PM’s but think of them as almost wasted money. Maybe someday true Rule of Law and Sound Money will return and I will not have to trade my PM’s for fiat dollars in order to pay my taxes and such.
I agree that building community is important. I have built a community center and continue to expand my small farm. The library is getting donations, lumber is drying, firewood is split and stacked, and the sawmill should be up within two weeks. The springhead is flowing well and we have one broody hen that is keeping the other 9 at bay.
Chuckling Chicken TV is far better than “Reality TV”.
I’m aware of several broody hens right now. The big topic over coffee is how to protect the fruit trees if they bloom early from the expected late frosts. Easier when the whole neighborhood will assist. Many hands stuff.
Part of my goal was to ensure we had plenty of unrelated breeding stock. Amazing how many folks keep ONLY HENS and must buy new chicks each spring.
Our Whistle Patrol I mentioned earlier got a strange car full of “diversity” boxed in for the Sherriff this yesterday.
They were NOT AMUSED when they waved a Glock we waved several long arms.
Guess they didn’t get the message last time.
Very well. But consider the mindset of the great unwashed. As long as they have their bread and circuses, they will not care a fig about anything. It has been demonstrated over and over again since Wall Street, Teddy, and Hearst engineered the Spanish-American War. Keep in mind the quote attributed to the last real journalist in Amerika: “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.”
That is not to say I and my tribe are not prepped and vigilant. We have been ever since Y2K. But, if you remember, Clintonia positioned pallets of FEDGOV funny money all over the country to cover the anticipated banking meltdowns on 01/01/2000. And don’t think for one minute that the Deep State/MIC/Uniparty focus groups have not gamed this scenario well in advance. Most Americans are so stupid and clueless (I saw it for years as a Peace Officer and as a schoolteacher) they will buy into any explanation, whether it be a currency devaluation, dual currency solution or some type of CBDC scam. The Leviathan’s rusty Ferris Wheel will just keep on turning until Putin and the Chinamen are ready. Then the chastisement will hit. Bleib ubrig.
Commercial real estate is in trouble also as occupancy rates are down. No tenants means no rent paid. No rent means no mortgages can be paid. No mortgage payments means the loans go bad. And guess what many banks have on their books as “assets”? After the ’08 crash most banks would only lend for commercial building and high end rental projects. Both are bad bets in a recession. At least here in south Florida we are benefiting from all the financial businesses moving out of the northeast. I have a friend that owns an office building which is at 100% occupancy and the loan is paid off. All gravy.
It will not remain “ all gravy” as the empire falls.
The people selling off massive amounts of stock don’t just “know something is coming”…many of them are party to the plans about to be implemented. Plans that will cost all of US a lot of money.
They are part of the plan. Ready and willing to destroy our lives.
There was once a time that Sam Walton loved the country and people that made him wealthy. His children, who produce nothing but their lust of money , hate this country and the people… they are demons. Makes one wonder who would have “wealth” should there had never been a machine that produces dollars on demand.