Ignorance and Complacency Have Consequences

Any government agency or company that required a “vaccination” in order to keep a position or job should be held accountable for its effects. Using people as guinea pigs must have consequences. There never was a legal basis for mandatory vaccinations. While companies may have the right to fire an employee without cause, they do not have the right to mandate a death sentence.

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago

Agreed, from personal experience. I remain a pure blood and sacrificed much to do so.

I’m not sure about the Guinea pig part of your statement, I believe the vax has done and continues to do what it was designed to do. I do not believe it was ever intended to vaccinate against a virus, nor to stop transmission or infection.

The entire mandate is evil incarnate.


Hammers Thor
2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

I agree the vaccine has done and continues to do what it was designed to do, but I also think the statement about using the populace as guinea pigs is accurate… they knew what it would do, but they wanted to see how many would simply comply.

It could be argued that, taken alone, the vaccine was just a huge mistake, based upon people being convinced that hundreds of millions would die without it. President Trump STILL believes this. I submit that he has no choice, because it would be beyond mind-bending to any GOOD person to learn, and believe, that the decision they made not only did NOT save lives, but cost potentially tens to eventually hundreds of millions of lives. It’s far easier to mislead and con someone than to convince them that they were misled and conned, especially considering the ramifications of such a devastating con.

However, if you take the vaccine, and the total wreckage of our economy, and the world economy, and the intentional failure to secure our border, and the destruction of oil refineries, and the deliberate stoppage of all oil drilling and exploration in this country, and the deliberate destruction of food processing plants, and the inability to get fertilizer to sustain crops necessary to feed the population, and the intentional destruction of our monetary system, and the aggressive attempt to take away our guns, and the theft of the 2020 election, well then, it doesn’t seem so much like a mistake and more like pure, unadulterated evil. The devil is growing very, very strong. We are in a spiritual war disguised as a war of ideology.

This won’t end well. Every one of us that passed the IQ test and refused the death shot will be called upon to rebuild after the destruction is complete. We simply must survive to get to the other side… the pin in the grenade has already been pulled, and it’s going off right now.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

Hammers Thor, thank you for your detailed response. Please, no more excuses for Donald. He knew on 9/11 that planes alone couldn’t have brought the towers down. After telling the world he was going to drain the swamp, that info alone would have started the draining. Instead, with the world as his audience, he never mentioned it. Give me a politician’s history on 9/11 and I’ll know how much they can be trusted.

Hammers Thor
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Stan, thank you for YOUR response. I am not excusing President Trump’s response on the vaccine now that we know what we know (what most of us suspected from the beginning), I am disgusted by it. Having said that, please tell me that you, or anyone, after potentially making an error as egregious as supporting the vaccine (please remember that many very good people supported the vaccine before they understood that it was a purposefully designed kill weapon), and then discovering that your support of this thing, which as president carries a great deal of weight, resulted in the deaths of MILLIONS, that it would not absolutely break your mind. I submit his response is an existential denial designed to keep him from coming to terms with this.

Time will tell if I’m wrong, but I know I would not, under any circumstances, be able to live with myself knowing that innocent people died because of my mishandling of what many believed (myself included) was a potentially devastating pandemic.

It should also be recognized that President Trump was under a relentless and unprecedented attack from the left, and many who claimed to be on the right, from the moment he took office, and even before. Remember, he was not supposed to win the election, and when he did, his destruction (and ours) was of paramount importance and the only thing that mattered, and they hammered him every moment of his administration and continue to this day. Despite all of this, he accomplished enough that is good to get reelected by a massively greater margin than he won the first election by, and EVERYONE knows it.

If you are a Star Trek fan, you will understand that he is facing a Kobayashi Maru situation… there’s no way to win. If he admits the vaccine is bad, he gets blamed by everyone who took the damned thing. If he doesn’t, he gets excoriated by us. The right thing to do… the thing that would truly show him to be of the finest character, IMHO, would be to admit the vaccine is poison. Easier said than done, evidently. Nevertheless, even though I am clearly in the minority here, at this point I will continue to support him. Doesn’t mean I am not extremely disgusted by his attitude toward the vaccine.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hammers Thor
Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

While campaigning for prez, Donald said that on 9/11 he saw dancing Muslims, not dancing Israelis celebrating the towers falling. This helps keep the gubmint narrative of Arab terrorists going and hides Israhell’s involvement. Tell me a politician’s 9/11 history…….
Covid brought the foreign war on terror home to us. The medical industrial complex has replaced the military industrial complex in this war at home. You have the right to support Donald as long as you like.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

“The right thing to do… the thing that would truly show him to be of the finest character, IMHO, would be to admit the vaccine is poison.”
Yes--resoundingly! He could even now make an end run around this Kobayashi Maru scenario by telling the world how he--not a physician--was conned at the highest levels, duped by all of those Nuremberg Trial-worthy scum who head the WHO/FDA/CDC/Pfizer, etc. to push his “life-saving vaccine.”
The “Savior of the Planet” title is a heady attractant.
Trump’s ego will never allow such an admission. He’s an arrogant & narcissist Walking Greek Tragedy.

Last edited 2 years ago by TakeAHardLook
2 years ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

the population were not guinea pigs, the powers that exist knew full well what these “shots” would do and what they would not do. (see Deborah brix, “We knew they wouldn’t work”) These shot are population eradication pure and simple. The immune system compromise is the goal, and the death of the elderly was mostly caused by complications of immuno-deficient systems and the issuance of a deadly drug known as Remdesivir.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

Excellent point, a perspective I hadn’t looked at as an experiment. I figured they had a good idea the numbers they could coerce and anticipated no violent revolt.


Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

I constantly talk about leadership and organization. A numbing example is about 162 gubmint leaders following in lock step with the Covid mandates, then pushing the jab. Evil has leadership and organization. They do not play fair which makes the carrying out of their mayhem much easier.
Since most of the religious leaders are on board with the evil ones, God’s people are led down the path of destruction. There is a reason that the prayers for deliverance for this nation are hitting the ceiling.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

I think “Guinea pig” applies: There is a great deal of evidence that different batches of the same jab had different formulations. The Japanese identified at least 10 different batches that assayed with different elemental content, of just one jab maker. There is also evidence that different batches had vastly different mortality rates, and that there were delays between releases of different manufacturers, like they were crunching the data to formulate the next batch.

They’ve always said it was a “system” that would allow them to make easy changes in future. They are clearly still experimenting, but just as clearly there is also an intended function, which has clearly nothing to do with producing immunity.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fido

it was also a Japanese doctor the identified the viral cell as an engineered bug back in January of 2020. Dr Kawaoka, Takehiro or Takehito? A gates funded bio-weapon developer.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fido

Great analysis, thank you.


tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

It was designed for population control, too this day they have not disclosed the ingredients of the kill shot, it was used on an emergency basis, for a flue that was 99.6% survivable. Me and my wife have not taken the kill shot and will not. Any one still in favor of the kill shot is guilty of mass genocide.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

I was fired for not taking the shot. I was denied a religious exemption (they allowed some) on the basis that I did not have a sincere religious belief. Even though they would not sit with me so I could show them in the Bible what exactly I believe. I have yet to find an attorney that would take my case for less than $150,000 upfront. Which I do not have. If some knows of anyone that would like to take my case, I would love to take it to court.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

It’s good that you’re going forward with proceedings about this. Doctors, nurses, according front desk staff, hospitals, medical clinics and facilities, pharmacies, veteran’s hospitals, etc., must feel pressure from what they coerced and attempted to coerce individuals to do; Covid-19 vaccinations and boosters, Remdesivir, ventilators, uninformed consent, telling pregnant mothers it was safe for them and their baby, telling women and men it wouldn’t affect their fertility, and that this was protective, and so many other blatant falsehoods. Any time one can agitate against these medical personnel for pushing such things is an opportunity to build momentum for the larger discourse and due penalties. Additionally, it seems that your rights are being further violated by having to come up with that amount of money to fight your case. At a minimum, there needs to be a full reimbursement for you upon winning your case, and others pursuing the same, and in other similar situations.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

I am sure there would be lawyers fees paid if the case it won. The problem is that kind of money. The other problem is no one wants to take anything less than a group case. I think I called 15 to 20 attorneys and only one said they would take a case like that, you know at $150,000.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Thank you, Thomas, I am sure you know you did the right thing.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I know I did, just to make companies pay, you need a lawyer.

2 years ago

lost my job at a prestigious military school b/c i wouldn’t get the vax. this after working every day for 18 months as “essential personnel” without a vax and seven years before that.

Steady Steve
Steady Steve
2 years ago

What private companies did was illegal under federal law. Specifically the version of the Nuremburg Code that was written into law ( it’s in Title 55 of the CFR’s) Anything approved by the FDA under emergency use authorization is considered to be experimental. It is illegal for any person (and corporations are legally persons) to coherce anyone into a medical experiment. Say by threatening them with loss of employment. Start a class action suit if you lost your job this way. Ask for every dime you would have earned to retirement.

2 years ago

“Clotters” and “Purebloods,” that’s ‘six degrees of separation’ right there, more meaningful than skin color, political affiliation or net worth.
Why? Because we are now talking about excess deaths--lethal events--beyond the usual risks of being born (sickness, accident, acts of God, etc.).
Oh, you say those 17 year-olds dropping dead in their sleep are not Vaxx-related?
OK! Then the mRNA “vaccines” are the leading cause of coincidences worldwide.
Wake the F up.

Last edited 2 years ago by TakeAHardLook