The CDC has presented 5 scenarios above based on R0 (rate of viral transmissibility) values 2.0, 4.0 and 2.5. Early R0 estimates ranged from 0.1 up to 11. The initial exponential growth of SARS-COV2 was evidence of a pandemic but after 11 months, the governments of the world still cannot provide an accurate R0 value. Which can only mean that this pandemic is being used to institute a new world order with a greatly reduced population.
As we entered the fourth turning, the credibility of the world’s government and their media mouthpieces had become worthless. The people in this country watch as the Deep State financed insurrection spreads across the Democrat shit hole cities. The consequences of apathy, greed and immorality have led us to another civil war. At least the government had the foresight to withhold ammunition from the public to render the right to bear arms a moot point using the ubiquitous excuse of COVID.
David DeGerolamo
I am to the point where I don’t believe anything they say.