See additional comments on Tea Party Nation
I attended a debate last night (March 20th) sponsored by the Union/Towns County GA Tea Party. On one side was Dr. Eichenbaum and Publius Huldah presenting the case for nullification of unconstitutional laws as outlined by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. On the other side was Mrs. Peterson representing the case for an Article V Convention of States (COS).
While I believe neither strategy will be effective, I witnessed two our of greatest failings in action: ego and ignorance. As I expected, Publius Huldah presented Constitutional facts and historical precedents (video coming) concerning both nullification and Article V. Mrs. Peterson was ill prepared and quickly took on an attack position to preserve her ego. She failed miserably. Her unbased assertions that her debating opponents were advocating secession and armed rebellion to undermine her ignorance were pitiful to watch.
But that is not the ignorance that I want to address. There were several members of the audience who took exception in the question and answer session to attack Dr. Dan and Publius Huldah for stating that they were ignorant. Well this was one case where the shoe fit and they were ignorant: ignorant of the Constitution. If we argue for our ignorance, it will be ours. Once these people realized that their “side” was dangerous to our future Liberty, they reacted like petulant children who lashed out against their teachers. Neither one actually called anyone ignorant: the reference was to “ignorant voters”.
It was a sad commentary to see people who supposedly support the Constitution and the rule of law react to support their “cause” by attacking the messengers. I have seen this too many times in the past five years: people become obsessed with their solution or cause to the exclusion of how to regain our freedom and rights under natural law. If we do not work toward this simple common goal, we will lose. And right now, we are losing badly. Understand the consequences of failure: complete tyranny. Our only “obsession” must be freedom for our children.
David DeGerolamo
Here is PH saying we must repeal bad amendment [mistakes we were fooled into passing] -- She is now changing here position and proposes REPEALING AMENDMENTS but can not bring herself to admit that ARTICLE V is the ONLY method to AMEND. She cannot show any Constitutional support for NULLIFICATION nor can she show any Judicial support.
Nullification is not met=ntioned inside the Constitution and PH knows that so how can she present a viable Constitutional argument on what is not there period? I know how vindictive and name calling she can be -- just go to her web link and read the comments on the Article V 28th amendment -- which she no says is the only way to correct repeal -- So defend as you might but try and be fair and balance [ie: both sides].
Restore The Constitution We Have By Learning What It Means!
By Publius Huldah
Our Constitution really was a 5000 Year Miracle.
The attached pdf chart illustrates the Miracle. You can download it and print it out.
Rights come from God, and the purpose of civil governments is to secure the rights God gave us.
Accordingly, WE THE PEOPLE ordained and established the Constitution for the United States of America wherein wecreated the federal government.
A “federal government” is an alliance of Sovereign States associated together in a “federation” with a national government to which is delegated supremacy over the States in specifically defined areas only.
These specifically defined areas are the “enumerated powers” WE delegated to the three branches of the national (“federal”) government.
The States and The People retained all other powers.
The pdf chart depicts the elegant simplicity of our Constitution; lists the few and defined powers WE delegated to the national government for the Country at Large; shows how the powers WE delegated to the national government secure specific God given rights; and shows the retention of all other powers by the States and The People.
Our Constitution isn’t broken! Our Constitution isn’t outdated. The problem is that WE – who are “the natural guardians” of the Constitution – didn’t bother to learn it. Since we didn’t bother to learn it, we elected representatives who also hadn’t bothered to learn it. And so everyone ignores it.
And we abandoned the religious and moral foundation of our Constitution.
It is our own ignorance of our existing Constitution, and the collapse of religion and morality which have brought us to the brink of destruction.
Our Constitution doesn’t need “fixing”! The only Amendments we need are to repeal some of the previous Amendments we got deceived into approving.
WE THE PEOPLE need “fixing”. Restoration of our religious and moral foundation and our Constitution is the Answer to the Healing of our Land.
Let the Restoration begin with you. Share this Article. Print out the chart. Study it. Flesh it out with your own personal readings of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bible. Have study groups in your home. You can become a “guardian” of the Constitution. PH
September 1, 2013
Amen, David!