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- Pastor Guest on California-Based Insurer Crashes Amid Billions In L.A. Area Fire-Damage Losses
Unfortunately for the Cops — That’s where were at and its becoming clearer who’s with who --Times getting short, each day U can feel it -- one wrong move will start the “We the people” the armed millions moving -- so let it come if it must and God will truly sort out the wheat from the chaff -- God will as he always had is the LAST SAY in this matter — PS Come on China — your on our list too
Amen brother!
Been feeling this way for quite a while. Good message, needs to be re-posted everywhere. Thanks for adding this, Wes.
You’re Welcome
Like I always say, are the police going to honor there oath of office to support and defend the Constituion, which includes our Bill of Rights since 12/15/1791 or are they now working for the New 4th Reich, commonly called The New World Order. or The Great Reset !
Too many cops will side against us (NOT ALL), maybe even the majority. I wish it wasn’t the case but unfortunately we will have to deal with the cards we are dealt.
It WILL be ALL, sooner or later, because those who don’t will not be cops any longer.
Yes. Thanks for posting this. I’m a retired LEO. I will soon be deemed a criminal because I will not comply with the forthcoming usurpation of my 2A rights. I agree with the video’s author that if LEO’s don’t start refusing to follow obviously un-Constitutional orders, then it will not end well for them. As much as it pains me, I would support ANY activism against un-Constitutional enforcement by those who took an oath to support and defend the Constitution.
Most LEO’s know and understand how to interpret the elements of a law for the purpose of establishing probable cause for an arrest. So interpreting …”the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” should be a no brainer. Most LEO’s however, are not taught that the U.S. Constitution IS the “Supreme law of the land”. I wasn’t. I was simply taught to enforce the laws of my jurisdiction and if said law was subsequently found to be un-Constitutional, I would be told. The courts however, are now as corrupt as the government and a great many LEO’s will place their continued employment ahead of their oath.
So, yeah. This will NOT end well.
Did you ever confiscate property from anyone? Gun?knife? Weed? If so why? Orders from courts or superiors? Because It’s the law? I’m not dissing you, But these are questions we will ask everyone who has ever worn the government boot and carried the government sword. Its survival now.
In case you missed it Rabbi, Both the video and I are referring to LEO’s enforcing firearm ‘laws’ which are in obvious contravention to the 2nd Amendment, Bill of Rights, U.S. Constitution.
To answer your question though, yes, yes, and yes. Because they were used in violation of the law.
The law. The men who protected Anne Frank were in violation of the law. . The ones who killed her were obeying the law. But it couldn’t ever happen here right?
Do you honestly envision ‘we’ should be a part of the ‘group’ that begins interrogating ‘everyone’?
“everyone that worn the government boot.”
Careful what you say, and how you say it, some of these clowns will take it to their hardened hearts.
i have worn a government boot, Been on ships that carried huge swords, as have many here, by serving in the military are we not all guilty by association? Being young and ignorant will certainly be no excuse.
How long is it before i am considered an enemy? How long is it before i am considered evil? Not even worthy of receiving of a prayer from many of those who think and say,
that, they are of the of the Righteous ones? Not long from what i am seeing and hearing!
My idea of survival must be different than yours.
I only spoke generally mostly meaning my trusted inner circle on the questionnaire that will be a matter of survival.
Navy to your other question.
As far as inner circle. myself, i can’t plan that far ahead.
i hope repentance and forgiveness comes into play also and have know idea how these things are all going to fall apart and come back together,
i believe we have all been played to a degree in a big way that many still do not understand. Many are not willing to admit, and many are not willing to seek these Truths.
I was trying to point out the fallacious talk of some of the cops when they say I won’t enforce unconstitutional law after spending a 10 or 20 year career enforcing totally unconstitutional laws. lol 🤪
I think most cops are in it for a pension and a paycheck. It matters not to them what kind of government or regime is in charge because he will still have a job even if he’s working for the commies. Everyone on the conservative side of this battle chants “back the blue.” It is the blue that shuts down the businesses for non-compliance with COVID restrictions, it is the blue that arrests people for not wearing a face mask, it is the blue that stood idly by and did nothing during the ANTIFA riots that burned our cities to the ground. Maybe defunding the police isn’t such a bad idea. If cops will not abide by their oath to defend and uphold the constitution then maybe they should be defunded. Just say’n!
Here is another video posted by the same retired cop. He is talking about traffic stops when the driver has a concealed carry license and the cops go nuts because the driver has a gun.
The man presents a valid point. At some point in time we could all be reclassified as criminals with a stroke of a pen. Thank you sir for offering your opinion and having the balls to post it.
At this point in Time, anyone and everyone in ‘law enforcement’ is a Traitor to the Republic, and an Enemy of the People. They are the tools of the globalist (((bankster))) Overthrow of this Nation.
Remember, all you thugpigs who “served” in the Military -- when you were in the ‘Stan, Bombing, Burning, Raping and Pillaging in an Illegal War, those PATRIOTS who Fought to Drive the Invaders from their Lands, Couldn’t Afford Plane Fare to come and do the Same to YOUR Families.
We don’t need Plane Fare.
We Live next Door.
You make alot of valid points my friend.
Good points in the video. I would definitely back the police if they stood up for me and the Constitution. I spoke with a local sheriff who told me he would deputize citizens if necessary and needed. I don’t want to hurt local LEOs. Just don’t break my door down in the middle of the night because I’m old and crotchety and well armed.
[…] Source: […]
nothing tfA-t hasn’t said boldly, loudly, and often years and years ago…
tfA-t knows….
nothing new under the sun
Thanks for your video and your message.
Perhaps you have seen what this Pastor did on Good Friday to the Gestapo who tried to enter his church in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Or, perhaps you haven’t. Blessings to all
Gestapo came again to intimidate the Church parishioners during the Passover!!! Unbelievable! -- YouTube
Artur Pawlowski TV -- YouTube
Regarding the masks and the PCR
Tried to share this earlier, however the link posted wrong. Hopefully, it deleted for me. Here it is again…
This Must Stop! The Truth About The Swab Tests & Masks! Dangers of Ethylene Oxide Exposure
In the first episode of the remake of Battlestar Galactica, Cmdr Adama refuses to have soldiers act as LE stating that the police protect the people, the military fights the enemies of the state and when the two combine, the people tend to become the enemy of the state.
It seems pretty obvious to me that this is where we are, or at least heading rapidly. The video raises the question, on which side do they stand? Are they protecting the people or fighting the enemies of the state?