Ilhan Omar Hammers Trump Over USAID Shutdown

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Al Buckner
Al Buckner
13 days ago

Tell your homeland people about Dictatorship and what about the people of North Carolina, they still are waiting for their bridges to fixed.
You just unhappy that your ways are going to be short, but watched.
Trump is the Real President
The People Choice!

13 days ago

When a politician screams this much, it makes me think they are going to lose a lot of money. I mean a money stream from the taxpayers.. we already know that she is crooked. Hope somebody checks out her income

13 days ago

Go back to Somalia and where you came from, you are here illegally and you know it. You married your brother to get entry into our country and you lied about it and the fbi had all the records on you and your crimes and they did not follow thru on indicting you because you were a favorite of them, but very soon a new fbi director will looking at the charges and you will be charged. Do yourself a favor and leave now and return to the cave in the mountain with your terrorists comrades. Your days are about to come to an end.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
12 days ago
Reply to  Phil1350

Right answer. It’s time to rid the USA of this foreign bitch.

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
13 days ago

Who cares what this petulant inbred slag has to say? Let her stage her public tantrum, and just ignore her. The media will do what it always does in covering her, but their credibility is shot and their impact now greatly diminished. Meanwhile, Trump (and DOGE) should continue to bulldoze ahead with whatever amputations they can successfully carry out on the beast known as fedgov.

If he can keep hitting them this hard and fast for the next few months, the measures he takes will eventually be solidified, and the perpetual outrage of the left will eventually be worn down by it’s non-stop overuse. There’s no way they can successfully deal with a constant onslaught of this stuff, if Trump keeps his foot on the pedal. The left has their style of trying to overload the system. Well, welcome to the equivalent opposition action, you stinking parasites.

12 days ago

Someone needs to hammer her and whoever allowed her to be elected to a seat of government in this country. She needs a one way ticket back to Somalia where she belongs.

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
12 days ago
Reply to  YesIdid

Minnesota. ‘Nuff said. The same place that gave us the likes of tampon timmy, al franken and a whole cast of hopelessly ugly, stupid freaks..

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
12 days ago

Somalia is a failed state. Don’t waste our breath much less our money.